
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

It's time to reboot the country ...

You know, shut it down and start it up again.  Yes, we did that for an entire year but the bad actors and slopware came back.  There are rumors we have another shutdown coming. 

So this time we need to do a clean install. 

Get rid of all the crap that’s insinuated itself into our system – the parasitic stuff that bogs down everything, makes our system run worse instead of better and drags down our overall performance.  The useless, distracting stuff that always pops up while we’re actually trying to get something meaningful done, attempts to propagate itself everywhere and tie up all our resources.

It's time to take back control of our system. 

We can safely delete most of the crap that’s accumulated over the years. It’s garbage.  Too much of it is simply redundant. Some of this bloatware may have been useful and well meaning at first, but now most of it’s just resource vampires that add absolutely nothing worthwhile. 

Here are some things that can go.  And the sooner the better.

End all programs paying able-bodied people not to work. Make parents – not the rest of us – totally responsible for feeding and caring for their own children.  It should never be socially acceptable to decide not to work and simply live off unearned government benefits.  Nor should it be acceptable for parents to shirk their obligation to feed their own children. 

Why are taxpayers now on the hook for feeding breakfast, lunch and dinner to 30 million school-age kids every day – even when school isn’t in session?  Because their parents can’t afford to feed them? Because SNAP benefits they already get aren’t enough? No, it’s mostly because a lot of parents have decided if someone else will feed their kids for free they don’t have to.    

I feel dumb even raising these blindingly obvious points.  What genius ever thought any of this was a good idea? Now, it’s okay to help people in need, but we’re way, way past that now. 

The longer we wait to address this, and we must, the more painful the remedy. 

An easy cut is eliminating the Department of Education.  We can easily do without it.  It’s absolutely useless, except as a mouthpiece for teachers’ unions and promoter of silly experiments dreamed up by out-of-touch academics constantly trying to find new ways to justify their existence by paving the cow path.

Do we really need a new way to teach students how to add, subtract, multiply and divide?  Or to address imaginary “racism” and “sexism” in math? Or to teach kids as young as six or seven years old that gender has nothing to do with biology or what’s in their pants – it’s entirely up to them to choose or change their gender any time they like.  Do we need any of this?

Nope. But the bureaucrats at the Department of Education think we do.     

After we dump this travesty let’s drill down and decertify the teachers’ unions.

Before we do that, I concede good teachers can have a powerful, positive, and lasting impact on a student’s future success.  They add value to our society.   

But teachers’ unions don’t provide a damn bit of value. Not a bit. If anything, they are an obstacle to reforming and improving our dreadful public education system.  These protect bad and incompetent teachers, fight any accountability, and support brainwashing impressionable kids with looney-tune racist ideas. Like that skin color alone determines their prospects for success in our country. That whites are automatically oppressors; everyone else is a victim of white oppression.  That we are a country of racists.  And that our Constitution was created almost exclusively to protect slavery.  

Teachers’ unions today are engaged in nothing less than institutionalized emotional and intellectual child abuse.  It’s long past time to bring them to heel. 

Next up: fossils in Congress. Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, Libertarian or whatever, I don’t believe I’m alone in thinking Congress could use the legislative equivalent of a high colonic.  At the very least we should have term limits and enforce these retroactively.  Anybody already in the House for more than six years would have to go immediately. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. We should also take this opportunity to repeal the 17th Amendment and put selection of Senators solely back in the hands of each state’s legislature.  

Then, going forward, anyone new running for a House seat would be limited to two two-year terms.  Senators would be limited to one six-year term.  This combined action on Congress alone would fix the most grievous problems in our country. Want to reduce the distorting impact of dark money and special interest groups on Congress?  This would do that.  Almost instantly.   

Next, stop funding NGOs. I don’t care where they are, what they do, or who they are supposed to be helping. NGOs serve themselves as much as anyone else.

Think Catholic Charities is arranging housing, food, and transportation for illegals out of the goodness of their hearts? No, they, like all the other ostensibly “non-profit” social service NGOs are getting paid by our government to do this and paid pretty well at that.  Plus, funding to NGOs allows politicians to secretly send our tax dollars to groups below the radar to do things they don’t want the American public to know. 

Why? Because politicians realize taxpayers would be pissed if they did.   

Like quietly arranging for the transport of Covid-positive illegals and their families away from our borders to hide them somewhere else in the US. Like a small town near you. Secretly housing them in a hotel or motel in your town and providing them with spending money.    

Yes, NGOs – Catholic Charities in particular, and others – are doing that. Right now.

Next, stop sending money to “nonprofits” altogether. That includes NPR, the CPB, PBS and any other remnants of what have devolved into nakedly partisan “state” media.

First, these aren't actually “nonprofit.” Their “nonprofit” status is a technicality. These all make money and pay salaries, sometimes big, big salaries. Think anyone at a “nonprofit” works for free? Do you believe the staff at NPR, CBP and PBS work there for nothing?

Hey, Sesame Street makes money and charges local PBS stations to show it. 

State-supported media always have an inherent conflict of interest; now ours is just a propaganda mouthpiece for Democrats.  Doubt they are biased? Just listen to the slobbering PBS and NPR reporters kissing up at the current White House briefings or covering Democrats in general. Do they cover Republicans the same?  Did they cover Trump the same way? NFW. 

Our public broadcasting industry really has no reason to exist anymore with all our media options today.  They certainly aren’t providing objective news. There’s no dearth of content elsewhere.  Honestly, America can live just fine without Downton Abbey and other made-in-UK series nestled within the nonstop beggathons.  Nor should American taxpayers be paying for the far left’s social agenda promotions, such as the increasingly “woke” Sesame Street adding the obligatory transgender or gender-fluid Muppet.  Americans shouldn’t be paying to support any of this.

If advertisers want to support this, fine. Let them.    

Finally, get rid of the politicians on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and atop all our military branches.  Force their retirement, whatever, but get this current crop of woke bozos away from any say over our military. They are an embarrassment to our people in uniform, to our country, and are a laughingstock to our adversaries.  They are supposed to protect us from threats from abroad; instead, they want to focus on mythical threats from within our own country – that’s not their job, not now, not ever.

All of the above is just a good start.  We should do it.  

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Democrats' imaginary mandate ...

For some bizarre reason, Democrats believe they have a mandate to do all kinds of crazy things. Even though Biden never promised any of this looney stuff when he was running for President. And Democrats are scarcely holding on to the House and Senate. 

In fact, except for Biden’s win and Trump screwing up the Georgia Senate races, Democrats took it in the face in 2020.  They lost seats in the House, have to deal with a squeaker 50-50 seats in the Senate, and it was a bloodbath for them pretty much everywhere on the state level.
So where do they come off acting like the public demonstrated its support in the last election for whatever wild-ass crap Democrats want to do now.  

Democrats have to know the public’s not on board with all this.  They have to have some internal polls – not the self-serving push polls from their left-leaning media friends – showing how ordinary Americans really feel about all this. 

Just a wild guess here, but I bet it’s not good.  

I’ll concede Democrats have worked the free money angle to their advantage. But it’s like a sugar rush: feels great for a short while and then you feel sick.  There’s are more serious downsides, too – they’ve pumped so much free money out there people aren’t interested in going back to work, which hurts small businesses like restaurants, and inflation is also starting to creep up. 

The voting public also never said they wanted socialism. Or authoritarian rule. Or censorship. Or a government takeover of healthcare.  

Or forced vaccination with a still experimental vaccine.  Or packing the Supreme Court. Or a Federal takeover of all elections.  Or open borders. Or providing full benefits to illegals. Or allowing non-citizens and teenagers to vote.  Or giving amnesty to millions here illegally.  Or paying off everybody’s student loans.  Or ending the filibuster in the Senate.  Or eliminating fossil fuels.  Or spending trillions to bail out financially incompetent blue states. Or trillions more to retrofit every house and business in America. Or providing Federal funding for abortions, even those for teens without their parents’ knowledge. Or a guaranteed income whether you work or chose not to. 
Or allowing biological males who identify as female to compete in sports against biological females. Or teaching children that gender is not biology, but merely how you feel. Or promoting that children as young as pre-teens should be allowed to get gender reassignment treatment and surgery.  Or providing Federal funding for any and all members of our military who want gender reassignment surgery.  
Or teaching public school students America is a horrible country founded on slavery, steeped in racism still today, and that skin color alone determines whether you are oppressed or an oppressor.  (Spoiler alert: white people are oppressors; black and brown people are oppressed.)  

And lots, lots more.  

Nope. The majority of voters in 2020 did not vote for any of those things. Apparently many only voted for Biden because they hated Trump.  Biden didn’t articulate any of the above while campaigning; in fact, Biden said he was opposed to many of these back then.
That’s probably why so many Americans are freaking out over what Democrats are trying to ram through now.  None of this was on the table when they voted.  Now it all is.  

Democrats do realize many of these are wildly unpopular with the American public. I suspect that’s what’s driving their frenzied rush to get their agenda passed and signed before the midterms in 2022.
Much of what they want to do is blatantly unconstitutional, like a Federal takeover from states of all elections.  Or creating new rules for anyone who wants to run for President.  Or, for that matter, working with tech firms and social media to censor things they don’t like.  Or dozens of other crackpot schemes they are trying to sneak into law. 

Still wonder why they pre-emptively want to pack the Supreme Court?  
Biden’s a senile idiot and Harris is stupid and obviously in way over her head. Neither of them has the brains to pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel. Biden reads everything off a teleprompter or his cheat cards, and he still screws up even when he gets the questions in advance. When Harris get’s stumped, which is often, she just cackles and hopes the awkward moment passes. Or she makes some completely ridiculous statement Biden flacks have to walk back immediately. 

These two dimwits have no business even pretending to run the country. They are also dangerous because they seem incapable or unwilling to stop the true crazies in their party from destroying the country. Make no mistake, that’s what the Democrat loons are doing.  

They are the real danger to our democracy, not white supremacists and voter ID laws. 

The other day I said what scares me is about all this is that no one seems to remember history and how authoritarian regimes like those of the Bolsheviks, fascists, and Nazis came to power.  

But what scares me even more is that they actually do remember this history and are using it as a blueprint to create their own. 
BTW, none of these authoritarian regimes had a popular mandate either, when they started. They bluffed their way into power and control until it was too late to stop them.    


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

They're enhancing Trump's folk-hero status ...

It’s one thing to win an election. 
It’s quite another to try to destroy anyone who voted against you.  Or who had supported or served in the administration of the person you defeated. 
That’s the stuff of banana republics. And of despots throughout history.
It’s vengeance run amuck. It’s also a sign of fear that the people under attack might come back and overthrow you in time.
We’re living through that now. The left and Democrats are working hard to punish anyone who had anything to do with Trump. At the same time, they are actively dismantling Trump policies just because these came from Trump.  They’re doing this even when they are knowingly throwing out things that worked, such as his immigration policies and tax cuts.
They are using all the power they have – with assistance from the media – to blame Trump for the economic fallout from the pandemic and deny Trump credit for anything.
Trump created and funded Operation Warp Speed to produce and distribute the Covid-19 vaccines in record time, saving untold American lives. Trump did that, even while the media and Democrats said it was impossible to do so quickly.  Prominent Democrats like Biden and Kamala Harris said they wouldn’t trust any vaccine from Trump. 
However, their new story is that Biden inherited nothing from Trump, had to start from scratch, and was the one who produced and distributed the vaccines. If Biden hadn’t been elected and taken control of the situation millions of Americans would still be waiting to be vaccinated.  In fact, Biden says, there were no vaccines before he took office.  Which is hard to take since Biden and his wife got vaccinated on December 21 of 2019 – almost a month before he was inaugurated.     
It's all part of a new narrative; a revisionist history of sorts.  Something the Democrats and the media try to do all the time.  They want to turn Trump into a non-person. A boogey man. A bad dream. A nightmare they have vanquished for all time – you’re welcome, America.       
They are making it also crystal clear that anyone now who opposed them in the past and might foolishly think of opposing them anytime in the future will be destroyed personally, professionally, and financially.  Trump, his family, the members of his administration, his friends, his allies, and his supporters will serve as examples of what can happen.
They want their heads on spikes.  All of them. 
I’m not all that surprised. Disgusted, yes; surprised, no. 
Even before Trump was the Republican nominee, the left, Democrats, the media, and many in the Republican establishment as well, wanted him destroyed.  Democrat hacks like Cyrus Vance in New York and other states’ attorneys in blue states started investigating everything Trump in hopes of finding something to take him out forever. Letitia James was elected attorney general in New York on the campaign promise to prosecute Trump; precisely for what, wasn’t important.    
Democrats, the left, and their media sycophants might believe they are doing God’s work to purge America of all things Trump.  The constant harassment of Trump, his family, his allies, and former members of his administration – which has gone on since before he was elected and continues today – will probably have the completely opposite effect of what they have hoped. 
Whether or not they realize it yet, they are turning Trump into an even bigger folk hero than he was.  Their obsession with destroying him and anyone associated with him appears overtly and unnecessarily mean-spirited and vindictive to many Americans.  

The more frenzied they become, and the broader they expand their target for rage and retribution, the less it appears entirely warranted. 
Especially now that anyone who voted for him is also a pariah. That’s over 74 million Americans at last count.  That’s a lot of the electorate to write off as hopelessly evil, stupid, racist, and worthy of scorn. That’s close to half of all those who voted in 2020. 
Could just be me, but if somebody continues to ridicule and belittle that many Americans every day, there’s going to be a backlash.  Yet that’s exactly what Democrat party leaders, late night talk show hosts on ABC, CBS and NBC, alleged “news“ anchors on CNN and MSNBC, and daytime network shows like The View are doing every single day.
They are all spewing unrelenting contempt for millions of Americans.
All that’s going to leave a mark. And it is. 
It’s already having a dramatic effect on ratings, which is one metric that gauges where America is going.  CNN and MSNBC are losing viewers in record numbers; some former “hit” shows on CNN are struggling to attract more viewers on average than attend an Ohio State football game. The Gutfeld! Show on Fox is outpulling every other show in his time slot – at times more than a couple of them combined.  The number one morning show in cable is Fox and Friends.  In terms of the demographic most wanted by advertisers, four of the five top cable news shows are Fox News properties.  
Apparently, ordinary Americans don’t like being insulted. Who knew?
Obviously not the folks running the other media outlets and networks. 
Instead of demoralizing Trump supporters, which is what they hope they’d accomplish, they’ve simply fanned their passion for Trump and against Democrats, the left, and the media. Support for Trump has hardened among his supporters and increased among independents.
Once again, people may not have liked Trump the man, and may not still, but they liked that he pretty much did what he promised to do.  No one ever doubted what he thought or would do because he always told everyone right up front. Often bluntly. His supporters loved that candor.   
Unlike the current administration, Trump never hid his agenda or waffled on his beliefs.        
I’m pretty sure Democrats in Congress and the left-leaning media are starting to feel the ground shift beneath them. They can produce any number of self-serving polls showing people like Joe Biden personally and are always in favor of getting free money. When Joe stands up for something with which they don’t agree, like open borders and free benefits for illegals, and the free money runs out, it will be a different story. No matter how hard the media tries to spin it to protect him.  
Right now, Democrats, the left and the media are in a state of denial that this could ever happen.
But it will. It’s a certainty.   

Friday, May 28, 2021

Why there's systemic racism in America ...

When the government creates policies and programs designed specifically to benefit one group over another purely on the basis of skin color, that’s the definition of systemic racism. 
Doesn’t anyone else see this?  It’s so obvious. 
It surprises me that this is ignored all the time.  Maybe I shouldn’t be. 
Democrats and the left have a long history of overt institutionalized racism. 
Racial segregation before and after the Civil War was always a Democrat thing.  Jim Crow laws came from Democrats.  So did poll taxes and tests.  The Klan was essentially a Democrat social club.  The Democrats’ abortion-rights hero – Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood – specifically set up her clinics in poor black neighborhoods to minimize the number of black babies born.  Democrats, led by former Klan recruiter Robert C. Byrd, filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in an attempt to keep it from passing. Even the current President, Joe Biden, was opposed to desegregation because, in his own words, he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle.”  
So you can spare me and the rest of America the BS that Democrats have always been on the side of blacks and other minorities. Nope, they haven’t. And while they – along with the progressives and other leftists – like to huff and puff about the need to address our “systemic racism” they’re actually the ones promoting and instituting what can only be called systemic racism throughout our nation.
Here's the thing: anytime you have elected politicians supporting quotas and preferences based on race, that’s automatically racist.  They are defining who gets what, and who doesn’t, based on skin color.  When government incorporates those quotas and preferences into laws and regulations, it becomes institutionalized racism.  In other words, systemic racism. Got it? 
That’s what Democrats, the progressives, the left, and committed racists like BLM and the SPLC claim to be trying to eliminate. They have a curious strategy, however.  
They want to end systemic racism by making more of it. 
The key for them is codifying preferences and quotas to reward one racial group over another.  If it were about equality, everybody would be treated the same. But they don’t want equality; they now claim they want “equity.” That means they are still discriminating by race, yet not because they’re racists, which they are, but because they claim they want a level playing field. 
Which, of course, they don’t really want. If they wanted a truly level playing field everybody would be treated equally and play by the same rules. That would eliminate their leverage to raise money, appease their constituencies, and demand allegiance from affected minority blocs.            
There already are real and implicit government quotas by race for all kinds of things.  Who gets government contracts.  Who gets promoted in the military.  Who gets a mortgage, bank loan or a loan guarantee.  Who gets research grants and funding.  Who gets hired in any company that gets Federal money.  Who gets a board seat in publicly traded companies.  Most recently, the Biden administration, in the name of addressing systemic racism, pushed through a program that disproportionately rewards black farmers over farmers of other races. 

Thereby promoting more systemic racism. Thanks, Joe.   
Our government’s not the only one pushing racist quotas. 
Our colleges and universities are happily enforcing quotas of their own. They are quietly discriminating on the basis of race; when they are caught, they plead that they must, to ensure “diversity” on their campuses.  

The truth is, based only on pure test scores and performance, Asians would beat out most other applicants at many of our premier academic institutions. So, much like the days when Harvard discriminated against more qualified Jewish applicants, the admissions departments at Harvard and other top universities have been penalizing Asian applicants and giving extra points toward acceptance to black and Hispanic applicants.  That’s racist, regardless of who is doing it.

But no one in power is brave enough to say the blindingly obvious. They know if they did, they'd be branded a racist, which, at the very least, is ironic.   
The discrimination in academia by race alone is illegal, no matter the rationale.  In fact, any discrimination by race alone is illegal under our laws.  No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. 
Think about this: if colleges and universities started discriminating against black or Hispanic applicants based solely on race, the ACLU and pretty much everybody else would be appalled. Lawsuits would fly and the Supreme Court would be involved. 
No, in our current political and cultural environment it’s okay to discriminate by race as long as it’s at the expense of races that aren’t black, or to a lesser extent Hispanic. 
It’s a bizarre world we live in. Consider that there’s a Black Entertainment Network, a BET Awards Show, an Essence Black Women in Hollywood Awards Show, a Black Film Festival, the Black Lives Matter movement, and a Black Caucus in Congress.  There are also demands today on many campuses by blacks for black-only segregated dorms. Some “black-only” protests demand that when these occur all whites, including white students, faculty, and staff must leave campus.
Somehow, all those are perfectly fine.  Laudatory, even, by the liberal Democrats, progressives, the left, and their friends in the media. Yet if you substituted “white” for “black” in all of the above, they’d be screaming that you’re a racist bigot. A white supremacist, too. Perhaps a Nazi.     
Not them, of course. Whether they’re cognizant of it or not, they’re using government policies and laws to institutionalize systemic racism to fight against systemic racism.  Weird, huh? 
Talk about a lack of self-awareness.   
They can call it “equity,” “leveling the playing field,” “addressing historic wrongs” or whatever they like, but the reason there’s systemic racism here is because they continue to create more of it. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

How to stop virus and ransomware attacks ...

Hunt down the people creating and launching them.  And execute them.

I’m serious.  Find them and quietly execute them on the spot.  Don’t arrest them. Don’t wait for some drawn out public trial, or pleas for mercy because they might be kids.  

They show no mercy to others. Don’t show any to them.  Exterminate them immediately once they’re found. Wherever that is.  Here or anyplace else in the world.

We all know we could actually do that if we wanted. If we can find a mass murderer in Pakistan and send in a team that kills him, we can find and take out these guys.  If we can drone strike the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard while he’s traveling in Iraq, we can do the same to them.  You know we’ve done this behind the scenes to bad guys around the world for decades. 

Bad guys sometimes just seem to disappear without a trace never to be heard from again. Organized crime has been known to do this at times, and sometimes for us as well.          

But that’s not enough. Freeze and seize their assets, bank accounts, online crypto currency stashes, computer hardware, personal possessions – anything they owned, rented or borrowed before or after they started writing and pushing out viruses or ransomware.  

Do the same to everyone in their orbit, anyone who may have provided any help or encouragement to them at all. 

Then permanently pull the plug on any service provider they’ve used to spawn their wares. Find who owns that service provider and put them in jail forever.  Again, no mercy. 

Make it known in their “community” that associating with someone writing, producing, or even just distributing a virus or ransomware attack makes them an accomplice, equally guilty and subject to the same extreme punishment.  Like “disappearing.” Again, no matter where they are. 

Now, some – like the ACLU – would say this is a violation of their rights. I would say they have no rights anymore.  They are fine with endangering the lives of millions of innocent people, just as the recent ransomware attack on the Irish health system clearly demonstrates.  Once that attack began, the authorities had to cancel all appointments and surgeries.  

Some would also say the U.S. cannot be involved in such extra-judicial activities, especially when these might encompass foreign nationals. I would respond that the U.S. doesn’t have to do this itself; there are plenty of private contractors – like Blackwater and others with private strike teams – that would be happy to do it for us. For a fee of course.  Or a simple bounty on their heads.

It would be worth every penny.

We might even get some tech billionaires to help underwrite the cost.  It’s their software and platforms being used as vehicles to enable and carry out many of these attacks, after all. 

What about computer viruses and ransomware that originate in other countries; do we have the right to go in there?  Legally, perhaps not. But should we, yes.  

And we’d probably get away with it. 

Does anyone think Russia, which has enough economic and political problems already, wants to be seen as a haven for virus and ransomware operations?  A lot of them are there, and in other eastern European countries; the leaders of those countries certainly know who the bad actors are and what they’re doing. 

Does anyone think China, trying to charm and win over the rest of the world, doesn't know exactly who the hackers and ransomware creators in their country are? Of course they do; China's a police state for God's sake.    

But like the others they won’t admit it. They can’t. They have to pretend they care.  

Think about it: if the trackers start sweeping these operations out of their countries, do you think any of those leaders would stand up and fight to preserve them?  They’d have to first admit they knew who these modern-day pirates were and what they were doing all along.   

When hackers and ransomware bandits attack school systems, police departments, pipelines, public utilities, hospitals, and the entire health system of a country, it’s time to realize how dangerous these criminals are to everyone. Not just the U.S. But to the entire world.  

It's time to take them out with extreme prejudice. Wherever they are. 

Whatever the cost.        


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Intentionally provoking a civil war?

I honestly believe that’s what the extreme left wants. 

I also think they believe they’d win.  Maybe they think this because the media is making them believe they have a majority of the public on their side.  The media keep reporting ridiculously skewed polls that the left interprets as confirmation of their popularity. 

The left is making a grave mistake.  It’s akin to someone who starts to believe their own press clippings. Biden believes he and his ideas are wildly popular with Republicans.  He’s said as much. In fact, he’s not. He’s not that popular with independents either, despite what the media claims.  He gets relatively high marks for handling the Covid vaccinations, but that’s it.

Most of the rest of his agenda and his “executive orders” are a bust. It’s not entirely his fault; he doesn’t fully understand what’s going on.  He’s being told what to do and what to say by others. Those telling him what to do and say have clearly lost touch with what mainstream Americans want, or are willing to put up with.  Meanwhile, he’s hopelessly clueless. 

His handlers and the media are doing their best to prop him up and make it appear the public loves him and “his” policies, such as they are, but it’s wearing thin. They are all afraid to let him go off script, even to the point of requiring reporters to submit questions in advance so his handlers can put the approved response for him to read on his teleprompter. We all see this. 

We all see as well how big tech and social media platforms are censoring anything negative about Biden, his family, his supporters, BLM, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and any criticism of the policies they are promoting. No one can criticize the tech companies and social media platforms doing this heavy-handed censoring, either, or they are shut down, too.  I’ve personally never seen this level of censorship before, nor have most other Americans. 

And they aren’t subtle about censoring, or even embarrassed. In fact, they brag about it.  

This pandering to the far-left progressives has severely damaged what very little credibility Democrats and the media retained. Yet they continue to manufacture and promote stories and narratives that are laughably false. No one believes them anymore. 

That’s obvious to everyone but perhaps themselves. Or maybe they think no one is noticing and they are getting away with it.  

Here's the reality the left and their allies in Congress and the media are hiding. Dig down deep enough on the same polls the media and the left like to promote and this is what you'll find.        

No matter how many times Democrats call the January 6 incident an “insurrection” and an “assault on our democracy,” and the media keeps spinning the same narrative, most in the public aren’t buying it.  It was far less destructive than what the media still refer to as the “peaceful protests” that actually wrecked and burned city after city month after month.

Look, we’re a kind, generous and compassionate nation but the American public -- regardless of their own race or ethnicity -- doesn't want open borders. It doesn’t want thousands of low-skilled migrants illegally breaching our borders.  It doesn’t want to give automatic citizenship and full benefits to them. It doesn’t want our leaders to encourage parents in Latin America to shove their kids across our borders, hoping we will take care of them. 

Our public thinks abortion should be legal, with reasonable restrictions, but doesn’t want Federal tax dollars to be used to fund abortions here or abroad. The public also doesn’t believe transgendered men who identify as women should be allowed to compete against biological women, nor should our tax dollars be spent on gender reassignment, much less for kids.    

The American public is overwhelmingly in favor of voter ID to cast ballots, too. It knows that practically everybody – except criminals and those here illegally – already has government issued photo IDs. Even polls of blacks and other minorities, supposedly harmed by voter ID laws according to the left and the media, show they broadly support voter ID laws.    

However, the propaganda machine run by our media hides this. Hiding the real data showing what the American public actually supports doesn’t make any of the above untrue.  However, it encourages the left to pursue irresponsible policies unpopular with the majority of Americans by pretending there’s widespread public support when there is in fact widespread opposition.   

Now the left is pushing to pack the Supreme Court, a proposal that, despite claims to the contrary by partisan pollsters and the media, is opposed to by most Americans.  If the left succeeds in this, it will have taken a dagger to one of the most respected institutions in this country. 

But, of course, the left doesn’t mind doing this; the left’s opposed to anything that allows citizens to have faith in the basic fairness of the United States as a nation of laws, not man, and what once were known as American values.

That’s why the left despises the Constitution – it tells us our rights come from God not government, for one, but it also limits what government can do to abridge those rights.       

The left especially detests the Second Amendment.  Not because, as the left and the media constantly proclaim, it empowers people to buy and use weapons of war on their fellow citizens. 

No, the real reason the left wants to dump the Second Amendment is because of why it was originally placed in the Bill of Rights. It’s there as a reminder to would-be dictators that they can’t assert total control over the citizenry by first disarming the public, leaving them defenseless.  The Brits tried that when we were their colonies. It didn’t turn out well for them. 

In reality, the left and Democrats aren’t actually opposed to guns, just who is allowed to have them.  And how they might use them.  Especially "right-wing extremists" and "white supremacists" who have already tried once to "overthrow our democracy." 

Doubt that? Think about the fencing and troops still surrounding the Capitol to “protect our democracy.” Really? That why they’re there?

That’s bullshit.  The media know that. So do Democrats. They are afraid of the American public in general, not a handful of right-wing loonies.  That’s why the fencing and the troops remain. And also to send a message to the public that the left and Democrats are in charge and will use troops and fencing to maintain their power. It's a bad message to send, particularly now.    

Trying to destroy our protections in the Constitution, the checks and balances in the design of our government which the Democrats representing the left are trying to do, politicizing the military, and encouraging anarchy and assaults on law enforcement is a recipe for disaster.

The American public simply won’t stand for it, especially since the left and their allies in Congress and the media are trying to pull all this off all at once. It’s all too much, too quickly.   

The left and Democrats are getting dangerously bad information if they think they can do this.  The media and partisan pollsters are feeding them bad data. When the too-heavy hand of government starts dictating to citizens what they can do, where they can go, what they can say, who they can do business with, and where and what their children must be taught, a lot of folks will start to push back. 

You’d think they would have learned that from the pandemic shutdowns. Keep up the pressure and even the most passive among us will rebel. Then it snowballs.   

The left and their Democrat and media pals must be feeling that pushback. If they don’t, they’re blind and deaf.  That’s the only possible reason they’re jamming everything through they can at breakneck speed.  Their leaders realize time is running out on them. Now that vaccines are here, the public is not as willing to put up with the nonsense; the public is beginning to realize that all the shutdowns weren’t really about the virus, but about wielding power over them. And the public’s pissed.  

The left and their friends in Congress and the media are playing with fire.  Maybe this is intentional to provoke an all-out civil war.  Maybe that’s what they want so they can install an even more authoritarian government, crush all dissent, and rewrite the Constitution to suit their wishes.

They should really reconsider if that’s their goal.  Pushed too far and Americans will rise up to defend their freedoms, as they did against the British with the American Revolution.   

Legal gun owners in America already constitute the largest standing army in the world by far.  In case anyone has forgotten, the exact language of the Second Amendment is: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Most gun control arguments focus on the “right of the people to keep and bear arms” phrase; often lost is what precedes that: “being necessary for the security of a free State.” 

That’s the “why” that should give the left and Democrats pause as they continue to try and unravel the freedoms, liberties, and core institutions that make America what it is.  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Everyone wants us to talk about race ...

So then, let’s talk. 

Let me start by saying I honestly don’t care what skin color anybody is.  Or what race they are, either. Seriously, I don’t. 

Skin color or race don’t define anything for me.  Character and ability do.

I’m not blind – I can clearly see what color someone is and could take a reasonable guess at their race if I tried.  But I don’t bother. Because I simply don’t care. 

That also means I don’t think anyone’s skin color or race makes them special in any way.  Nor should they be entitled to anything just because of either one. Or discriminated against, either.    

It may make a lot of folks angry that I don’t care.  That’s apparently intolerable to many who think I have some moral responsibility to care deeply about skin color or race.  Too bad.    

Protestors have spent several months tearing down statues, rioting, looting and assaulting the residents, businesses and police in city after city so that people like me pay attention to them solely because of their skin color or race.  I suppose their plan for me and others like me was to be so scared of them, or feel so guilty, that we’d decide they deserved super-special treatment. 

Speaking only for myself, it didn’t work. All I saw was violent mobs tearing down things that had absolutely nothing – in my mind – to do with the claimed source of their anger. Which, I’ve been told repeatedly, is “racial injustice,” whatever that is.  Nobody can define it. 

The whole Black Lives Matter stuff left me cold. And still does. Of course, black lives matter. But so do white lives, Hispanic lives, Asian lives, Native American lives, Pacific Islander lives, police lives, and all other lives matter. All human lives matter. Not just black lives.

But if you say that aloud you’re called a racist.  Go figure.

No one deserves special treatment or punishment because of their skin color or race. If you commit a serious crime and get caught, you’ll get arrested and maybe get punished.  It doesn’t matter what color or race you are.  Nor does the colors or races of the cops.  What does matter is how many other times you’ve been arrested and convicted before now, the severity of those priors, and the crime you're accused of now. 

That’s how it’s supposed to work. That’s equal justice under the law. For the most part, it works just that way day in and day out.  Objective data bear that out.    

The same goes for officer involved shootings. Draw a weapon on a cop and you are likely to get shot; the cops only see the weapon, not your skin color or race. In fact, these days in many urban areas it’s highly likely the cop who shoots you will be the same skin color and race as you.    

The fact that we’re all supposed to be treated equally under the law regardless of race, religion or ethnicity is one of the great appeals of our country to others around the world.

Another great appeal of our country is that, by law and by custom, you’re innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof always rests on the accuser, not the person being accused.  And what really infuriates the people who always yell racism about everything all the time is that they can almost never prove it.  Then again, they don’t care about proving anything.

They scream racism merely as a tactic to end discussion the same way a dog barks to get you to stop whatever you’re doing. They don’t want to listen to reason or facts any more than a dog does; they just want to get their way.    

I don’t care if anyone calls me a racist. I know I’m not, no matter how hard the media and some people try to make me feel like one.  There’s no proof.  I can’t think of a single instance that I made even the most minor decision based on skin color or race, or gender or sexual orientation for that matter, for or against, in my entire personal or business life.  Not one.  

I seriously doubt anyone who has ever known or worked with me could either. 

That said, it’s nothing to be overly proud of.  These simply were never issues I considered that important.  I acted out of complete and total indifference, not bravery or compassion or some abstract dedication to diversity or political correctness.  I did nothing special.

That’s why I don’t feel compelled to wear my indifference to anyone’s skin color or race on my sleeve, nor bring it up in every conversation or argument.  It’s so irrelevant it’s boring.   

My guess is most Americans of any skin colors or races probably feel the same way by now. The only racists among us are those who think skin color and race are an individual’s single most important attribute, above all else, even more important than the content of their character.  

So are we done here? 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The assault on reality ...

There are many things that make me dislike the media and Democrats. 

Yet there’s one thing they do that rises above all the rest.  They are trying to reshape reality.  It’s getting worse all the time.  It’s also tearing the country apart. 

Worst of all, I believe it’s intentional. I believe they know full well that they are manipulating what the public sees or hears to present a false narrative. And I think they are doing so gleefully, celebrating among themselves, that they are so much smarter than the general public.

To them, we’re a pack of ignorant rubes. Putting stuff over on us is just too easy.  They honestly believe we’re all too stupid to see through what they are doing to us.

They told us George Floyd was a innocent black man murdered by the police. He wasn’t innocent and he wasn’t murdered by the police: he had a long rap sheet and died from a lethal dose of fentanyl. Did what the police do aggravate his condition? Yes, but the reason he kept saying he couldn’t breathe was because that’s one of the results from the lethal dose of fentanyl he had ingested beforehand.  George Floyd was no saint, no upright pillar of the community, and he was resisting arrest. 

All the riots that then happened – all the “protests” over “racial injustice,” and “police brutality” that allegedly killed Floyd – ignored all of the above.  The looting, burning, assaults on police, and murders of innocent people by the “peaceful protestors,” as they were called by the media, that lasted for months had absolutely no basis in fact.   

But you wouldn’t know it based on media coverage.  If you only watched the major networks like ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, or relied on MSNBC, CNN, Facebook, Huffington Post, the NYT, LA Times, or Washington Post, you knew little about the chaos and destruction.  And saw even less. 

If you watched Fox or various online news outlets, you witnessed night after night of cities on fire, police and emergency vehicles torched, businesses being looted and then burned to the ground, and bystanders assaulted and beaten.  All while “peaceful protestors” openly celebrated. You also noticed black-clad Antifa types smashing storefronts and throwing firebombs. 

Still, all you heard on the local and national news was about “mostly peaceful protests,” and the Black Lives Matter movement focused on ending racial injustice, especially by police. 

The reality is that BLM is a Marxist organization that has almost nothing to do with protecting or enhancing the lives of blacks.  It’s a money-making venture that’s convinced corporations to give it millions as blood tribute. It’s also based on a lie: that blacks in America are victims of systemic racism and black men, like Floyd, are targeted and killed by racist police all the time. 

That’s complete bullshit, and the BLM people know it. Yet the media keep repeating that nonsense, despite stats that definitively prove otherwise. It’s been very effective, nonetheless.  In a recent survey, people were asked how many unarmed black men were killed by police on average each year. Most responded either in the hundreds or thousands. 

From official FBI stats: the actual number of unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019 was 19, not hundreds, much less thousands. To put this in perspective, it’s less than the number of blacks killed by other blacks in a couple of weekends in Chicago alone, but blacks killing other blacks doesn’t interest Democrats or the media enough to cover.  It should, but it doesn’t.

In late May 2019, Washington, DC, experienced riots, again supposedly over the death by police of Floyd and other blacks, that included setting a historic Episcopal Church right across from the White House on fire. Why was the church set on fire? That question was never answered.

The media chose instead to focus on Trump’s ill-advised photo op in front of the church on June 1 while holding a Bible, and that Episcopal officials didn’t approve of Trump being there.  They made a big deal about how Secret Service agents moved bottle-throwing “peaceful” protestors away from the area to protect Trump and others with him; they erroneously reported, and of course never retracted, that those agents used tear gas on the protestors.     

On January 6 of this year, a bunch of different protestors streamed into the Capitol, a scene captured by the cellphones and video cameras of plants working for CNN, BLM and others in the crowd.  Ostensibly, it was a protest against the certification of the 2020 Presidential election. One Capitol police officer shot through a broken pane of glass for some unknown reason and killed an unarmed female protestor. A couple of people had heart attacks and died, including one of the police there. 

The media and Democrats made up a story that the fallen police officer had been bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by one of the protestors. That wasn’t true – he was never hit and he died of a heart attack.  Several Democrat members of Congress claimed they feared for their lives because they thought protestors were out to kill them.  In fact, protestors were not armed, and they were more interested in finding Mike Pence than bothering Democrats.

AOC claimed she was terrified by protestors running down her hallway trying all the doors. Except protestors were never in the building AOC was in.  Other members of the Squad said they had to hide yet posted clips of themselves quaking in fear for their lives.  

Nancy Pelosi claimed that it was an armed insurrection incited by Trump supporters and white supremacists. All of which has since been proven false. There’s no evidence Trump incited the protesters to attack the Capitol, that white supremacists had anything to do with it, that protestors had any firearms, much less any intent to use them if they did, so everything she said is a lie.  Yet the media and Democrats keep repeating all this crap. Democrats in the House also used these fabrications to impeach Trump long after he was no longer President. 

Democrats and the media have used this one stupid event to justify ringing the White House with fence and razor wire, and thousands of National Guard troops, to prevent white supremacists from attacking the Capitol once again and possibly overthrowing the government.  The FBI has promised to crack down on white extremist groups and militias.

The reality is that what Democrats and the media continue to call an armed insurrection to overthrow the government didn’t really happen as they’ve described. There are no credible sources reporting that white supremacists or militias ever planned, or are now planning, to attack the Capitol. 

And instead of claims that protesters violently stormed the Senate and House chambers that day, there’s new footage that’s emerged showing Capitol police calmly welcoming some of the protestors in.  There’s also audio and video showing that some of the “protestors” that day urging others to break down doors were actually embedded by CNN and BLM. 

It's all bad theater. 

Recently, a nutjob in Georgia shot up several massage parlors because he was ashamed he had visited them for sex, and in his warped view by shooting them up it would end his desire for getting sex from them.  Now, just to review the facts:  nutjob shoots up various massage parlors he had visited for sex before; one non-Asian male and several Asian female workers are killed.

When captured, the nutjob confesses and insists to police it had nothing to do with race; he had nothing against Asians, just sex workers.  The police accept that. 

Almost immediately the media whip the story as proof that Asians are being persecuted and assaulted by whites in increasing numbers. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden fly to Georgia to comfort the families of the slain workers and go on record abhorring violence again Asians.

One of the sons of a slain female worker almost immediately gets interviewed by a network news crew to say how much his mother meant to him and how she always looked out for him. (A GoFundMe page started for him already has received over $3 million.)   

As if scripted in advance, Asians march to protest discrimination and violence against Asians.  Asians claim they are routinely assaulted, and their complaints are ignored.  The media imply it’s white supremacists at fault for the upswing in violence against Asians.

But, once again, what the media and leading Democrats are saying just isn’t true. 

There has been a surge in violence against Asians, especially in urban areas. But it’s not by whites; it’s by blacks. Remember that blacks make up less than 13% of the population. Whites make up about 62%. But about 28% of crimes against Asians are by blacks; about 24% are by whites. To make the math easier, Asians are almost 4.8 times more likely to be victims of crime perpetrated by blacks than by whites. 

Do we hear much about that? Why no. That’s because it makes the attacks on Asians more of a black issue, the same way blacks are victims of other blacks almost 71% of the time.

Yet if you watch the news, you’d think whites are doing all the crimes against Asians. Notice that when it’s a white guy assaulting an Asian the video of it makes the nightly news.  But when it’s a black guy who does it, well that’s not nearly as newsworthy; local news may run that video, but usually only to see if anyone can help identify the suspect.    

Finally, look at what’s happening at our southern border. 

Only recently have the media been forced to show what’s going on, mainly because a Democrat Rep. in Texas leaked photos.  If he hadn’t done that, the media would have still promoted the Biden administration’s claim that there’s no crisis there.

And if there were no photos, who would be any wiser? That’s their plan.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Democrats' addiction strategy ...

Free money is a powerful and addictive drug.
Once someone is hooked on free money, they want more and more. Eventually, they’ll do just about anything to keep getting it.  Including giving up some of their freedoms and basic values. The lure of free money can distract them from a lot of things they’d otherwise be outraged by. 
Democrats understand this.  That’s why they’re flooding the public with free money now so people won’t notice what they’re really doing. 
It’s also one reason why they won Georgia; the DNC sent out e-mails with a picture of a $2000 Treasury check and a note that if you vote for Warnock and Ossoff you’ll get this check.  Guess what? It worked.  If you don’t think so consider that when Biden had to scale back the checks to $1400 those who voted for Warnock and Ossoff were outraged: they’d been promised $2000.   
Biden and Democrats just pushed though a $1.9 trillion package – with $1400 checks for practically everyone, up to $21k extra each to Federal employees, another $3000 to parents plus $600 for every child under 6, and other refundable credits and subsidies. The amount of money blinded a lot of people, because, well, who doesn’t like free money?
That’s by design.  Because while people are salivating over the prospect of more money coming from Uncle Sam, they are ignoring what else is going on.  Even what else is in that bill. 
Like money for Planned Parenthood. Like money for states based on their levels of unemployment – effectively rewarding blue states who locked down businesses at the expense of states, like Florida, that kept businesses open. Like billions supposedly to get public schools reopened – on top of billions already committed to that and unspent already, and not likely to be spent in this year either. 
Like, once again, billions more for the arts, humanities, museums, Amtrak, PBS, and other pet special interests loved by Democrats.  Democrats in Congress are making it rain like Hunter Biden at a strip club.            
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross our borders.  The administration is working hard to neuter ICE and stop all deportations of illegals already here. Biden’s also planning to give those here illegally the same stimulus checks, healthcare, food stamps, and benefits legal U.S. citizens get. Not getting as much attention, is it? 
Before I forget, in addition to the ridiculous bailouts of billions largely designed to help poorly run blue states, also included in that $1.9 trillion porkfest are increased subsidies for Obamacare. Now you’ll be able to get a subsidy even if you are an individual making about $80k a year.  Make up to 150% of the poverty level – or about $30k a year – and you get a 100% subsidy.
This is their backdoor way to get everyone on Obamacare and provides a powerful incentive for employers to abandon their own plans and opt for dumping their folks onto the government-run exchanges for coverage.  Severing health insurance from the need to work for an employer who provides it once and for all has always been a long-term goal of the progressives.     
There are extended unemployment benefits as well, now through September, which is truly bizarre since hiring is up and unemployment is down nationwide. I guess Democrats actually want to incent people to stay out of work by making it more profitable to collect UC than work.     
If that’s not enough, separately they’re now trying to pass a law to take away the states’ traditional rights to manage their elections for Federal offices and give those powers to Congress. Among the elements they’re attempting to get into law that would apply nationally are provisions to make voter ID laws illegal, eliminate signature verification on ballots, require the mass mailing of absentee ballots, provide voting rights to convicted felons and those still incarcerated, and allow third-party ballot harvesting. In short, all the things that have helped Democrats. 
State legislatures would no longer have sole authority to manage their own redistricting but would have to create “impartial” commissions to decide all redistricting decisions. In addition, every state would be required to allow same day registration and also automatic voter registration when someone gets their driver’s license or signs up for any government benefits. (Illegals would be on the honor system – it would be up to them to declare if they are a legal resident or not before they are automatically registered to vote.)       
Oh, I nearly forgot to add that states wouldn’t be allowed to purge voter rolls anymore to eliminate people who moved or died. Just because you don’t live some place anymore, or even still live, period, apparently shouldn’t disenfranchise you, I guess. 
Democrats have packaged this new bill as a way to stop voter suppression. Of course, the real purpose is to open the door to widespread voting fraud, which always seems to favor Democrats. That’s pretty clear.  But, as before, Democrats are counting on the idea that the public won’t notice because they are too consumed with the prospect of getting more free money.      
So, if anyone still wonders why Democrats are blowing money out the doors – money we really don’t have – there are two reasons, both incredibly calculating and cynical.
First, they are blinding the public with free stuff, or hope they are.  They don’t want people to realize exactly what they are up to – which is to push through a bunch of nonsense that pleases progressives but alienates most Americans.  Such as using tax dollars, a flood of new illegal voters, and one-party rule to keep Democrats in sole control of our government for decades.
If anyone were to read what’s in the $1.9 trillion bill they just passed most people would be appalled: first by how little is focused on Covid relief, but mostly by the sheer audacity to wrap so much wasteful crap in something sold as a way to help average working class American recover physically and financially from the pandemic. In truth, less than 10% of the spending in this bill has anything to do with Covid; the other 90% is a payoff to Democrat constituencies.   
However, I’m much more concerned about their second reason. They’ve designed most of the free money programs to expire in a couple of years.  They’ve already admitted this is intentional, and their strategy to win the 2022 midterms.  They’ll campaign on extending the payouts – or even increasing them – to everyone for a couple more years if elected.   
The promise of free money worked in Georgia. Why not do it again? 
Don’t be surprised when they do it. It’s the same strategy successfully used by drug pushers for years: go ahead, take it – first one’s free.  Because they know you’ll come back for more. 
Addicts always do. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What they haven't been taught is killing us ...

We’ve allowed ourselves to get into such a mess it’s hard to see a way out any time soon. 
It’s mostly because our education system is a joke. For too many years kids have been fed a constant stream of misleading and ever-changing propaganda. They haven’t been taught anything that might make them a productive member of our society. 
Like the actual history of United States, and not the 1619 Project or critical race theory versions.  Learning more about world history would also help them understand why the American story was (and remains) so unique in the world.    
Instead of being taught how morally and ethically flawed we are, and how we’ve historically always perpetuated systemic racism against people of color, they’d probably be surprised to learn that hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives – the highest casualties in any war in our history – fighting to end the enslavement of blacks here more than 150 years ago. A practice, I might add, that was fiercely defended by Democrat politicians of the time.      
It was a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  In the aftermath of the Civil War, it was Democrats that enacted the Jim Crow laws, and then fought against desegregation for another hundred years. It was also Democrats – led by former KKK recruiter Senator Robert C. Byrd, who tried to stop passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 
I’m sure they be shocked to learn Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. 
Their perspective might change if they were taught what this nation has done to improve the lives of millions here and billions around the world. Or if it had been revealed to them that no other nation in the world has been as consistently generous with aid to the people of other countries, even our adversaries, suffering from natural or manmade catastrophes. And that countless Americans in uniform have paid the ultimate price to rescue millions elsewhere from the tyranny of dictators and genocidal murderers. 
To this day, most countries would prefer the United States to be the world’s superpower over any other contenders, like China or Russia. They understand that we are basically a good and generous nation, if at times too idealistic for our own good. They may not always agree with us, or how we do things, but they realize our goal has never been world domination. 
Most of the world knows this. But our own kids and younger adults don’t. They’ve been taught something entirely different. Something essentially untrue about America. A lot of things, in fact, that are simply false.  Such as we are a racist nation, founded on racist principles, and are no better – probably worse, ethically and morally – than just about any other country on the planet. 

As a result, they know almost nothing about why people came here in the first place, and why this nation is still so attractive to millions in other countries who would do practically anything to be here, live here, work here, and raise their families here. 
They have no understanding of how and why our government was deliberately designed the way it is – with three coequal branches. Why we were set up as a republic and not a pure democracy – and why that distinction matters.  Why every state, big or small, gets two Senators.  Why there’s an Electoral College so the biggest states alone don’t pick every President. 
They don’t grasp that our Constitution is one of the most unique in the world for expressly limiting the power of the government. They don't understand the reasoning behind the Bill of Rights and why these amendments remain so essential to maintaining a free society in the face of a potentially authoritarian government.
This is heartbreaking because that’s where we are headed now. Out of ignorance. 
If they’d been taught the realities of what happens to those under authoritarian regimes as in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, China, Russia, Iran and much of the rest of the world, maybe they’d understand why so many of their people want to leave.  Ask anyone who left one of those countries to come here and you’d gain an entirely different perspective on America.  
If more of our younger people knew the real history of what Marxism, Communism, and socialism delivered practically everywhere these were tried – the suppression of speech and basic human rights, and the imprisonment and execution of dissenters – these wouldn’t seem so attractive. Or that Marxism, Communism, and socialism many times led to widespread deprivation and starvation. If they did maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to embrace these failed ideologies.
I have no idea what today’s students are required to read in school, if anything.  Or even if most of them can read. That’s not exaggeration on my part: many colleges and universities are now forced to provide remedial reading classes to their incoming freshmen. That’s scary. 
A good starting reading list would include classics from my school years. And yes, these were assigned reading in public high school at one time. They are: Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, and 1984. These are all especially relevant right now.
Orwell’s fictional Ministry of Truth in 1984 mirrors precisely how our current government and media work together to actively edit, remove, and revise historical events and statements that actually happened to promote a new narrative. 

His Thought Police should be readily identifiable today as the online trolls, political correctness scolds and doxers.  Children in the Junior Spies train to monitor and report any suspicious anti-State behavior or statements by their parents or others. The organized Two Minutes Hate sessions could just as well focus on Donald Trump in today’s political environment. 
It’s almost as if Democrats and the media have used 1984 as a guidebook rather than the warning it was intended to be.  I don’t believe I’m the only one who sees the similarities.      
I doubt many of the younger members of our population will ever read any of these books. Probably because they either aren’t interested in reading, or simply can’t. Or maybe because the current ruling elite controlling curricula has deemed these books too dangerous.  
If they did, it might give them a shock on how closely and quickly our political environment is moving toward our own version of Big Brother, following their "progressive revolution.”  

Monday, February 15, 2021

Stop worshipping public-school teachers ...

If you have a paying job and you refuse to go to work, even though you are perfectly able to and it’s perfectly safe to do so, you’re going to get fired. 
Unless you’re a public-school teacher, apparently. 
For some reason I’ve never understood, today’s public-school teachers are now considered the most important people in our country – practically saints, if you will.  They deserve ever more money, better working conditions, smaller class sizes, fewer demands on their time, better benefits, and early retirement, because of the stress of their job.
And also as a just reward for all their years of self-sacrifice teaching America’s children. 
Constantly drummed into us is that if you care about the children, if you want higher test scores, if you want today’s children to be better prepared to compete in tomorrow’s world, better public education is the key.  And as we’re constantly told, teachers hold the key to better public education. Dedicated teachers can make all the difference in a young person’s future success or failure.     
Where would we be without these public-school teachers?
This year we’re finding out. Most of the above is true; better education is still the key to success. But teachers aren't the key to better education if they don't show up. They've severely tarnished their saintly image this year by refusing to go back into the classrooms.       
Many public-school teachers, especially in Democrat-run places, showed us they are are no more than self-serving union hacks. They couldn’t care less about the kids they’re supposed to be educating. Even though the science says it’s safe, they don’t want to go back to work.  They’ve enjoyed what’s about a year off with pay and they see no reason to return any time soon. They haven’t lost one damn thing in the process, while gaining another year counted toward retirement.
Which, frankly for these teachers, is their ultimate goal. Not guiding and nurturing the minds of our children to become well-educated, well-rounded, responsible, and productive members of our society.  Nope. It’s to retire as early as possible, with the highest retirement pay and benefits.  
For them teaching has become just another public sector job where mediocrity is the norm, and self-interest is the rule. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the kids entrusted to them.  They don’t care if they can read, write, or do even basic math. They oppose any testing to demonstrate whether their students have learned anything. 
They oppose even more strongly any proposal to test them to verify they have sufficient knowledge on the subject matter they’re teaching. That’s because so many know they’d fail.   
It's almost impossible to fire them. Awful teachers are protected.  Incompetence is rewarded by promoting bad teachers into higher paying admin jobs.      
Maybe all public-school teachers deserved respect years ago. Not anymore.
Sure, there are still some people teaching in our public schools who are dedicated to truly educating the young in their classes. They didn’t pick teaching because Education was the easiest major in college, which it is.  Or just because it offered what amounts to lifetime job security, which it also does.  Or because they’d be able to retire in their 40s with a fat pension and generous benefits, which is the norm in many public-school districts today.  Or because they’d get every summer off.     
I imagine it’s difficult for these dedicated teachers to work side by side with the slackers only going through the motions to accumulate enough paid vacation and sick days to retire earlier. It must be even more disheartening for them to know how successfully those drones are at gaming the system at student and taxpayer expense, and making just as much as they are.    
It has to gall the good teachers that so many of their coworkers are in teaching for all the wrong reasons, are fundamentally inept at their job, intellectually dishonest, and demonstrably lazy.  They know that in any other field those people would be fired.  
But they also know that a great many of them have absolutely no fear of being terminated, and that makes them arrogant – the bad teachers know they can’t be touched, no matter what they do, short of committing rape or murder on video while in front of credible witnesses. 
So what should we do? 
First, we need to get over the canonization of all public-school teachers and administrators.
Working in public schools does not automatically convey sainthood, even as a teacher.  Once you belong to a union, you lose the halo.  As a member of a union you’re now just another working stiff on the public payroll like the workers on the cafeteria and janitorial staff in your school. Or the people who drive city buses or pick up the trash on your street. 
You get paid for showing up for your shift, putting in your hours, and following a routine. Just like them. If you want to do more than the basic requirements, that’s up to you, but you won’t get anything extra as a reward. Do too much and you’ll get called out for rocking the boat. That’s how unions everywhere work.  Teachers’ unions are no exception.        
If the good teachers think they should be rewarded more for performance and going the extra mile for their students than the lazy slackers among them, then they need to decertify their union.  Only then can the bad teachers be removed. And if you take out the bad and incompetent teachers now, you also shut off the pipeline for future incompetent administrators typically drawn from the ranks of incompetent teachers.
Until they are willing to do that, they’ll never escape the mediocrity that’s inherent in a union system where seniority counts more than skill. 
In the meantime, we, the taxpaying public, need to send a strong and clear message to the teacher union officials and members who are currently thumbing their collective noses at orders to return to the classrooms for in-person teaching.  We need to fire the teachers who refuse, even after the science says it’s safe for them, to return to their jobs full time.
Of course, if we try to do that, they’ll threaten to walk off the job. So what?
That ship has already sailed.