
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Democrats' addiction strategy ...

Free money is a powerful and addictive drug.
Once someone is hooked on free money, they want more and more. Eventually, they’ll do just about anything to keep getting it.  Including giving up some of their freedoms and basic values. The lure of free money can distract them from a lot of things they’d otherwise be outraged by. 
Democrats understand this.  That’s why they’re flooding the public with free money now so people won’t notice what they’re really doing. 
It’s also one reason why they won Georgia; the DNC sent out e-mails with a picture of a $2000 Treasury check and a note that if you vote for Warnock and Ossoff you’ll get this check.  Guess what? It worked.  If you don’t think so consider that when Biden had to scale back the checks to $1400 those who voted for Warnock and Ossoff were outraged: they’d been promised $2000.   
Biden and Democrats just pushed though a $1.9 trillion package – with $1400 checks for practically everyone, up to $21k extra each to Federal employees, another $3000 to parents plus $600 for every child under 6, and other refundable credits and subsidies. The amount of money blinded a lot of people, because, well, who doesn’t like free money?
That’s by design.  Because while people are salivating over the prospect of more money coming from Uncle Sam, they are ignoring what else is going on.  Even what else is in that bill. 
Like money for Planned Parenthood. Like money for states based on their levels of unemployment – effectively rewarding blue states who locked down businesses at the expense of states, like Florida, that kept businesses open. Like billions supposedly to get public schools reopened – on top of billions already committed to that and unspent already, and not likely to be spent in this year either. 
Like, once again, billions more for the arts, humanities, museums, Amtrak, PBS, and other pet special interests loved by Democrats.  Democrats in Congress are making it rain like Hunter Biden at a strip club.            
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross our borders.  The administration is working hard to neuter ICE and stop all deportations of illegals already here. Biden’s also planning to give those here illegally the same stimulus checks, healthcare, food stamps, and benefits legal U.S. citizens get. Not getting as much attention, is it? 
Before I forget, in addition to the ridiculous bailouts of billions largely designed to help poorly run blue states, also included in that $1.9 trillion porkfest are increased subsidies for Obamacare. Now you’ll be able to get a subsidy even if you are an individual making about $80k a year.  Make up to 150% of the poverty level – or about $30k a year – and you get a 100% subsidy.
This is their backdoor way to get everyone on Obamacare and provides a powerful incentive for employers to abandon their own plans and opt for dumping their folks onto the government-run exchanges for coverage.  Severing health insurance from the need to work for an employer who provides it once and for all has always been a long-term goal of the progressives.     
There are extended unemployment benefits as well, now through September, which is truly bizarre since hiring is up and unemployment is down nationwide. I guess Democrats actually want to incent people to stay out of work by making it more profitable to collect UC than work.     
If that’s not enough, separately they’re now trying to pass a law to take away the states’ traditional rights to manage their elections for Federal offices and give those powers to Congress. Among the elements they’re attempting to get into law that would apply nationally are provisions to make voter ID laws illegal, eliminate signature verification on ballots, require the mass mailing of absentee ballots, provide voting rights to convicted felons and those still incarcerated, and allow third-party ballot harvesting. In short, all the things that have helped Democrats. 
State legislatures would no longer have sole authority to manage their own redistricting but would have to create “impartial” commissions to decide all redistricting decisions. In addition, every state would be required to allow same day registration and also automatic voter registration when someone gets their driver’s license or signs up for any government benefits. (Illegals would be on the honor system – it would be up to them to declare if they are a legal resident or not before they are automatically registered to vote.)       
Oh, I nearly forgot to add that states wouldn’t be allowed to purge voter rolls anymore to eliminate people who moved or died. Just because you don’t live some place anymore, or even still live, period, apparently shouldn’t disenfranchise you, I guess. 
Democrats have packaged this new bill as a way to stop voter suppression. Of course, the real purpose is to open the door to widespread voting fraud, which always seems to favor Democrats. That’s pretty clear.  But, as before, Democrats are counting on the idea that the public won’t notice because they are too consumed with the prospect of getting more free money.      
So, if anyone still wonders why Democrats are blowing money out the doors – money we really don’t have – there are two reasons, both incredibly calculating and cynical.
First, they are blinding the public with free stuff, or hope they are.  They don’t want people to realize exactly what they are up to – which is to push through a bunch of nonsense that pleases progressives but alienates most Americans.  Such as using tax dollars, a flood of new illegal voters, and one-party rule to keep Democrats in sole control of our government for decades.
If anyone were to read what’s in the $1.9 trillion bill they just passed most people would be appalled: first by how little is focused on Covid relief, but mostly by the sheer audacity to wrap so much wasteful crap in something sold as a way to help average working class American recover physically and financially from the pandemic. In truth, less than 10% of the spending in this bill has anything to do with Covid; the other 90% is a payoff to Democrat constituencies.   
However, I’m much more concerned about their second reason. They’ve designed most of the free money programs to expire in a couple of years.  They’ve already admitted this is intentional, and their strategy to win the 2022 midterms.  They’ll campaign on extending the payouts – or even increasing them – to everyone for a couple more years if elected.   
The promise of free money worked in Georgia. Why not do it again? 
Don’t be surprised when they do it. It’s the same strategy successfully used by drug pushers for years: go ahead, take it – first one’s free.  Because they know you’ll come back for more. 
Addicts always do. 

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