
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

It's time to reboot the country ...

You know, shut it down and start it up again.  Yes, we did that for an entire year but the bad actors and slopware came back.  There are rumors we have another shutdown coming. 

So this time we need to do a clean install. 

Get rid of all the crap that’s insinuated itself into our system – the parasitic stuff that bogs down everything, makes our system run worse instead of better and drags down our overall performance.  The useless, distracting stuff that always pops up while we’re actually trying to get something meaningful done, attempts to propagate itself everywhere and tie up all our resources.

It's time to take back control of our system. 

We can safely delete most of the crap that’s accumulated over the years. It’s garbage.  Too much of it is simply redundant. Some of this bloatware may have been useful and well meaning at first, but now most of it’s just resource vampires that add absolutely nothing worthwhile. 

Here are some things that can go.  And the sooner the better.

End all programs paying able-bodied people not to work. Make parents – not the rest of us – totally responsible for feeding and caring for their own children.  It should never be socially acceptable to decide not to work and simply live off unearned government benefits.  Nor should it be acceptable for parents to shirk their obligation to feed their own children. 

Why are taxpayers now on the hook for feeding breakfast, lunch and dinner to 30 million school-age kids every day – even when school isn’t in session?  Because their parents can’t afford to feed them? Because SNAP benefits they already get aren’t enough? No, it’s mostly because a lot of parents have decided if someone else will feed their kids for free they don’t have to.    

I feel dumb even raising these blindingly obvious points.  What genius ever thought any of this was a good idea? Now, it’s okay to help people in need, but we’re way, way past that now. 

The longer we wait to address this, and we must, the more painful the remedy. 

An easy cut is eliminating the Department of Education.  We can easily do without it.  It’s absolutely useless, except as a mouthpiece for teachers’ unions and promoter of silly experiments dreamed up by out-of-touch academics constantly trying to find new ways to justify their existence by paving the cow path.

Do we really need a new way to teach students how to add, subtract, multiply and divide?  Or to address imaginary “racism” and “sexism” in math? Or to teach kids as young as six or seven years old that gender has nothing to do with biology or what’s in their pants – it’s entirely up to them to choose or change their gender any time they like.  Do we need any of this?

Nope. But the bureaucrats at the Department of Education think we do.     

After we dump this travesty let’s drill down and decertify the teachers’ unions.

Before we do that, I concede good teachers can have a powerful, positive, and lasting impact on a student’s future success.  They add value to our society.   

But teachers’ unions don’t provide a damn bit of value. Not a bit. If anything, they are an obstacle to reforming and improving our dreadful public education system.  These protect bad and incompetent teachers, fight any accountability, and support brainwashing impressionable kids with looney-tune racist ideas. Like that skin color alone determines their prospects for success in our country. That whites are automatically oppressors; everyone else is a victim of white oppression.  That we are a country of racists.  And that our Constitution was created almost exclusively to protect slavery.  

Teachers’ unions today are engaged in nothing less than institutionalized emotional and intellectual child abuse.  It’s long past time to bring them to heel. 

Next up: fossils in Congress. Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, Libertarian or whatever, I don’t believe I’m alone in thinking Congress could use the legislative equivalent of a high colonic.  At the very least we should have term limits and enforce these retroactively.  Anybody already in the House for more than six years would have to go immediately. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. We should also take this opportunity to repeal the 17th Amendment and put selection of Senators solely back in the hands of each state’s legislature.  

Then, going forward, anyone new running for a House seat would be limited to two two-year terms.  Senators would be limited to one six-year term.  This combined action on Congress alone would fix the most grievous problems in our country. Want to reduce the distorting impact of dark money and special interest groups on Congress?  This would do that.  Almost instantly.   

Next, stop funding NGOs. I don’t care where they are, what they do, or who they are supposed to be helping. NGOs serve themselves as much as anyone else.

Think Catholic Charities is arranging housing, food, and transportation for illegals out of the goodness of their hearts? No, they, like all the other ostensibly “non-profit” social service NGOs are getting paid by our government to do this and paid pretty well at that.  Plus, funding to NGOs allows politicians to secretly send our tax dollars to groups below the radar to do things they don’t want the American public to know. 

Why? Because politicians realize taxpayers would be pissed if they did.   

Like quietly arranging for the transport of Covid-positive illegals and their families away from our borders to hide them somewhere else in the US. Like a small town near you. Secretly housing them in a hotel or motel in your town and providing them with spending money.    

Yes, NGOs – Catholic Charities in particular, and others – are doing that. Right now.

Next, stop sending money to “nonprofits” altogether. That includes NPR, the CPB, PBS and any other remnants of what have devolved into nakedly partisan “state” media.

First, these aren't actually “nonprofit.” Their “nonprofit” status is a technicality. These all make money and pay salaries, sometimes big, big salaries. Think anyone at a “nonprofit” works for free? Do you believe the staff at NPR, CBP and PBS work there for nothing?

Hey, Sesame Street makes money and charges local PBS stations to show it. 

State-supported media always have an inherent conflict of interest; now ours is just a propaganda mouthpiece for Democrats.  Doubt they are biased? Just listen to the slobbering PBS and NPR reporters kissing up at the current White House briefings or covering Democrats in general. Do they cover Republicans the same?  Did they cover Trump the same way? NFW. 

Our public broadcasting industry really has no reason to exist anymore with all our media options today.  They certainly aren’t providing objective news. There’s no dearth of content elsewhere.  Honestly, America can live just fine without Downton Abbey and other made-in-UK series nestled within the nonstop beggathons.  Nor should American taxpayers be paying for the far left’s social agenda promotions, such as the increasingly “woke” Sesame Street adding the obligatory transgender or gender-fluid Muppet.  Americans shouldn’t be paying to support any of this.

If advertisers want to support this, fine. Let them.    

Finally, get rid of the politicians on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and atop all our military branches.  Force their retirement, whatever, but get this current crop of woke bozos away from any say over our military. They are an embarrassment to our people in uniform, to our country, and are a laughingstock to our adversaries.  They are supposed to protect us from threats from abroad; instead, they want to focus on mythical threats from within our own country – that’s not their job, not now, not ever.

All of the above is just a good start.  We should do it.  

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