
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Democrats' imaginary mandate ...

For some bizarre reason, Democrats believe they have a mandate to do all kinds of crazy things. Even though Biden never promised any of this looney stuff when he was running for President. And Democrats are scarcely holding on to the House and Senate. 

In fact, except for Biden’s win and Trump screwing up the Georgia Senate races, Democrats took it in the face in 2020.  They lost seats in the House, have to deal with a squeaker 50-50 seats in the Senate, and it was a bloodbath for them pretty much everywhere on the state level.
So where do they come off acting like the public demonstrated its support in the last election for whatever wild-ass crap Democrats want to do now.  

Democrats have to know the public’s not on board with all this.  They have to have some internal polls – not the self-serving push polls from their left-leaning media friends – showing how ordinary Americans really feel about all this. 

Just a wild guess here, but I bet it’s not good.  

I’ll concede Democrats have worked the free money angle to their advantage. But it’s like a sugar rush: feels great for a short while and then you feel sick.  There’s are more serious downsides, too – they’ve pumped so much free money out there people aren’t interested in going back to work, which hurts small businesses like restaurants, and inflation is also starting to creep up. 

The voting public also never said they wanted socialism. Or authoritarian rule. Or censorship. Or a government takeover of healthcare.  

Or forced vaccination with a still experimental vaccine.  Or packing the Supreme Court. Or a Federal takeover of all elections.  Or open borders. Or providing full benefits to illegals. Or allowing non-citizens and teenagers to vote.  Or giving amnesty to millions here illegally.  Or paying off everybody’s student loans.  Or ending the filibuster in the Senate.  Or eliminating fossil fuels.  Or spending trillions to bail out financially incompetent blue states. Or trillions more to retrofit every house and business in America. Or providing Federal funding for abortions, even those for teens without their parents’ knowledge. Or a guaranteed income whether you work or chose not to. 
Or allowing biological males who identify as female to compete in sports against biological females. Or teaching children that gender is not biology, but merely how you feel. Or promoting that children as young as pre-teens should be allowed to get gender reassignment treatment and surgery.  Or providing Federal funding for any and all members of our military who want gender reassignment surgery.  
Or teaching public school students America is a horrible country founded on slavery, steeped in racism still today, and that skin color alone determines whether you are oppressed or an oppressor.  (Spoiler alert: white people are oppressors; black and brown people are oppressed.)  

And lots, lots more.  

Nope. The majority of voters in 2020 did not vote for any of those things. Apparently many only voted for Biden because they hated Trump.  Biden didn’t articulate any of the above while campaigning; in fact, Biden said he was opposed to many of these back then.
That’s probably why so many Americans are freaking out over what Democrats are trying to ram through now.  None of this was on the table when they voted.  Now it all is.  

Democrats do realize many of these are wildly unpopular with the American public. I suspect that’s what’s driving their frenzied rush to get their agenda passed and signed before the midterms in 2022.
Much of what they want to do is blatantly unconstitutional, like a Federal takeover from states of all elections.  Or creating new rules for anyone who wants to run for President.  Or, for that matter, working with tech firms and social media to censor things they don’t like.  Or dozens of other crackpot schemes they are trying to sneak into law. 

Still wonder why they pre-emptively want to pack the Supreme Court?  
Biden’s a senile idiot and Harris is stupid and obviously in way over her head. Neither of them has the brains to pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel. Biden reads everything off a teleprompter or his cheat cards, and he still screws up even when he gets the questions in advance. When Harris get’s stumped, which is often, she just cackles and hopes the awkward moment passes. Or she makes some completely ridiculous statement Biden flacks have to walk back immediately. 

These two dimwits have no business even pretending to run the country. They are also dangerous because they seem incapable or unwilling to stop the true crazies in their party from destroying the country. Make no mistake, that’s what the Democrat loons are doing.  

They are the real danger to our democracy, not white supremacists and voter ID laws. 

The other day I said what scares me is about all this is that no one seems to remember history and how authoritarian regimes like those of the Bolsheviks, fascists, and Nazis came to power.  

But what scares me even more is that they actually do remember this history and are using it as a blueprint to create their own. 
BTW, none of these authoritarian regimes had a popular mandate either, when they started. They bluffed their way into power and control until it was too late to stop them.    


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