
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Intentionally provoking a civil war?

I honestly believe that’s what the extreme left wants. 

I also think they believe they’d win.  Maybe they think this because the media is making them believe they have a majority of the public on their side.  The media keep reporting ridiculously skewed polls that the left interprets as confirmation of their popularity. 

The left is making a grave mistake.  It’s akin to someone who starts to believe their own press clippings. Biden believes he and his ideas are wildly popular with Republicans.  He’s said as much. In fact, he’s not. He’s not that popular with independents either, despite what the media claims.  He gets relatively high marks for handling the Covid vaccinations, but that’s it.

Most of the rest of his agenda and his “executive orders” are a bust. It’s not entirely his fault; he doesn’t fully understand what’s going on.  He’s being told what to do and what to say by others. Those telling him what to do and say have clearly lost touch with what mainstream Americans want, or are willing to put up with.  Meanwhile, he’s hopelessly clueless. 

His handlers and the media are doing their best to prop him up and make it appear the public loves him and “his” policies, such as they are, but it’s wearing thin. They are all afraid to let him go off script, even to the point of requiring reporters to submit questions in advance so his handlers can put the approved response for him to read on his teleprompter. We all see this. 

We all see as well how big tech and social media platforms are censoring anything negative about Biden, his family, his supporters, BLM, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and any criticism of the policies they are promoting. No one can criticize the tech companies and social media platforms doing this heavy-handed censoring, either, or they are shut down, too.  I’ve personally never seen this level of censorship before, nor have most other Americans. 

And they aren’t subtle about censoring, or even embarrassed. In fact, they brag about it.  

This pandering to the far-left progressives has severely damaged what very little credibility Democrats and the media retained. Yet they continue to manufacture and promote stories and narratives that are laughably false. No one believes them anymore. 

That’s obvious to everyone but perhaps themselves. Or maybe they think no one is noticing and they are getting away with it.  

Here's the reality the left and their allies in Congress and the media are hiding. Dig down deep enough on the same polls the media and the left like to promote and this is what you'll find.        

No matter how many times Democrats call the January 6 incident an “insurrection” and an “assault on our democracy,” and the media keeps spinning the same narrative, most in the public aren’t buying it.  It was far less destructive than what the media still refer to as the “peaceful protests” that actually wrecked and burned city after city month after month.

Look, we’re a kind, generous and compassionate nation but the American public -- regardless of their own race or ethnicity -- doesn't want open borders. It doesn’t want thousands of low-skilled migrants illegally breaching our borders.  It doesn’t want to give automatic citizenship and full benefits to them. It doesn’t want our leaders to encourage parents in Latin America to shove their kids across our borders, hoping we will take care of them. 

Our public thinks abortion should be legal, with reasonable restrictions, but doesn’t want Federal tax dollars to be used to fund abortions here or abroad. The public also doesn’t believe transgendered men who identify as women should be allowed to compete against biological women, nor should our tax dollars be spent on gender reassignment, much less for kids.    

The American public is overwhelmingly in favor of voter ID to cast ballots, too. It knows that practically everybody – except criminals and those here illegally – already has government issued photo IDs. Even polls of blacks and other minorities, supposedly harmed by voter ID laws according to the left and the media, show they broadly support voter ID laws.    

However, the propaganda machine run by our media hides this. Hiding the real data showing what the American public actually supports doesn’t make any of the above untrue.  However, it encourages the left to pursue irresponsible policies unpopular with the majority of Americans by pretending there’s widespread public support when there is in fact widespread opposition.   

Now the left is pushing to pack the Supreme Court, a proposal that, despite claims to the contrary by partisan pollsters and the media, is opposed to by most Americans.  If the left succeeds in this, it will have taken a dagger to one of the most respected institutions in this country. 

But, of course, the left doesn’t mind doing this; the left’s opposed to anything that allows citizens to have faith in the basic fairness of the United States as a nation of laws, not man, and what once were known as American values.

That’s why the left despises the Constitution – it tells us our rights come from God not government, for one, but it also limits what government can do to abridge those rights.       

The left especially detests the Second Amendment.  Not because, as the left and the media constantly proclaim, it empowers people to buy and use weapons of war on their fellow citizens. 

No, the real reason the left wants to dump the Second Amendment is because of why it was originally placed in the Bill of Rights. It’s there as a reminder to would-be dictators that they can’t assert total control over the citizenry by first disarming the public, leaving them defenseless.  The Brits tried that when we were their colonies. It didn’t turn out well for them. 

In reality, the left and Democrats aren’t actually opposed to guns, just who is allowed to have them.  And how they might use them.  Especially "right-wing extremists" and "white supremacists" who have already tried once to "overthrow our democracy." 

Doubt that? Think about the fencing and troops still surrounding the Capitol to “protect our democracy.” Really? That why they’re there?

That’s bullshit.  The media know that. So do Democrats. They are afraid of the American public in general, not a handful of right-wing loonies.  That’s why the fencing and the troops remain. And also to send a message to the public that the left and Democrats are in charge and will use troops and fencing to maintain their power. It's a bad message to send, particularly now.    

Trying to destroy our protections in the Constitution, the checks and balances in the design of our government which the Democrats representing the left are trying to do, politicizing the military, and encouraging anarchy and assaults on law enforcement is a recipe for disaster.

The American public simply won’t stand for it, especially since the left and their allies in Congress and the media are trying to pull all this off all at once. It’s all too much, too quickly.   

The left and Democrats are getting dangerously bad information if they think they can do this.  The media and partisan pollsters are feeding them bad data. When the too-heavy hand of government starts dictating to citizens what they can do, where they can go, what they can say, who they can do business with, and where and what their children must be taught, a lot of folks will start to push back. 

You’d think they would have learned that from the pandemic shutdowns. Keep up the pressure and even the most passive among us will rebel. Then it snowballs.   

The left and their Democrat and media pals must be feeling that pushback. If they don’t, they’re blind and deaf.  That’s the only possible reason they’re jamming everything through they can at breakneck speed.  Their leaders realize time is running out on them. Now that vaccines are here, the public is not as willing to put up with the nonsense; the public is beginning to realize that all the shutdowns weren’t really about the virus, but about wielding power over them. And the public’s pissed.  

The left and their friends in Congress and the media are playing with fire.  Maybe this is intentional to provoke an all-out civil war.  Maybe that’s what they want so they can install an even more authoritarian government, crush all dissent, and rewrite the Constitution to suit their wishes.

They should really reconsider if that’s their goal.  Pushed too far and Americans will rise up to defend their freedoms, as they did against the British with the American Revolution.   

Legal gun owners in America already constitute the largest standing army in the world by far.  In case anyone has forgotten, the exact language of the Second Amendment is: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Most gun control arguments focus on the “right of the people to keep and bear arms” phrase; often lost is what precedes that: “being necessary for the security of a free State.” 

That’s the “why” that should give the left and Democrats pause as they continue to try and unravel the freedoms, liberties, and core institutions that make America what it is.  

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