
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Friday, May 6, 2016

And now it begins …

All signs now point to a showdown between Trump and Hillary in November.

We’ll be treated to two ethically challenged rich people, with more skeletons in their closets than the Grim Reaper, hammering away at each other in what’s likely to be the grittiest, nastiest campaign for President in modern times.

This will make even the most bizarre reality-TV shows seem tame. 

I have to admit I don’t like either Trump or Hillary. I’m not alone. There’s never been a pair of probable nominees running for President with such high negatives. It’s not simply that people don’t agree with their policies; they genuinely dislike or perhaps despise Trump and Hillary. 

That includes a lot of folks in their own respective parties. 

For me it’s a visceral thing. I can’t stand watching either of them.

Trump is an arrogant, narcissistic prick. But most everybody knows that. 

His mannerisms are practically cartoonish, with the flipper-like arm movements coupled with the thumb and index finger pinch and air quotes, and the smug, Il Duce face he makes, he’s an impressionist’s dream come true. He begs to be mocked. 

More seriously, I’m appalled at what he says; not just the misogynist and ethnic slurs, but the sheer stupidity of some of it, especially from someone who wants to be President.

He’s apparently unfamiliar with the U.S. Constitution, which branch of government does what, how laws are made and enforced, and what our military can and cannot do.  He clearly doesn’t understand international trade and the consequences of trade wars. He may have bullied his way to the top of the business world, but his adversaries there never had the resources, or ability to retaliate, that world powers like China and Russia have. 

In short, he sounds and acts more like a banana-republic dictator like Hugo Chavez than the brilliant, worldly international business genius he’s supposed to be. His professors at Fordham and Wharton must be hanging their heads in shame.

He says he’s going to surround himself with “really smart people” to advise him, but in the next breath says he gets his information on world affairs by watching the Sunday news shows. I guess he doesn’t find enough international news in the National Enquirer. 

Trump may be ultra-rich, but he’s like Rodney Dangerfield in the movie Caddyshack. He’s got all the toys, beautiful women, private jets, and gobs of money to burn, yet his over-the-top ostentation and crude jokes belie a low-brow attitude about everything.  His ad hominem attacks on the other Republicans who ran against him, and even their wives at times, reached new lows. He openly mocks the disabled, brags about his penis, and calls women pigs and sluts. 

Truly money can’t buy class; Trump’s proof. 

Hillary is a weasel always playing the edges. But again, everybody knows that.

She lies when the truth would do as well; in fact, she’s lied about so much so many times I don’t think she knows what’s real and what isn’t. You can’t believe anything she says. You’re never sure she knows she’s lying, or if in some nutso way she thinks it’s true. 

Pathological liar or delusional – either way it’s a big problem.   

Then there’s the fact that she’s damaged goods with a history of backroom deals, shady financial transactions, skirting the law, and money grubbing. Trump may have bullied his way to the top, but Hillary sleazed her way there.

People want to blame Bill for a lot of the Clintons’ questionable ethos, but while he’s certainly no paragon of virtue and a rapist at worst and sexual predator at best, Hillary’s always been the one driving the bus on enriching herself and her family.

She’s the first-timer who made $100,000 overnight in a commodities bet on an insider-trading tip from a friend. She was the lawyer on the Whitewater fiasco. She’s the one who tried to make off with $200,000 worth of White House china. She’s the one who helped her brother broker pardon deals for money at the end of Bill’s Presidency.  She’s the one who got $675,000 from Goldman-Sachs for three 20-minute speeches. She’s the one who took in millions from foreign countries and companies for the “Clinton Foundation” while she was in a position as Secretary of State to approve trade deals that benefitted those same countries and companies.  

She’s apparently willing to anything for the right amount of money. That’s scary. 

And, of course, she’s willing to lie about it. She had no problem saying she and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the White House, even though they had book deals for millions already. She didn’t stop there, either; she went on to claim they had to “cobble” together the money to buy two – count ‘em, two – houses and pay for Chelsea’s education at Stanford. 

She may be running almost exclusively on becoming the first female President, but she’s got brass balls, nonetheless, to say stuff like that with a straight face.     

I suspect the Hillary camp is secretly pleased the Republicans seem obsessed with Benghazi and her e-mail server. That takes the focus off Hillary’s much larger character issues, her actual Achilles’ Heel, which should frighten anyone thinking of electing her.

Her campaign posters have a big “H” and an arrow. I suppose that’s for Hillary, but for me it’s for “Hypocrisy, this way …” It’s one thing to change positions; it’s another to be a blatant hypocrite, especially when digital media captures everything you say.

Recently, while pandering to a bunch of climate-change activists, Hillary clearly said she planned on putting a lot of coal miners out of work. Later, when confronted by one of those coal miners in West Virginia, she said that was taken out of context. Like I said, brass balls. 

She claims she’s in touch with what real Americans want and how they feel. This from a woman worth millions who admits she hasn’t driven a car in more than 20 years. 

When she starts on about how she’s always been a warrior for women’s rights, I think of the women Bill assaulted or had affairs with and how she tried to portray them all as trailer trash.

I also remember her on camera in 1996 talking about the need to put “super predators” in jail for long terms, which resulted in substantially increased incarceration rates for black males. Now that she’s courting the black vote again she claims she’s in favor of “criminal justice reform” that would reduce sentences disproportionately affecting African Americans. 

Hillary says she’ll crack down on the financial industry – the same industry that’s contributed millions to her campaign and millions more to her “Foundation.” Hillary says she’ll crack down on lobbyists and special interests – the same lobbyists and special interests who’ve also given her and her Foundation millions and sit on her campaign committee. Hillary tries to portray herself as just like the rest of us – but she and Bill managed to get Chelsea a part-time job at one of the networks for $900,000 a year; I don’t know many of “us” who could pull that off.    

Face it: we have two awful choices ahead of us – Trump who can be bought off with flattery; Hillary who can be bought off for money. 

I don’t know which is worse.     

But I can tell you this:  I wouldn’t want to sit next to either of them at a baseball game – an old Ed Rendell test.

I honestly can’t imagine either of them as President.  

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