
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, May 23, 2016

Bob’s Bullshit Top Ten …

It’s hard to narrow this down to just 10 – there’s just so much bullshit to work with – but I have to start somewhere. In no particular order …

Obama will go down as one of our greatest Presidents. 

At best he’ll go down as America’s first black President. More likely years from now he’ll be remembered primarily as a divisive figure who accelerated the polarization between races, between political parties, and between economic classes.  His abuse of Executive powers – and his famous “pen and a phone” line – and his public scolding of the sitting Justices of the Supreme Court at a State of the Union Address will put him up there with FDR as Presidents who tried to run roughshod over the Constitution to get their way.

Obama deserves credit for pulling us out of the Great Recession.   

His supporters often cite this as proof of Obama’s greatness.  The truth is the economy would have recovered faster – entirely on its own – if he hadn’t interfered. It’s also true he inherited an economic crisis from G.W. Bush, but also from the Democrat-controlled Congress that fostered the growth in subprime lending that ultimately led to the economic collapse.  However, by not allowing GM, Chrysler and the major investment-banking firms to go into structured bankruptcy immediately and letting market forces fix the problems permanently, the Obama Administration intervened with stop-gap measures that papered over – at the cost of billions of shareholder and taxpayer dollars – much deeper issues that still remain. And by forcing “too big to fail” banking firms to consolidate he created even larger “too big to fail” entities. Finally, his almost trillion-dollar “shovel-ready” infrastructure spending was squandered by states on public employees rather than fixing and improving roads, bridge and other infrastructure.  If anything, he prolonged the Great Recession and fixed nothing. 

The rising national debt is not a big problem.

It’s a huge problem.  Interest alone on the existing debt is in the hundreds of billions – a year.  For FY 2015 interest alone was $228 billion. By 2025 the annual interest is estimated to be $808 billion. To put this in perspective, the total Federal budget for FY 2015 was about $3.3 trillion; revenue was projected to be $438 billion less than the budget.  How do we cover that deficit?  Borrowing. Adding more to the national debt, which at present stands at somewhere in the range of $19 trillion.  You don’t have to be a genius to understand that if annual GDP is $17.8 trillion and the national debt is $19 trillion, we’re in serious trouble.  Even the dumbest consumer knows that the worse your credit the higher the interest you have to pay.  So the interest rates on our national debt will continue to go higher the deeper in debt we go. 

Democrats and Obama are responsible for out-of-control spending. 

Republicans talk about the need to reduce the national debt but they are equally responsible for out-of-control spending as the Democrats. The absolute fact is that regardless of who is President or which party controls Congress, spending goes up.  Some of that happens automatically to pay our ever-growing Federal bureaucracy; some of it is simply squandered by politicians of both parties to curry favor with big campaign contributors or provide jobs in their area.  Some is to pay interest on our growing debt.  Then there are “crises” to fix.  G.W. Bush spent trillions on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars with the support of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.  Obama spent a few trillion on failed economic recovery and green energy programs, as well as on ObamaCare. But he’s not alone: the Republican-controlled House just approved over $600 million to fight the Zika virus, and a couple of hundred billion more than requested by the Pentagon for Defense spending – mainly for weapons and personnel the military doesn’t want.  It all adds up, no matter who is controlling the purse.

Cutting Federal spending will hurt the poor.

There’s enormous fraud and waste in government spending.  Forget “teaching shrimp to run on a treadmill” grants. Those are nothing compared to the rampant fraud in government contracts (see above), entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, earned income tax credits, and disability claims alone. There’s fraud in government operations as well. The IRS alone admits it has hundreds of employees who owe back taxes but refuses to take action. Overall, the waste and fraud runs into the hundreds and hundreds of billions every year. The problem is that no one wants to address this. Helping the truly poor, disabled, and elderly wouldn’t suffer one bit if the government kicked illegals and the ineligible off the benefits rolls, fired bad and corrupt Federal employees, closed down agencies and programs that don’t accomplish anything, and better managed defense contracts. The only people hurt by all this would be politicians, Federal bureaucrats, grant vampires, scam artists, and defense contractors.  And trust me, these folks aren’t poor.

Obama got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. 

We’re still there. Our service people are still engaged in combat there. They are also still dying there. But now they are far more vulnerable.  The only thing Obama did was pull out the troops needed to keep those areas relatively stable – and I use “relatively” loosely.  In his haste to fulfill a campaign promise to “end the wars” he also created a vacuum that encouraged the rise of ISIS and a resurgence of the Taliban.  His “lead from behind” strategy there and in Libya threw under the bus the few Middle East allies we still had.  With his continued lack of leadership, reluctance to use sufficient force, and the Iran nuke deal, he’s managed to make everyone in the region, especially Israel, feel betrayed.  We may not have large forces in the field, but make no mistake:  we’re still there, albeit in dangerously small numbers. 

There are “good” taxes that encourage better and healthier habits.

Politicians tax products like cigarettes, alcohol, and now sugary drinks because they want the money – plain and simple.  Claims that they are fighting against smoking, pollution, or obesity are pure crap. When states and cities jacked cigarette taxes so high – to “protect people from the hazards of smoking” – cigarettes sales went down as people switched to other tobacco products, and safer alternatives like e-cigarettes.  So did the tax revenues from cigarette taxes.  Now politicians want to put taxes on e-cigarettes, not because these are evil or unhealthy or pollute the air, but because cigarette tax revenue is down. Philly’s mayor wants a tax on sugary drinks “to fight childhood obesity”; the reality is he wants the money for a Pre-K program.  Most new taxes are about bringing in additional revenue for politicians to squander, nothing else. 

We can change the world through diplomacy and sanctions.

The most dangerous bullshit of all. In reality, as Al Capone was supposed to have said: Kind words and a gun will get you further than kind words alone. When you are the most powerful, most feared country in the world diplomacy works like a charm. Thanks to Obama’s indecisiveness and timidity – and desire to be “just another nation” – we aren’t that anymore.  Diplomatic success on the world stage today rests on the belief that one side is willing and able to exact terrible consequences if diplomacy fails.  Obama’s attitude is that diplomatic success is only about getting a deal, no matter how bad, useless, or unenforceable that is.  After his “red line” fiasco in Syria, and the Iran nuke deal, nobody he negotiates with takes him seriously. In this day and age, if you are unwilling to back up your threats with military force – and use that force – nobody will. That’s why the Chinese and Russians can buzz our warships, and Iran can seize our sailors, without fear of reprisals – they know Obama won’t do a damn thing except send a strongly worded objection. Sanctions won’t work either as long as other countries know there are really no consequences from us for ignoring any sanctions we place on another country. 

Hillary’s track record makes her more qualified to be President.    

She was kicked off the House Judiciary Committee staff investigating Watergate for submitting a fraudulent brief and removing and hiding files so she could argue they never existed. She faced possible disbarment for that. She lied about her role in the Whitewater / Rose Law firm scandal and could never find any of the requested documents until they magically reappeared in her room at the White House.  In 1993 she headed up a healthcare reform task force she was appointed to by her husband. After secret meetings – in violation of several laws – and withering attacks from fellow Democrats, her plans were shelved.  When Bill was confronted by numerous claims by women of sexual assault and harassment, she worked aggressively to destroy those women. After proof emerged about Bill’s sexual predation, including sex with a White House intern, she went on 60 Minutes to dismiss these as lies from a “vast right wing conspiracy.” When leaving the White House after Bill’s term in office, she tried to make off with the White House china. But right before then she engineered Presidential pardons brokered for money by her brother.  As a NY Senator, she accomplished absolutely nothing; in fact, most of the legislation she introduced couldn’t attract a single co-sponsor.  As Secretary of State she muffed a “reset” with the Russians, did nothing except fly around a lot, and let 4 Americans dies in Benghazi. Oh yeah, and after those deaths she lied to the families of the dead about the cause.

Trump is not qualified to be President. 

Who is?  The only President in my lifetime who actually had the rock-solid credentials for the job was George H.W. Bush, and he only got one term. It’s true that Trump has no legislative experience, but that hasn’t stopped anybody else from becoming President. Look at Obama.  Does Trump lack the temperament to be President? Is there an example of some other kind of temperament that’s a hallmark of a successful President?  Is he too crude for the job?  Crudeness never stopped LBJ – famous for calling his penis “Jumbo” and showing it off; or for that matter, Bill Clinton – famous for putting his in a variety of places other than Hillary. Trump is certainly not perfect yet he’s had the good fortune and business sense to grow a multi-billion-dollar empire.  Does that alone qualify him to be President?  Of course not, but it doesn’t disqualify him either. 

That’s it for now.      

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