
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Black is the new Teflon …

When you’re black you can get away with all kinds of crap. 

You can be openly hateful toward women, gays, cops, society in general and get a pass. You can be rude, obnoxious, racist, and violent and it’s okay. Go ahead and thumb your nose at the same people trying to protect you, help you, enrich you, and yes, support you and think nothing of it.

The world exists to serve you. All because you’re black. 

Sure, the black community suffers from overwhelmingly black on black crime, and the leading cause of death among black youth is murder – by another black – but because you’re black nobody is allowed to discuss that. Not even other blacks. Nor is it okay to report that more than 70% or all births in the black community are to unwed mothers. Or that blacks only make up 13% of the U.S. population but account for 40% of all prisoners. Or that now 1 in 3 black males are projected to end up in the system.

Nope. When you’re black you have a built-in excuse for whatever you’ve done; that excuse being that you’re black. The reason you failed in school?  Because you’re black.  The reason you’re in prison?  Because you’re black. The reason you didn’t get that job promotion?  Because you’re black. The reason you have multiple children from multiple fathers before you’re 18?  Because you’re black.  The reason you’re poor? Because you’re black. 

And the reason why we all need to forgive whatever you do and give you whatever you want? Again, because you’re black. 

If white entertainers made songs glorifying robbery, rape, abusing women, murdering police, dealing dangerous drugs and running whores, most people would be aghast. However, black rappers can go on at length about women as hos, jacking cars, killing rivals, and murdering cops, and that’s just expressing themselves as blacks.

Can you imagine the reaction of the black community if a halftime show at the Super Bowl celebrated the founder of the Ku Klux Klan by marching out hooded figures who then formed a giant burning cross mid-field?  All that while images of lynchings played on the Jumbotron?    

Yet Beyoncé can do a half-time show honoring the Black Panthers – who assassinated cops – and Malcolm X, a former drug dealer and pimp who preached bigotry and hatred, while performing songs about cops killing unarmed blacks, and it’s just her honoring her black heritage. Meanwhile images of unarmed blacks being confronted by police played in the background. 

This from the same Beyoncé who demanded a police escort to the show.

But hey, she’s black. Okay then …

There was a time when it was understandable that blacks would feel like victims. That’s because in many ways they were, especially when racist whites kept them from eating in the same restaurants, sleeping in the same hotels, riding in the same part of the bus as whites, and even drinking from the same water fountains as whites.

Yet that time is over, and has been for decades. 

America has elected a black President twice. If it were still mired in racism, as many black leaders maintain still exists today, that would have never happened.  Again, blacks only make up 13% of the population; that’s not a large enough group to elect a President on its own – there had to be a lot of whites, Hispanics, Asians and others voting for him as well.

Even though racism against blacks in this country has diminished dramatically over the years, racism by blacks against whites seems to have grown.

Are all blacks racist?  Of course not, any more than all whites are racist.

But I’d bet a higher percentage of blacks are than whites. If you use my definition of a racist as someone who views everything through the prism of race, I’d put money on it.

This was driven home to me recently when a black acquaintance came to our house and went on a rant about how Republicans hated blacks because they were opposed to affirmative action. She maintained that she only got her job at a major corporation because she was black, but was later passed over for a promotion – which went to a white coworker she had trained – only because she was black.  She went to HR to complain and she got the next promotion.

Forget for a moment that there are other reasons why someone gets passed over for a promotion – not the least of which is often personality and how well someone gets along with others – yet in her view it was all about race. So she openly played the race card to get the next promotion. 

According to her white people are by their nature racist toward blacks. When my wife said surely she didn’t think we were racist, her response was “If you say so.”

That’s the attitude. I suppose I should have expected that.       

Back when OJ was acquitted of murdering his wife this same woman said she and her black coworkers broke out in cheers and applause. Even though most believed he committed the murder, according to her they cheered because a black man had been able to “beat the system.”

Is that any different than a hundred years ago when all-white juries acquitted whites who murdered blacks? I don’t think so. It was injustice then as the OJ verdict was now. 

But it doesn’t matter. The only thing that does is a black man got off. 

Once again black Teflon works.  Just as it worked when blacks turned punks like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown into heroes despite all the evidence to the contrary.  Just as it gave rioters and looters in Ferguson and then Baltimore license to destroy local businesses in an orgy of violence and arson.  And just as it conveniently overlooks data that far more cops are killed by blacks than blacks killed by cops every year. 

How durable is black Teflon?  Well, charlatans like Al Sharpton can avoid paying millions in back taxes but still get frequent trips to the White House.  Why?  Because he’s black.       

Obama gets a pass on a lot of crap, too, because he’s black. Whites are afraid to criticize his performance in office for fear of being called racists.

The Democrats claim anyone who opposes Obama’s policies – and even his widespread, breathtaking at times, abuse of Presidential authority – is doing so only because he’s black.

In reality, if Obama were white he would have never won a Nobel Prize before he did anything; in fact, he’d probably have never been elected.  Even now, that he is black has prevented him from being driven from office for his sheer incompetence and laughable work ethic. 

The same goes for Michelle Obama.  She gets a break for saying she was proud to be an American – the first time in her life – because America elected a black man as President.  I guess until then she saw America as a racist empire. 

I’m sure she still does.  Yet no one is allowed to call her out because … you guessed it … she’s black. Instead, Obama’s fans – black and white – jump through hoops to try to show that Michelle’s comments were taken out of context, or somehow justified given America’s history of discrimination.

Bullshit.  He’s a racist.  She’s a racist. 

But that’s okay.  Because they’re black.    

When in doubt, play the race card.  Works every time. 

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