A rational, logical explanation for how things really are and how they got to be that way; the stuff most people are afraid to say out loud ...
It's time for a reality check ...
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Who really won?
He knows that. Honestly, everybody knows that. That’s not to say there wasn’t some world-class cheating involved. Everybody knows there was.
Still, he lost mostly because he couldn’t escape who he’s been all along. An outsider. This played well the first time he ran because he spoke to a feeling among many Americans that the political establishment and the media couldn’t care less about working men and women.
He was right about that then. It’s still true today.
He accomplished amazing things in his term. Especially when you consider how he was opposed and sandbagged by the career bureaucrats, our own intelligence agencies, Democrats and their pals in the media, and by establishment Republicans in his own party. Despite all that, he gave us the greatest economy, the greatest increase in household income, and the lowest unemployment numbers among all Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity, in our history.
The China virus and his handling of the ensuing pandemic will be cited by many for his loss. He wasn’t done in by the virus, however, but how the media and Democrats portrayed him. Years from now it will be clear that he performed extraordinarily well in lighting a fire under government bureaucrats and engaging big pharma, other companies, and the military to to attack the virus.
What he accomplished is nothing short of astonishing.
But enough of the voting public just flat-out couldn’t deal with four more years of him. The bragging. The chaos. The nasty spats with his own appointees. And the unrelenting hammering back and forth between Trump and the media. It’s incredible after all the nonstop vilification of Trump by the media – including comparisons to Hitler – and his impeachment, that he still managed to get in the area of 74 million votes. Yet that wasn’t enough.
A lot of the public were simply exhausted by Trump.
So if Trump didn't win, does that mean Biden did? If not Biden, who did?
The super-rich, the political establishment, government bureaucrats, Wall Street and big corporations were the real winners. They all got what they wanted: the removal of Trump, who was the first US President in decades to refuse to do their bidding. For all of Trump’s faults – which were many – he was never beholden to anyone but the American people. In short, he set a dangerous precedent. He got elected the first time in spite of them. He owed them nothing.
That’s why it’s clear that while Trump was defeated, he wasn’t actually defeated by Biden. Yes, Biden will be declared the winner, but he won’t ever be running the country. Nor will Kamala Harris. Nor will the far left. Nor will Pelosi, Schumer, or The Squad.
All of the above are simply figureheads. Useful idiots, if you like. Puppets to be precise. Whether they realize it or not, and I suspect cynical Party leaders do know it, they are just fronts for nakedly commercial interests they ostensibly and quite publicly claim to abhor.
As always, it’s useful to follow the money.
Who benefits from open borders, giving citizenship to millions of illegals, and expanding H-1B programs? Who benefits from ending tariffs on foreign goods? Who benefits from easing up on China? Who benefits from subsidizing student loans and wiping out student debt? Who benefits from Medicare for all, and government-run healthcare? Who benefits from subsidizing housing, subsidizing rich taxpayers in high-tax states, and bailing out select industries?
Think about that for a moment.
The real beneficiaries are big business. And the uber-rich.
The supposed foes of Democrats and the working class.
The party that claims to fight for the working class against the greedy rich is in reality, without a doubt, the party of the greedy rich. The party of career politicians who somehow become millionaires in office. The party of tech billionaires. The party of Wall Street. The party of top executives at multinational corporations. The party of millionaire sports stars, celebrities, and media moguls.
That’s exactly who funds Democrats, who pushes them, and who they ultimately work for.
Doubt that? Consider this:
Do more immigrants and expanded H-1B programs help our working class? Nope, they drive down labor costs on the low end and freeze out American citizens from many tech jobs on the high end. The idea of ending tariffs and easing up on China positively thrills multinationals and Wall Street. Colleges and universities who refuse to control costs are the real beneficiaries of the government subsidizing student loans; wiping out student debt mainly benefits the offspring of the already affluent.
Medicare for all and government-run healthcare will actually enrich the health insurance industry – remember, it and the pharma industry drafted the original Affordable Care Act. Other Democrat promoted subsidies allow slumlords to charge more, encourage poorly run high-tax states to keep spending like drunken sailors, and provide financial assistance to “favored” industries to survive even when they shouldn’t, or have far more than enough cash on hand already.
Does anyone truly believe these things were actually dreamed up to help ordinary citizens? Of course they weren’t. They were designed to help the rich and politically connected stay that way. But they were all sold to the public as benefitting everybody and absolutely essential.
When the US Chamber of Commerce, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, media conglomerates, and the heads of Facebook, Amazon, Google and Twitter are all on the same side as Bernie Sanders and AOC, you can’t possibly think this is sheer coincidence. When most of the big campaign contributions to Democrats came from Silicon Valley, trial lawyers, the teachers’ and public employee unions, and Wall Street, how does this comport with the Democrats “party of the working class” claim?
Democrats and Biden ran on a “return to normalcy” promise after all the years of chaos under Trump. But what does that really mean? I’ll let you in on a dirty little secret.
It means the real power will return to the same entities that held it before Trump; the same forces that fought Trump behind the scenes and worked diligently to delay and derail anything that didn’t fit their agenda at every turn.
Big business. Big money. Big unions. Big tech. The military-industrial complex. The poverty-industrial complex. The US Chamber of Commerce. Deep-pocketed lobbyists. Career government bureaucrats. Our intelligence community.
They’re all back.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Voting to overthrow the United States ...
Also, higher taxes, citizenship for over 11 million here illegally, full benefits for all illegals, taking away private insurance from more than 150 million Americans, packing the Supreme Court, and seizing guns from legal owners. Let’s not forget government paid abortions with no restrictions, the end of right-to-work laws, getting rid of fossil fuels, and an ever more intrusive government.
I find this particularly stunning because in any other election supporting these policies would be the end of any campaign. The American public wouldn’t stand for it.
But this isn’t any election. That’s because Trump’s on the ballot.
In reality, however, this election isn’t about Trump versus Biden, or Republicans versus Democrats. It’s about rage and vengeance because Trump was elected in 2016. Still.
Since then, Democrats and the media have completely lost any semblance of credibility. They openly lie. They make up imaginary “sources.” They hide or refuse to report anything that doesn’t support their personal view. They ignore the laws, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, common decency and anything else that stands in their way.
They’ve also managed to make a significant segment of the population believe that it’s okay to destroy public and private property, physically attack law enforcement, burn and loot stores, put innocent lives in danger, and do whatever else they like – no matter how heinous or repulsive – because it’s all in the righteous cause of solving “racial injustice.” When riots break out and cities burn, they call the rioters and looters “peaceful protestors.”
Reporters stand in front of whole city blocks in flames, police cruisers burning, rioters breaking store windows and carrying out flat screen TVs, and still describe this as “mostly peaceful” protests. Cable news contributors and Democrats have called the looting a form of “reparations.”
One Democrat activist has said the looting meant that some poor black family would have food tonight. I guess that would be while they’d be watching their new flat-screen TV. Although I didn’t see any looters breaking into grocery stores to feed their families. Liquor stores? Sure. Target? Yep. Walmart? Of course. Footlocker? You bet.
Maybe they sold what they looted to buy food?
I don’t think so. What about you?
One result of this selective reporting has been the death of any remaining trace of objective and honest journalism – not that journalism has ever been a pillar of integrity – but the media have stopped even pretending to be fair; in fact they actively promote and market their bias.
The tech giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the other outlets they control – openly censor or impede access to information from people they don’t like, to views they don’t support, and to any criticism of views or people they do support. It’s blatant, it’s pervasive, it’s one-sided, and they really don’t give a damn if the public knows it.
They openly admit they alone make the decisions on who sees what. And what their audience is allowed to see. They choose the priorities of which story leads, and what is never covered. They also decide entirely on their own what’s true and what isn’t, and what’s to be trusted.
In short, they are censors. They have also become Big Brother. There’s no other way to describe what they are doing.
The tech giants’ “fact checkers” – like those at most other mainstream media outlets – are hardly independent and unbiased. Most only seem to “check” and nit-pick statements from sources and people they don’t approve of anyway. They never seem to be as diligent about politicians they prefer, or causes they support; they let even the most outrageously false claims from those slide as “mostly true.” Or they don’t see the need to fact check them at all.
Democrats are all-in on this censorship.
One prominent Democrat has called for a “reconciliation” commission if Democrats win. This commission would have the power to charge and punish Trump officials, members of his administration, and anyone else who carried out or supported his policies.
Another, just as creepy, has proposed a bipartisan commission to regulate what is deemed factual and as such allowed to be broadcast on TV, cable, or the Internet. I suspect most Democrats and their allies in the media are okay with this for now.
Like a lot of what Democrats and the media are proposing, George Orwell beat them to it. He already came up with a great name for this commission: The Ministry of Truth.
Orwell also foreshadowed leaders’ attacks on critics as “enemies of the state.” Remember, that’s what Pelosi called Republicans.
I’ll be completely candid. Today’s Democrats and the media scare the crap out of me.
I’ve often said that of all the things that terrify me – and there really aren’t that many – censorship is at the top of that list. What we don’t know is always far more dangerous to our democracy and our way of life than what we do know.
Right behind censorship on my list is its political bedfellow – authoritarian government that controls every aspect of our personal lives, ends personal freedom, and alone decides who succeeds and who fails.
Sadly, censorship is helping the authoritarians in this election. But if Democrats win everything, you can count on aggressive censorship to keep them in power.
That, and their Ministry of Truth. They win; we all lose.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Absolutely nothing to lose ...
Despite the threats from the Democrats about what they’ll do if Republicans try to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court before the election, Republicans should just go ahead and do it.
Republicans really have nothing to lose. Even if they leave that seat open until after the election – a stupid and pointless move – it won’t change one damn thing. Except to prove once again that Republicans don’t have the guts to stand up to bullies when they absolutely need to.
Let me explain all the likely scenarios.
Democrats threaten if they don’t get their way, if they take control of the Senate they’ll immediately move to expand the number of Justices on the Court to add more liberal Justices.
If they take back the Senate they’ll move to do this anyway, regardless of whether that seat remains vacant until after the election, or Trump fills it now. They’ve been talking about this for years. It’s nothing new. They’ve wanted to do this since FDR.
Next, they also say they’ll work to eliminate the Electoral College.
Again, they’ve wanted to do this for a long time. It’s also nothing new. They want to have the popular vote nationwide determine who becomes President. That’s only because they’ve lost in the Electoral College while still winning the popular vote – mainly because of California and New York running up the numbers for Democrats. However, to get rid of the Electoral College would require an amendment to the Constitution, which would take 10 years, minimum.
Closely related, Democrats want to change the makeup of the Senate.
They want to add Puerto Rico as a state, even though a lot of Puerto Ricans don’t want that. They also want to make DC a state, which goes against the original idea of government being in a neutral District of Columbia, not a state. It’s not that they care about the people in either of these places, they simply want to pack the Senate with four more likely Democrat Senators.
At the same time, they want to change how Senators are allocated. Right now, per the Constitution, it’s two per state. Democrats (mainly those in more populous states like California and New York) say that isn’t fair. Why should sparsely populated states like Montana and Wyoming have the same number of Senators of, say, California? Shouldn’t Senators be allocated solely based on population?
Of course not. That’s because, as much as Democrats hate it, we are a constitutional republic made up of states that each have equal representation in the Senate.
All the threats from Democrats are a smokescreen. If they do – God forbid – keep the House and get control of the Senate and the White House, they plan to do all of the above anyway.
Now, they won’t succeed because the American public doesn’t want any of this, any more than the public wants open borders and giving illegal immigrants full benefits including free healthcare. Nor is the public in favor of public-funded abortion on demand with no restrictions.
Democrats have devolved into the party of shitweasels willing to do and say anything to get and keep power. And to hide anything that might expose their duplicity.
Their pals in the media help them every day with a hoax du jour, blatant lies, gross misrepresentations of facts, and omission of news that exposes Democrats as shameless amoral liars. Meanwhile, the media refuses to acknowledge anything positive from Trump or Republicans. Good news is all about Democrats; bad news, or barely covered news, is all about Trump and Republicans.
So if a sitting Democrat decides to support Trump it’s a non-story.
But if a deceased Republican’s spouse supports Biden it’s front-page news.
Yet because the Democrats and media are so transparently dishonest, the public isn’t buying everything they’re being told which would probably surprise a lot in the media who live in their own world. According to a recent public opinion poll 84% of those polled simply don’t trust the media, anymore. You won’t see that covered in the mainstream media, however.
Trump and Republicans need to do what they must, fill the open seat, and ignore the Democrat threats. If Republicans lose seats in the Senate because of this, as is possible, so what – most of those at risk were probably going to lose anyway. In some cases, the fight over the SCOTUS seat might help them more than they imagine especially if Democrats repeat their same antics during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
Plus, even if Trump and Republicans lose everything this time around it’s really only a short-term set back for a longer-term gain.
What they will do, however, is show their true stripes to the voting public. Because of that, they will probably take a beating in the midterms two years later. So at best, if Democrats win the House, Senate, and White House this time, they won’t hold all three for long.
Meanwhile, if Republicans hold the line and confirm a new Justice to Ginsburg’s seat, there should be another Trump-appointed Justice on SCOTUS. Someone conservative and young enough to serve for decades.
Monday, September 14, 2020
We hope they die ...
To be precise: “We hope they fucking die.”
That’s what BLM supporters chanted as they blocked entrances to the emergency room trying to take in two cops ambushed in their parked patrol car – one shot in the face, the other in the forehead, at point-blank range – in Los Angeles. This happened on Saturday.
On Sunday, the NFL promoted and celebrated the same BLM. The NFL, the players, and the play-by-play announcers all groveled before this violent, racist, pack of cop haters and Marxists.
Before every game, our national anthem was played followed
by something that’s now the “black national anthem,” whatever that is. Whole teams stayed in their locker rooms
while these were played. Others kneeled
and locked arms in a show of “unity.” In acts of shameless and unwarranted
ass-kissing, some players wore the names of blacks shot by police, including
those of rapists, wife beaters, child abusers, violent gang members and drug
dealers. The NFL allowed teams to paint end zones with messages supporting
social injustice protests.
Again, this is the same NFL that not long ago forbid players from kneeling in prayer, wearing eye strips with scripture, or displaying on the field anything else that might offend anyone. But supporting cop killers, rapists, and child abusers shot by police? That’s just fine.
As someone noted online, a woman who was raped had to watch professional athletes celebrate her rapist as a hero to black people by putting his name on their helmets.
The NFL was actually late to this party for self-loathing whites. The NBA, MLS, and MLB, and who knows else, already beat them in the headlong rush to side with the real racists in all this.
Why do I say that? Because if you think race is the ultimate determinant of everything, you are in fact a racist. Judging everything and everybody solely by race is the definition of a racist. It doesn’t matter if you are white, black, Asian, or whatever, you’re a racist if you think race alone determines every outcome.
Yet if you have the temerity to suggest that all lives matter, you’ll be targeted as a racist – which makes no sense at all, because saying all lives matter encompasses all races equally. Only a hardened racist would believe only one race’s lives matter more than any others.
So if you claim black lives matter more than those of any other race, which is what BLM supporters say, then you are as much of a racist as the worst white supremacist.
Which is the reason I’ve had so much of a problem with the whole “racial injustice” movement.
And BLM in particular.
They are racists. They are bigots. They are everything I was raised to despise.
They are also liars. They lie about black deaths at the hands of police. They lie about rampant discrimination against blacks. They lie about systemic racism. But worst of all, they lie about how black lives matter when they disregard the astonishing rates of blacks killed by other blacks; they refuse to admit it, but only some black lives matter.
The lives of black cops don’t matter. The lives of black police chiefs don’t matter. The lives of black business owners don’t matter. The lives of black children shot by black gang bangers don’t matter. The only black lives that matter are those when some black male is shot by police, usually as a result of trying to injure or kill that cop while resisting arrest.
There’s nothing high and noble about BLM. There’s nothing altruistic about it either. It’s not helping blacks get a better education, get better jobs, live in safer neighborhoods or anything else. If anything, it’s worsened every one of those things for those it claims to represent.
BLM is more than happy to associate and encourage mostly white Antifa types – the black-clad brownshirts of their movement – to attack police and wreak havoc. Sure, they say they are a non-violent organization, the same way the Klan could call themselves a social club.
But make no mistake: there are BLM members guiding every element of the destruction and harassment; they are clearly the ones with the bullhorns threatening white neighborhoods, accosting diners, directing the looting, demanding the defunding of police departments and, yes, calling for the murder of police.
I have yet to understand why so many don’t seem to understand that BLM is a fraud. It’s so obvious. Their demands are ludicrous and perhaps intentionally unattainable. If some brave soul were to broadcast their ridiculous demands – point by point – most people couldn’t believe what BLM supporters actually say it stands for. From eliminating police altogether, to breaking up the nuclear family, to abolishing bail, to emptying prisons – it’s all crazy stuff.
BLM is nothing more than a grievance business designed to extort money and wield political power ultimately to destroy our culture, our history, our shared values, our economic system, and our way of life. Why? Because they are essentially Marxists.
They know they can’t rebuild an entire society in their own twisted vision until they destroy the current one. That requires the destruction of all critical institutions, such as religion, public education, law enforcement, the judicial system, government, the business community, and everything else on which the public traditionally relies on for stability.
Not all blacks agree with BLM. They want to see more police – not fewer – in their neighborhoods. They want criminals to go to in jail, not released the next day. They are ashamed to see BLM and Antifa types loot their local stores, burn down black-owned businesses, torch their neighborhoods, and beat or kill black business owners trying to defend their own property. They are appalled to see black criminals celebrated as heroes.
A black female vlogger recently said she was going to piss off a lot of people by saying this, but if black people are tired of being stereotyped as criminals by whites, maybe blacks should stop feeding that perception and stop rioting, looting, and murdering each other.
Or chanting they hope two police officers with serious wounds after being shot at close range “fucking die,” as they try to block them from getting to the emergency room. Sickening.
These are the people the media, Democrats, professional athletes, and rich white liberals are praising as courageous social justice warriors fighting police brutality and racism?
WTF is wrong with them?Thursday, September 3, 2020
We shouldn't have to put up with this much bullshit ...
Every now and then there’s just so much crazy going on that you have to wonder if we’ve all slipped through the looking glass into a completely alternate reality.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The inevitable post-election riots ...
There will be riots if Trump wins in November. The streets will be filled with angry, violent people burning buildings, destroying property, setting cars on fire, and looting.
The common theme will be that Trump stole the election
again. He’s not the legitimate winner.
He only won by cheating. The real
winner was Joe Biden. And there will be
no peace until the results are overturned and Joe and Kamala are declared the
rightful winners. They’ll probably even
think about the 25th Amendment again, or calling for a military coup
“to restore democracy.”
That’s predictable. We’ve seen this preview for more than three and a half years so far. You’d have to be blind to see some other outcome from a Trump win.
But what if Trump loses?
Well, there will still be riots. The streets will be filled with the same angry, violent people burning buildings, destroying property, setting cars on fire, and looting. The same folks we’ve seen night after night attacking police, Federal buildings, and local businesses in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, and everywhere else where those the media like to call “peaceful protestors” have laid waste.
If anything, the violence and destruction will be even worse. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them try to storm the White House to drag Trump outside for “revolutionary justice” by the mob.
Wouldn’t they be happy that Trump lost? Why would they riot?
They’d riot because they’d now hold all the power. That’s what they’ll think, anyway. And now
there’s nothing, and nobody, to stop them.
Not the police. Not the National Guard.
Not Federal agents. Not those weak-kneed appeasers they already
humiliated in state and local governments. Certainly not their Democrat
apologists in Congress – they helped get them here, but as with useful idiots
in past revolutions, they aren’t needed anymore. They are disposable.
That includes Pelosi, Schumer, and Sanders. Nobody will be safe from a newly empowered mob. In short order, the mob’s purity tests will get more and more rigid. Even politicians who praised the mob and turned a blind eye to its violence and destruction will become suspect; especially if it’s discovered those politicians supported the cause just to protect themselves.
The media who covered for them on their path to power may not be pure enough. Nor may the social media platforms owned by the tech giants. The media and the tech giants really can’t be trusted not to backslide into old habits. So, going forward, all media reports and social media posts will require prior approval by a revolutionary committee before publishing.
Goodbye Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Any dissent will be brutally crushed. Any splinter groups within the revolution arguing for moderation will be crushed as counterrevolutionaries.
Because the first rule of a revolution is to destroy any counterrevolutionaries.
Finally, some of the current leaders of organizations like BLM will come under the gun. Why did they accept money from corrupt capitalists? Why did they take money from corporations who have oppressed minorities? Did they sell out for the bucks?
And then we’ll see the second rule of revolutions come into play.
The revolution always eats its own. It’s inevitable.
If Trump loses, does anyone with a smidgen of intelligence believe all the chaos will stop? That may be what the Democrats are promoting to win this election, but that’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it. If the chaos continues, which it will, how would a newly elected President Biden and V.P. Harris, and the Democrats’ pals in the media, respond?
I suspect Biden would first appeal for an end to the violence because “it’s time we all came together as a nation.” When that fails, which it will because the rioters have shown absolutely no interest in ending the rampages, then what? Can you see Biden calling out the National Guard? Can you see the Democrat mayors and governors finally putting their foot down?
After Democrats, the left, and progressive socialists like The Squad, have called all police racists and demanded defunding key police departments, and Biden has said he’s in favor of allowing more citizens to sue police, does anyone really believe the police are going to rush to quell the violence? Why would they? Would you? Would anyone?
What will the media do? Will they continue to hide the violence from their viewers and pretend it’s not real? More likely, they and the Democrats will blame the violence on far-right extremists and white supremacists trying to discredit the movement and call for an extreme Federal and state crackdown on any group that espouses anti-socialist opinion.
Enemies of the revolution, in other words. The enemies list will continue to grow.
Now, you may think there’s no basis from what I’ve written here. But of course there is. It’s called history, which sadly isn’t taught anymore. Still skeptical? Just look at what happened in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, or Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba. Or for a more recent examples, try Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, or Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.
Socialist revolutions lead to dictatorships.
So, if Trump wins can he end the chaos? If the Democrats take the Senate and keep the House, we’ll have two more years of impeach-Trump hearings; nothing will get done. The chaos will continue in Congress and also on the streets.
And then the reign of terror will end. Probably in as few as two years, because Democrats in Congress will finally be held accountable by the voting public. If they push through their radical agenda and are able to overcome a Presidential veto, the public will see what the Democrats, the left and progressives have been trying to hide for decades.
Establishment Democrats, not Republicans, are the party of Wall Street, big banks, big insurance companies, big corporations, the defense industry, and the ultra-rich. Just see who their top donors are. Everything Democrats do – from Obamacare, to pandering to public employee and teachers’ unions, promoting Federal funding for abortions, fighting against tort reform, to their sudden support for keeping us in meaningless foreign wars – is designed to reward their donors.
They don’t give a rat’s ass about Joe and Molly Sixpack in the working-class neighborhoods, or Paul and Muffy in the suburbs, or about Tyrone and Keisha in the inner city. No do they really care about any of their kids. Or women in general. Or about gay people. All they care about is remaking America, keeping everybody divided, and if necessary, expanding the voting base with immigrants, to keep a perpetual hold on power. That’s their dream.
But two years after this Presidential Election, the House will again be up for grabs.
It may very well be nut-cutting time for Democrats if they happen to run the table yet the chaos in Congress and in the cities continues. Especially if Trump is not longer there to blame.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Who's "The Man" now?
How disappointing it must be to all right-thinking liberals and progressives to discover they themselves have become “The Man.” And that they and the people they support politically now embody just about everything they’ve fought against with such righteous indignation for years.
That’s what’s happened in the U.S.
The same people who railed against invasive Big Brother overreach into peoples’ private lives and opposed censorship of any kind for decades have become what they detested.
They’ve become The Establishment. “The Man,” in other
You know, the shadowy entity we once believed controlled everything behind the scenes. We felt its heavy hand everywhere – controlling what we were told by the media of the day, and even what we were allowed to think or say ourselves. “The Man” was always ready to crack down on anyone who challenged its authority. It didn’t hesitate to use outright lies, misinformation, propaganda, censorship, and, if necessary, threats of violence, to keep us under its thumb.
You simply couldn’t trust “The Man.” And in the 1960s many of us didn’t.
Back then, (when a lot of us were Democrats) we suspected “The Man” (mainly right wing Republicans) worked diligently to sow distrust and division among Americans solely on the basis of age, race, gender, education, class and income. Why? To keep us from uniting as one in opposition. We had no doubt “The Man” covertly spied on and invaded the privacy of ordinary citizens as well as political opponents, used strong-arm tactics to crush opposition, used Federal agencies to harass and silence critics, and kangaroo courts to persecute political enemies.
“The Man” was authoritarian and tyrannical and wielded its power like a club to bludgeon its enemies and shut down dissent. Only the truly brave had the guts to stand up to “The Man.” They usually paid a high price – personally and professionally – for doing it.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, that’s who liberal Democrats, progressives, and the left have become. It’s a mystery why they can’t see it because it’s just so damn obvious to many of us.
Or perhaps they know what they’ve become. And they like it. No, they love it.
They love having the power to get people fired for not agreeing with them. They love the power to decide what is and what isn’t acceptable to say or print; which words are forbidden and which are permitted. They love the power to stop anyone from publicly challenging them. They love having the power to force politicians and police chiefs to their knees, figuratively and literally. They love using the courts and hand-picked judges to get what they want without the trouble and inconvenience of debating and passing laws.
They are fine with having their friends in government spy on people they don’t like, secretly fund their political allies, and punish their political enemies, even if that rides roughshod over the Constitution. They are fine with destroying the reputations and livelihoods of their critics, and even of celebrities who won’t grovel before them begging their forgiveness for some real or imagined slight. Most of all, they enjoy using their new-found power to silence free speech and opposing opinions.
They are the mob. And to a lot of Americans, they are terrifying.
Is it any wonder that according to a recent survey almost 65% of all Americans are afraid of saying something politically incorrect or perhaps racially insensitive? The consequences are too awful to consider for most people, apparently.
Think about that for a minute.
People are just too afraid to speak out. It could cost them their job. It could cost them their friends. It could cost them everything near and dear to them. Almost 65% of Americans have been intimidated into foregoing their own rights to free speech. That’s not an overstatement.
No one is allowed to criticize or question the motives of those defacing public buildings and monuments with obscenities, burning the flag and Bibles. Or to ask why they are attacking police, private citizens and private property, and rioting and looting under the guise of “peaceful protests.” Anyone who dares speak out against the obvious violence and destruction is called a fascist at best, but more often a racist, or perhaps a white supremacist.
These ignorant barbarians have intimidated colleges and universities to ostracize and punish faculty who don't promote the "correct" narrative, and to cancel speakers with whom they don't agree. They’ve intimidated comedians to the point that many will no longer perform on college campuses. They’ve also managed to intimidate most of the media who refuse to report anything that exposes their intolerance of opposing views, much less their tendency toward violence.
They've essentially created the same type of fascist state Antifa claims to be fighting to prevent. This is the same authoritarian regime that the Democrats, the left, and now the progressives claim Donald Trump is leading us toward.
Surprise. We’re already mostly there, thanks to all of the above.
It’s not because of Donald Trump. If anything, it’s in spite what he’s tried to accomplish for the country, for the economy, and for our citizens of all races.
So I have to ask Antifa, Democrats, the left, and the progressives a simple question.
How does it feel to realize that you’ve become what you claim to hate? The bully. The censor. The tyrant demanding control over every aspect of everyone’s private life, what they can say, what they can see or read, who they can associate with and more.
Even what they can laugh at.
How does it feel to be “The Man,” in other words?