
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Voting to overthrow the United States ...

Hard to believe, but this is actually what Democrats are promising if they win. 
Also, higher taxes, citizenship for over 11 million here illegally, full benefits for all illegals, taking away private insurance from more than 150 million Americans, packing the Supreme Court, and seizing guns from legal owners. Let’s not forget government paid abortions with no restrictions, the end of right-to-work laws, getting rid of fossil fuels, and an ever more intrusive government.   

I find this particularly stunning because in any other election supporting these policies would be the end of any campaign. The American public wouldn’t stand for it.  

But this isn’t any election.  That’s because Trump’s on the ballot.  

In reality, however, this election isn’t about Trump versus Biden, or Republicans versus Democrats. It’s about rage and vengeance because Trump was elected in 2016.  Still. 
Since then, Democrats and the media have completely lost any semblance of credibility. They openly lie.  They make up imaginary “sources.” They hide or refuse to report anything that doesn’t support their personal view.  They ignore the laws, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, common decency and anything else that stands in their way. 

They’ve also managed to make a significant segment of the population believe that it’s okay to destroy public and private property, physically attack law enforcement, burn and loot stores, put innocent lives in danger, and do whatever else they like – no matter how heinous or repulsive – because it’s all in the righteous cause of solving “racial injustice.”  When riots break out and cities burn, they call the rioters and looters “peaceful protestors.”
Reporters stand in front of whole city blocks in flames, police cruisers burning, rioters breaking store windows and carrying out flat screen TVs, and still describe this as “mostly peaceful” protests. Cable news contributors and Democrats have called the looting a form of “reparations.”
One Democrat activist has said the looting meant that some poor black family would have food tonight. I guess that would be while they’d be watching their new flat-screen TV.  Although I didn’t see any looters breaking into grocery stores to feed their families.  Liquor stores? Sure.  Target? Yep.  Walmart? Of course.  Footlocker? You bet.
Maybe they sold what they looted to buy food?
I don’t think so.  What about you?
One result of this selective reporting has been the death of any remaining trace of objective and honest journalism – not that journalism has ever been a pillar of integrity – but the media have stopped even pretending to be fair; in fact they actively promote and market their bias.
The tech giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the other outlets they control – openly censor or impede access to information from people they don’t like, to views they don’t support, and to any criticism of views or people they do support. It’s blatant, it’s pervasive, it’s one-sided, and they really don’t give a damn if the public knows it.
They openly admit they alone make the decisions on who sees what. And what their audience is allowed to see.  They choose the priorities of which story leads, and what is never covered.  They also decide entirely on their own what’s true and what isn’t, and what’s to be trusted.
In short, they are censors.  They have also become Big Brother.  There’s no other way to describe what they are doing. 

They are completely controlling what the public is allowed to see. They have the ability to construct an alternate reality of their choosing, mainly because the majority of the mainstream media agree with what they’re doing. Especially since other media can use the tech giants’ “fact checkers” to justify their own censorship of views and stories they don’t like.
The tech giants’ “fact checkers” – like those at most other mainstream media outlets – are hardly independent and unbiased. Most only seem to “check” and nit-pick statements from sources and people they don’t approve of anyway. They never seem to be as diligent about politicians they prefer, or causes they support; they let even the most outrageously false claims from those slide as “mostly true.” Or they don’t see the need to fact check them at all.
Democrats are all-in on this censorship. 

One prominent Democrat has called for a “reconciliation” commission if Democrats win.  This commission would have the power to charge and punish Trump officials, members of his administration, and anyone else who carried out or supported his policies. 
Another, just as creepy, has proposed a bipartisan commission to regulate what is deemed factual and as such allowed to be broadcast on TV, cable, or the Internet. I suspect most Democrats and their allies in the media are okay with this for now. 
Like a lot of what Democrats and the media are proposing, George Orwell beat them to it.  He already came up with a great name for this commission: The Ministry of Truth.

Orwell also foreshadowed leaders’ attacks on critics as “enemies of the state.” Remember, that’s what Pelosi called Republicans. 
I’ll be completely candid. Today’s Democrats and the media scare the crap out of me. 
I’ve often said that of all the things that terrify me – and there really aren’t that many – censorship is at the top of that list. What we don’t know is always far more dangerous to our democracy and our way of life than what we do know.

Right behind censorship on my list is its political bedfellow – authoritarian government that controls every aspect of our personal lives, ends personal freedom, and alone decides who succeeds and who fails.  

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the powerful, the ultra rich like Bloomberg and Hollywood celebs, bankers and Wall Street types are spending their millions to help elect a proposed authoritarian regime under the Democrats. An authoritarian government would help them prosper even more; just ask Russian oligarchs. The rich and politically connected always get richer and even more powerful under authoritarian governments.   

Censorship and authoritarianism go hand in hand. One inevitably leads to another; it’s simply a matter of which comes first.
Sadly, censorship is helping the authoritarians in this election.  But if Democrats win everything, you can count on aggressive censorship to keep them in power.
That, and their Ministry of Truth.  They win; we all lose.  

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