
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, September 3, 2020

We shouldn't have to put up with this much bullshit ...

Every now and then there’s just so much crazy going on that you have to wonder if we’ve all slipped through the looking glass into a completely alternate reality.

I’ve reached that point.  It’s time for a course correction.  Time to get back on track. 
There are just so many lies being told every day and too few people call these out as complete bullshit, which, frankly, is what they are. How they get away with this escapes me. Anybody with Internet access can easily find the facts that definitively contradict this crap, but for some reason, nobody is willing to stand up and call a spade a spade anymore. 
Supposed “fact checking” sites are among the worst offenders when it comes to lying. Snopes, Media Matters, WaPo, and PolitiFact – sources the media and Democrats say can be trusted and cite all the time – cannot be trusted at all. These left-leaning “fact checkers” are so biased it’s laughable.  Doesn’t anyone else find it strange that the only people they “fact check” are Republicans? I guess we’re all supposed to believe that only Republicans and Trump say things that aren’t true; no Democrat ever does – that’s why they never bother to fact check them.
Biden can say stuff that’s completely false – like 120 million Americans have died from Covid-19, how his proposed child tax credit would bring 720 million women back into the workforce, and how he was arrested trying to attend Mandela’s funeral, and the “fact checkers” are nowhere to be found. But let Trump exaggerate the size of a crowd and they leap on that like white on rice. 
So when Joe says he wants a real-time fact checker at any debate with Trump, well of course he would. He has nothing to fear because they’d let him slide and only “fact check” Trump.  They could be his very own Candy Crowley, who famously – and erroneously – “corrected” Romney in his debate with Obama, while letting Obama slide. 
Then there are the professional liars like Donna Brazile, Richard Goodman, Jessica Turlock, and Juan Williams. They are pettifoggers at best. Abject liars most of the time. They pick things out of context, conflate disparate things, and baldly lie to make their case.  That case always seems to be that Republicans and Trump in particular are racists, white supremacists, and evil. 
As a perfect example, they constantly misrepresent what Trump said about the incident at Charlottesville when protestors gathered to stand against tearing down historic statues of Confederate leaders and soldiers.  

A handful of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists mixed into the otherwise mostly peaceful protestors.  Counter protesters and Antifa types armed with shields, helmets, bats and other weapons, also showed up spoiling for a fight. Violence erupted when the much larger number of Antifa folks attacked the few Neo-Nazi clowns trying to leave.  It got very ugly fast; the Antifa people did a serious beat down of the Neo-Nazis and white nationalists there. Then a far-right loon ran over and killed one of the counter protestors in the chaos.   
That’s the true story of what happened that day.  There’s plenty of video.   
When Trump was asked to respond to what happened in Charlottesville, he never said there were fine people on both sides of the violence, which is what Biden and the professional media liars like Brazile, Goodman, Turlock, and Williams keep claiming. He said there were fine people on both sides of the debate over whether statues like that of Robert E. Lee should be taken down. He made it a point to publicly disavow any support for white nationalists or extremists of any kind, as a matter of fact. 
They all know this. Yet they lie about it every time.  
When they get called out on lies like this, which is often on Fox but nowhere else on broadcast or cable TV, they speak louder, interrupt, and talk over anyone who tries to get the facts straight. They try to bulldoze their lies over the facts.          
The morons spouting this nonsense know they are lying. They know they are distorting the truth. The lies are so obvious and transparently false. On the off chance they don’t know they are lying, they are stupid at best or delusional at worst.   They’ve clearly lost touch with reality altogether. Nobody should be giving them any credence – they’re either bald-faced liars or pathological liars. 
Either way, you can’t believe a word they say. I suspect most people don’t. Let me put it another way: I sincerely hope most people don’t believe a word they say.  I know I don’t. 
There’s more: I'd bet most people have heard that Democrats are the party of the working and middle class, while Republicans are the party of Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich. That's what Democrats and the media have been saying for years. 
That’s another big lie. 
The biggest donors to the Democrat Party are unions, Wall Street types and the super rich, not just the rich-rich. You know, Goldman Sachs partners, pop-culture celebrities, hedge fund and Silicon Valley tech billionaires, and the trial lawyers’ associations, to name but a few.  Not a pauper in the bunch.  When they nominate a long-time shill for the credit card industry in Joe Biden, and as running mate another Wall Street darling in Kamala Harris, the media still cheer them as fighters for the common man and woman, and foes of big business.  Unlike those evil rich Republicans.
The media know who these two are. They also know exactly who’s dumping in big bucks on their behalf; it’s all a matter of public record. But the lies just keep coming.
Joe's been running TV spots highlighting his humble beginning in Scranton, PA – a real working-class town. Growing up there, the implication is, made Joe the champion of ordinary working men and women.  The spot leaves out that Joe’s family moved to Delaware when he was seven. So he didn’t really grow up in Scranton, but Delaware.  But they try to make it seem he grew up there by showing a clip of a young Joe probably in his teens without disclosing where he was then. 

Spoiler alert: It was probably in Delaware.  
Did you know Joe led us out of the great recession and built a booming economy?  That’s what another of his TV spots claims. That’s laughable. Joe has always been the equivalent of teats on a bull.  He’s never accomplished a damn thing, seriously, not one damn thing – well except for the 1994 Crime Bill he authored and pushed which put thousands of blacks in prison. And now he tries to walk away from that at every opportunity. 
While he was in Pennsylvania recently, he said he was never in favor of banning fracking; an industry that’s created thousands of good jobs there. Of course, that was blatant lie. He agreed he’d “absolutely” ban all fracking and fossil fuels when Sanders cornered him in the Democrat debates.  There’s video. But now Biden claims he meant he’d oppose fracking and drilling on Federal lands only.    
While I’m at it in terms of willful misrepresentation, there’s Dr. Jill Biden. 
Not long after Joe’s first wife died in a car accident, he had an affair with his best friend’s wife that ended in a nasty divorce.  That best friend’s wife was the now Jill Biden. 
Next, do you know what Dr. Jill is a doctor of?  Like many people, you may have thought she might be a medical doctor of some kind, since the media keep referring to her as Dr. Jill Biden. Nope. She has her Ph.D. in Education; most people with a doctorate in Education find it ridiculously pretentious to call themselves “Dr.” outside of academia. My father had an MA in Far Eastern History and a Ph.D. in international studies – both significantly more difficult to attain than Dr. Jill’s credentials; even he didn’t refer to himself as “Dr.” (And he loved pretension.)  
What really got me going recently, though, were the lies related to the riots. 
Make no mistake, when you see people throwing rocks, fireworks, and Molotov cocktails at police and burning cop cars, looting stores and setting them ablaze, and beating up anyone standing in their way, that’s a riot.  I don’t care what bogus “cause” started the riot, a riot is a riot – a riot is never a “peaceful protest”; it may start that way but when property is destroyed, looting begins, and police are called in to quell the violence, that’s a riot.  No matter what the media and Democrats said for months. 
Suddenly, only because polling showed the chaos and violence Democrats and the media tacitly and sometimes overtly endorsed was starting to drag down Joe’s numbers, they’ve decided that maybe the destruction and looting has gone too far. Not that anyone engaged in burning, looting and attacking police is to blame, mind you, but that the rampant lawlessness – mainly in Democrat-run cities – that’s been obvious to most of America should be addressed. 
Which Joe and the Democrats, and the media have finally decided to do.
They’ve decided it’s all Trump’s fault.  Seriously. 
You have to admit, it takes big ones to blame Trump for the riots. 
Then again, they blame Trump for the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns that took the greatest economy in our history, and the lowest unemployment rates, and cratered both. 
I guess they believe if you’re going to lie, go big or go home.    

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