
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, July 27, 2020

Enough of this crap ...

Haven’t we all had enough? 

It’s well past time, to start kicking ass and taking names. The only question now is why the hell it’s taking so long to do what was inevitable from the very start. 

The protests were never about Black Lives Matter.  We all know this.  We knew this when the protests started. Nor were they about George Floyd.  And while many initial protests were “peaceful” about 80% of the day, at night the other 20% was just about destroying things.

Tearing down statues was never about Confederates and pro-slavery politicians. Nor was pulling down statues of Jefferson, Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus.   It was about destroying things, plain and simple. It was about showing that mobs can destroy whatever they want, whenever they want, and spineless, gutless state and local politicians will do nothing to stop it; even to the point of throwing their own police under the bus, and making it impossible for them to keep order.

Portland, Seattle, DC, NYC, Minneapolis, Louisville, Chicago, and too many other American cities are standing aside and letting everything burn. The politicians in those cities are cowards, too frightened to put an end to this carnage. Some of these weasels have even gone out to join the protestors and call for all Federal agents to stop defending Federal property – which the Feds have an obligation to do under the law – and to leave their cities immediately. 

But before the Feds leave, these same politicians are demanding that the Feds clean up all the graffiti on Federal buildings placed there by the protestors. That’s chutzpah. 

The “peaceful protestors” have upped their game, knowing these nutless wonders running the cities are too afraid to do one damn thing to stop them. One of the latest tricks is deploying the Wall of Moms or the Wall of Vets.  This way, “Moms” or “Vets” act as a human shield behind which the protestors can throw frozen water bottles, rocks, fireworks and more serious explosive devices at the police and agents. It’s just a matter of time before they deploy the Wall of Kids.   

“Peaceful protestors” have lately wielded black umbrellas in their “peaceful” interactions with police and Federal agents.  One use is to hide behind while throwing things at the cops and agents.  Another is to fend off rubber bullets and other impact weapons used by law enforcement. Another is apparently to use as a sharpened-tip stabbing weapon against police and agents. 

Face it, it’s open season on cops everywhere. And nobody in power is doing squat. When the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the NYPD is attacked and bloodied by a “peaceful protestor” while other “protestors” record it on their phones, you know things are out of control.  Then when the culprit is caught and released the next day by NYC courts, it’s a complete shit show.   

To make matters worse, if that’s even possible, District Court judges, appointed mostly by Clinton or Obama, are now issuing rulings to prevent law enforcement from forcing anyone supposedly a “legal observer” or holding a press credential to follow their directions to disperse. 

Go ahead, guess the result:  violent protestors all in black wearing tactical gear, helmets, gas masks, and armed with weapons like rock hammers and electric saws suddenly have press credentials. Wow, is anyone surprised? 

But wait, there’s more. 

In the latest escalation, there are now heavily armed black militias forming in support of BLM. They call themselves the Not Fucking Around Coalition, or NFAC.  Unfortunately, their members are just as inept at handling firearms properly as the gangbangers in Chicago; in their first outing in Louisville, one of them accidently shot three of their own militia members. 

While they were proudly strutting their stuff, another militia appeared – clearly not on the side of BLM or Antifa like NFAC.  I didn’t see the other militia’s name, but I suspect it’s probably something along the line of Enough Of This Bullshit.  That would be my choice. 

Finally, is there any doubt by anyone with the good sense God gave a sweet potato that BLM, Antifa, the Democrats, and the left-leaning media are all in this together?

Anyone? Anyone? Speak up now …

Of course they are.  Nancy is so happy she can hardly keep her teeth from falling out. Chuck Schumer, doing his best impression of DC Comic’s Penguin, can hardly control himself. The media can’t get enough of showing heavily edited pieces of “peaceful protestors” set upon by police and Federal stormtroopers sent in by Dictator Trump. But, the same media have no time or interest in showing the protestors beating up police and other civilians, smashing windows and looting, setting cars and ambulances on fire, attacking Federal property and burning businesses. 

It's time for the inevitable finally to happen.

It’s time to say, in the immortal words Dick Cheney said to Patrick Leahy: Go fuck yourself. 

This needs to be said to every BLM member and supporter. To every Antifa asshole.  To all the lying Democrat politicians and media types. 

Three little words that convey so much. We’re not putting up with this crap anymore. 

Local and state politicians need to be told in no uncertain terms that if they won’t support the police and let the police do their job and keep order, then someone else will take over that task. You can be absolutely certain that someone won’t be social workers; more likely in the absence of police it will be ordinary folks and homegrown militias taking the law into their own hands.

Instantly, more crimes will automatically carry the death penalty. And all the big talk from Democrats and progressives about gun control and seizing guns from legal owners goes out the window immediately.  Try it and there will be a civil war.  Seriously, there will be.    

Next up, to BLM:  Take your ridiculous demands and shove them up your ass. There will be no reparations. Zero. We’re not getting rid of police departments (see above).  We’re not going to close down all our jails and prisons.  We’re not going to cancel everybody’s student loan debt. We’re not going to become a Marxist society. We’re not going to get rid of the nuclear family.  We’re not going to cower and worry you’ll be offended by something. 

We don’t care what you want anymore. Period. Any elected official who supports giving you any of those things doesn’t deserve to keep their job. And probably won’t.    

Your blatant hypocrisy about which black lives actually matter makes the name of your organization a sick joke. Be honest for a change:  black lives only matter if they are killed by cops and not by another black criminal.  Those black lives matter more to you than other black lives, including the lives of black cops, black business owners, and black children. 

You don’t have massive street protests, riots and looting for weeks when their lives are lost, most often at the hands of a black criminal.  You don’t have a gold coffin for each of them, do you?  Al Sharpton doesn’t deliver a eulogy at their funerals, does he?  You’ve tapped into the black grievance industry for all it’s worth, but only selectively.  So stop expecting any of us to still believe you think all black lives matter.  You clearly don’t. 

We know your organization’s a fraud; you know it, too. But the days of shaking down stupid gutless corporations and trying to cash in on manufactured white guilt are over.  Feds should file RICO Act charges against BLM for running a criminal enterprise across state lines.

Whatever sympathy we once might have had is gone.  We aren’t all racists; most Americans never were.  No American still alive ever owned slaves. We believe everyone – black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Aleut, or whatever – deserves impartial, equal justice under the law.  Equal justice for everyone is something everyone agrees on.  That should be enough. 

If it’s not enough for you, go fuck yourself. That’s all we’ve got.     

And if you come to our cities, towns and neighborhoods and threaten us, our families, our property, or our neighbors, to get more from us than that, you will regret it. That’s not a threat, that is a sincere and honest promise.   

And now, Antifa.  We’ve dealt with hooded clowns like you before; gutless bozos who hid under robes and hoods to terrorize and intimidate others.  Just like you’ve been doing.  That’s why there are ordinances on the books in at least 18 states that forbid masks and hoods to disguise yourself.  Originally designed to take on the KKK, these laws are applicable to you also.  

After all, the KKK and Antifa are pretty much the same type of domestic terrorists. 

That’s exactly what Antifa types are, and should be treated as such, under Federal law, not some woosie local ordinance.  If Feds start enforcing that, you could be facing from 10 years to life in a Federal prison.  There will be no black ninja outfits there, no Pop Tarts or Hot Pockets from your mom, and kneeling there may have much different consequences, depending on your cell mate.

Also, like BLM’s demands, we don’t care what you want anymore either. Assuming, for that matter, that you know what you want beyond destroying things.  Right now you appear to have the thought process and reasoning skills of zombies.

If you’ve seen the movies, you know what stops zombies. 

I suspect it works in real life, too.  It’s up to you if you want to test my theory. 

Nope? Then go fuck yourself.  I’m done. We’re all done with the lot of you.     

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