
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, September 16, 2013

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right …

Well you couldn’t ask for more political entertainment than we’ve seen in the past couple of weeks. 

And to think it’s an off year for elections. 

Normally, you don’t get these kinds of yuks outside of primary season.  You know, when the loons on the left and right come out to play.

The lefties promise to take from the rich to give everything to everybody who isn’t rich, except those things they’ve decided aren’t good for you.  The righties promise to preserve your right to things the left has decided aren’t good for you, and to stop the left from taking stuff from you to give to others.

That’s pretty much the essence of Democrat and Republican positions.   

From there it gets more entertaining. 

The lefties accuse the right of being bigoted, misogynist, neo-Nazi, science-denying, religious fanatics – and all-around party poopers – who want to keep blacks in chains, keep women barefoot and pregnant, deport all illegal immigrants, and turn back the clock to the 1950’s. 

The righties accuse the left of being amoral godless Commies intent on shredding the Constitution and Bill of Rights, while using NPR and public schools as propaganda vehicles for promoting promiscuity, the breakup of the traditional family, and the destruction of the American work ethic and value system. 

Wow.  Some fun, eh? 

And Americans wonder why we can’t just get along.  Go figure. 

Anyway, that’s what we have to look forward to. 

But looking back to the past couple of weeks is fun, too.

Would we or wouldn’t we attack Syria?  Nobody knew – especially Obama.  That is, until a chance off-the-cuff comment by Kerry got picked up by the Russians who turned it into a proposal. 

Before that, Obama – who said earlier that Assad using chemical weapons would cross a red line, and then denied he ever set a red line – waffled between hitting Assad hard, hitting Assad maybe not so hard, and maybe not hitting Assad at all.  Maybe just talking to Assad in a strong voice with some finger wagging.   Maybe just making a mean face at him.  Who knows? 

Obama didn’t; he seemed to be waiting for something else to happen.  But public opinion remained opposed to getting involved in Syria at all.  His minions were having no luck changing public opinion on the matter. Then the Brits turned down his request for their support.

You know as an American President you’re really screwed when the Brits turn you down. 

So who was left?  Military heavyweights like Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Lichtenstein?   And it wasn’t certain any of them would be willing to send their one and only soldier into harm’s way on our behalf.   France said they might come along, but who can depend on the French? 

Along this convoluted path Obama did the unthinkable: He asked for Congressional approval.  And that’s when the real fun began. 

His supporters in and out of Congress had been pushing for unilateral action by Obama; they wanted him to hit Assad hard.  (Now these were the same people who went absolutely bat-shit crazy when GWB launched the attacks on Iraq with Congressional approval.) 

They were royally pissed when Obama did what GWB did.   Huh? 

That led to magic moments where Obama’s biggest fans were attacking him for not using his Presidential authority to drop Tomahawk missiles on people we only thought had used chemical weapons.  (Even now, nobody knows for sure who used the chemical weapons.) 

So as not to let Democrats corner the market on hypocrisy, Republicans who normally support the use of military force by any President to punish bad guys around the world suddenly became pacifists.   An odd coalition of Tea Party Republicans and far-left Democrats started to coalesce in opposition to doing anything on Syria. 

McCain – continuing his charge headfirst toward permanent irrelevancy – wanted to bomb the crap out of Assad so there would be regime change in Syria.  He spoke of the Syrian opposition as the good guys, moderates, because, well … he’d met with them.  He dismissed reports that Al Qaeda and jihadists were heavily involved in the Syrian opposition.  

I guess old John was asleep when we armed and trained the mujahidin in Afghanistan to fight the Russians, only to end up fighting the now well-trained and well-armed mujahidin ourselves after the Russians left.  Or maybe he dozed off when the rebels we supported during the “Arab Spring” turned out to be oddly similar to the jihadists who wanted to kill all Americans. 

Anyway, Congress was a complete cluster, as always. 

When it looked like Congress was going to defeat his request for authorization, Obama dispatched Kerry – like Colin Powell for GWB – to make the case before Congress that Assad had chemical weapons, and that Assad had used them on his own people.

Kerry gave perhaps the speech of his life. 

All along the Russians said Assad had no chemical weapons.  Assad said he had no chemical weapons.  Then Kerry made his offhand remark  that one way to avoid being attacked would be for Assad to give up his chemical weapons to a third party – but Assad would never do that. 

The Russians pounced on the idea.  All of a sudden Assad found the chemical weapons he didn’t have and agreed to turn those weapons he didn’t have over a neutral third party.

Obama first discounted the idea.  Kerry discounted the idea – even though it was his. 

But then, the light went on for Obama.  He pulled back his request for Congressional approval, tossing Nancy, Harry and of course Kerry under the bus, while he awaited more details from the Russians. 

The Russians, for God’s sake.   

Obama’s relying on the Russians to pull his bacon out of the fire.  That’s rich.

Meanwhile, Obama goes on TV and in a rambling, incoherent monologue confirms for the nation and the world that he’s a complete buffoon.  He’s way over his head and totally baffled about what he should do, so he plays the “baffle them with bullshit” gambit 

Putin’s laughing his ass off and openly mocks Obama.  Which is justified. 

So here’s the net/net.  Assad gets 6 months to turn over the chemical weapons he doesn’t have.  This also means that he stays in power, and although the media doesn’t want to cover this, he’s winning against the insurgents.  The insurgents are pissed at us because they hoped we’d come in on their side in a big way; instead, the CIA is supplying them with small arms – rifles, pistols and ammo by some reports – which aren’t that effective against Assad’s tanks and helicopter gunships. 

Assad wins. Russia wins. U.S. prestige and believability takes yet another hit. 

Obama will no doubt declare victory.  His toadies are already out there supporting his new mantra that Assad was so scared of Obama that he caved on his chemical weapons. 

Except that securing Assad’s chemical weapons wasn’t how this started.  It wasn’t even a primary goal.  Obama wanted to show what a tough guy he was by punishing Assad with a strong military strike. 

Obviously that’s not going to happen.  Obama will claim the moral high ground, nonetheless, and pretend that this was his plan all along.  And look how well it worked.  We didn’t cause any loss of life and we got exactly what we wanted. 


Given that the media will push this nonsense nonstop, a lot of Americans may forget that Obama caved early on when it looked like public opinion was against intervention.  Everything after that was simply waffling, hoping something else came up to give him a clue what to do. 

That’s called decision by indecision.  That’s not how a leader leads. 

In the meantime, we’ve given the world a lot to laugh about.

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