
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Everyone wants us to talk about race ...

So then, let’s talk. 

Let me start by saying I honestly don’t care what skin color anybody is.  Or what race they are, either. Seriously, I don’t. 

Skin color or race don’t define anything for me.  Character and ability do.

I’m not blind – I can clearly see what color someone is and could take a reasonable guess at their race if I tried.  But I don’t bother. Because I simply don’t care. 

That also means I don’t think anyone’s skin color or race makes them special in any way.  Nor should they be entitled to anything just because of either one. Or discriminated against, either.    

It may make a lot of folks angry that I don’t care.  That’s apparently intolerable to many who think I have some moral responsibility to care deeply about skin color or race.  Too bad.    

Protestors have spent several months tearing down statues, rioting, looting and assaulting the residents, businesses and police in city after city so that people like me pay attention to them solely because of their skin color or race.  I suppose their plan for me and others like me was to be so scared of them, or feel so guilty, that we’d decide they deserved super-special treatment. 

Speaking only for myself, it didn’t work. All I saw was violent mobs tearing down things that had absolutely nothing – in my mind – to do with the claimed source of their anger. Which, I’ve been told repeatedly, is “racial injustice,” whatever that is.  Nobody can define it. 

The whole Black Lives Matter stuff left me cold. And still does. Of course, black lives matter. But so do white lives, Hispanic lives, Asian lives, Native American lives, Pacific Islander lives, police lives, and all other lives matter. All human lives matter. Not just black lives.

But if you say that aloud you’re called a racist.  Go figure.

No one deserves special treatment or punishment because of their skin color or race. If you commit a serious crime and get caught, you’ll get arrested and maybe get punished.  It doesn’t matter what color or race you are.  Nor does the colors or races of the cops.  What does matter is how many other times you’ve been arrested and convicted before now, the severity of those priors, and the crime you're accused of now. 

That’s how it’s supposed to work. That’s equal justice under the law. For the most part, it works just that way day in and day out.  Objective data bear that out.    

The same goes for officer involved shootings. Draw a weapon on a cop and you are likely to get shot; the cops only see the weapon, not your skin color or race. In fact, these days in many urban areas it’s highly likely the cop who shoots you will be the same skin color and race as you.    

The fact that we’re all supposed to be treated equally under the law regardless of race, religion or ethnicity is one of the great appeals of our country to others around the world.

Another great appeal of our country is that, by law and by custom, you’re innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof always rests on the accuser, not the person being accused.  And what really infuriates the people who always yell racism about everything all the time is that they can almost never prove it.  Then again, they don’t care about proving anything.

They scream racism merely as a tactic to end discussion the same way a dog barks to get you to stop whatever you’re doing. They don’t want to listen to reason or facts any more than a dog does; they just want to get their way.    

I don’t care if anyone calls me a racist. I know I’m not, no matter how hard the media and some people try to make me feel like one.  There’s no proof.  I can’t think of a single instance that I made even the most minor decision based on skin color or race, or gender or sexual orientation for that matter, for or against, in my entire personal or business life.  Not one.  

I seriously doubt anyone who has ever known or worked with me could either. 

That said, it’s nothing to be overly proud of.  These simply were never issues I considered that important.  I acted out of complete and total indifference, not bravery or compassion or some abstract dedication to diversity or political correctness.  I did nothing special.

That’s why I don’t feel compelled to wear my indifference to anyone’s skin color or race on my sleeve, nor bring it up in every conversation or argument.  It’s so irrelevant it’s boring.   

My guess is most Americans of any skin colors or races probably feel the same way by now. The only racists among us are those who think skin color and race are an individual’s single most important attribute, above all else, even more important than the content of their character.  

So are we done here? 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The assault on reality ...

There are many things that make me dislike the media and Democrats. 

Yet there’s one thing they do that rises above all the rest.  They are trying to reshape reality.  It’s getting worse all the time.  It’s also tearing the country apart. 

Worst of all, I believe it’s intentional. I believe they know full well that they are manipulating what the public sees or hears to present a false narrative. And I think they are doing so gleefully, celebrating among themselves, that they are so much smarter than the general public.

To them, we’re a pack of ignorant rubes. Putting stuff over on us is just too easy.  They honestly believe we’re all too stupid to see through what they are doing to us.

They told us George Floyd was a innocent black man murdered by the police. He wasn’t innocent and he wasn’t murdered by the police: he had a long rap sheet and died from a lethal dose of fentanyl. Did what the police do aggravate his condition? Yes, but the reason he kept saying he couldn’t breathe was because that’s one of the results from the lethal dose of fentanyl he had ingested beforehand.  George Floyd was no saint, no upright pillar of the community, and he was resisting arrest. 

All the riots that then happened – all the “protests” over “racial injustice,” and “police brutality” that allegedly killed Floyd – ignored all of the above.  The looting, burning, assaults on police, and murders of innocent people by the “peaceful protestors,” as they were called by the media, that lasted for months had absolutely no basis in fact.   

But you wouldn’t know it based on media coverage.  If you only watched the major networks like ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, or relied on MSNBC, CNN, Facebook, Huffington Post, the NYT, LA Times, or Washington Post, you knew little about the chaos and destruction.  And saw even less. 

If you watched Fox or various online news outlets, you witnessed night after night of cities on fire, police and emergency vehicles torched, businesses being looted and then burned to the ground, and bystanders assaulted and beaten.  All while “peaceful protestors” openly celebrated. You also noticed black-clad Antifa types smashing storefronts and throwing firebombs. 

Still, all you heard on the local and national news was about “mostly peaceful protests,” and the Black Lives Matter movement focused on ending racial injustice, especially by police. 

The reality is that BLM is a Marxist organization that has almost nothing to do with protecting or enhancing the lives of blacks.  It’s a money-making venture that’s convinced corporations to give it millions as blood tribute. It’s also based on a lie: that blacks in America are victims of systemic racism and black men, like Floyd, are targeted and killed by racist police all the time. 

That’s complete bullshit, and the BLM people know it. Yet the media keep repeating that nonsense, despite stats that definitively prove otherwise. It’s been very effective, nonetheless.  In a recent survey, people were asked how many unarmed black men were killed by police on average each year. Most responded either in the hundreds or thousands. 

From official FBI stats: the actual number of unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019 was 19, not hundreds, much less thousands. To put this in perspective, it’s less than the number of blacks killed by other blacks in a couple of weekends in Chicago alone, but blacks killing other blacks doesn’t interest Democrats or the media enough to cover.  It should, but it doesn’t.

In late May 2019, Washington, DC, experienced riots, again supposedly over the death by police of Floyd and other blacks, that included setting a historic Episcopal Church right across from the White House on fire. Why was the church set on fire? That question was never answered.

The media chose instead to focus on Trump’s ill-advised photo op in front of the church on June 1 while holding a Bible, and that Episcopal officials didn’t approve of Trump being there.  They made a big deal about how Secret Service agents moved bottle-throwing “peaceful” protestors away from the area to protect Trump and others with him; they erroneously reported, and of course never retracted, that those agents used tear gas on the protestors.     

On January 6 of this year, a bunch of different protestors streamed into the Capitol, a scene captured by the cellphones and video cameras of plants working for CNN, BLM and others in the crowd.  Ostensibly, it was a protest against the certification of the 2020 Presidential election. One Capitol police officer shot through a broken pane of glass for some unknown reason and killed an unarmed female protestor. A couple of people had heart attacks and died, including one of the police there. 

The media and Democrats made up a story that the fallen police officer had been bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by one of the protestors. That wasn’t true – he was never hit and he died of a heart attack.  Several Democrat members of Congress claimed they feared for their lives because they thought protestors were out to kill them.  In fact, protestors were not armed, and they were more interested in finding Mike Pence than bothering Democrats.

AOC claimed she was terrified by protestors running down her hallway trying all the doors. Except protestors were never in the building AOC was in.  Other members of the Squad said they had to hide yet posted clips of themselves quaking in fear for their lives.  

Nancy Pelosi claimed that it was an armed insurrection incited by Trump supporters and white supremacists. All of which has since been proven false. There’s no evidence Trump incited the protesters to attack the Capitol, that white supremacists had anything to do with it, that protestors had any firearms, much less any intent to use them if they did, so everything she said is a lie.  Yet the media and Democrats keep repeating all this crap. Democrats in the House also used these fabrications to impeach Trump long after he was no longer President. 

Democrats and the media have used this one stupid event to justify ringing the White House with fence and razor wire, and thousands of National Guard troops, to prevent white supremacists from attacking the Capitol once again and possibly overthrowing the government.  The FBI has promised to crack down on white extremist groups and militias.

The reality is that what Democrats and the media continue to call an armed insurrection to overthrow the government didn’t really happen as they’ve described. There are no credible sources reporting that white supremacists or militias ever planned, or are now planning, to attack the Capitol. 

And instead of claims that protesters violently stormed the Senate and House chambers that day, there’s new footage that’s emerged showing Capitol police calmly welcoming some of the protestors in.  There’s also audio and video showing that some of the “protestors” that day urging others to break down doors were actually embedded by CNN and BLM. 

It's all bad theater. 

Recently, a nutjob in Georgia shot up several massage parlors because he was ashamed he had visited them for sex, and in his warped view by shooting them up it would end his desire for getting sex from them.  Now, just to review the facts:  nutjob shoots up various massage parlors he had visited for sex before; one non-Asian male and several Asian female workers are killed.

When captured, the nutjob confesses and insists to police it had nothing to do with race; he had nothing against Asians, just sex workers.  The police accept that. 

Almost immediately the media whip the story as proof that Asians are being persecuted and assaulted by whites in increasing numbers. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden fly to Georgia to comfort the families of the slain workers and go on record abhorring violence again Asians.

One of the sons of a slain female worker almost immediately gets interviewed by a network news crew to say how much his mother meant to him and how she always looked out for him. (A GoFundMe page started for him already has received over $3 million.)   

As if scripted in advance, Asians march to protest discrimination and violence against Asians.  Asians claim they are routinely assaulted, and their complaints are ignored.  The media imply it’s white supremacists at fault for the upswing in violence against Asians.

But, once again, what the media and leading Democrats are saying just isn’t true. 

There has been a surge in violence against Asians, especially in urban areas. But it’s not by whites; it’s by blacks. Remember that blacks make up less than 13% of the population. Whites make up about 62%. But about 28% of crimes against Asians are by blacks; about 24% are by whites. To make the math easier, Asians are almost 4.8 times more likely to be victims of crime perpetrated by blacks than by whites. 

Do we hear much about that? Why no. That’s because it makes the attacks on Asians more of a black issue, the same way blacks are victims of other blacks almost 71% of the time.

Yet if you watch the news, you’d think whites are doing all the crimes against Asians. Notice that when it’s a white guy assaulting an Asian the video of it makes the nightly news.  But when it’s a black guy who does it, well that’s not nearly as newsworthy; local news may run that video, but usually only to see if anyone can help identify the suspect.    

Finally, look at what’s happening at our southern border. 

Only recently have the media been forced to show what’s going on, mainly because a Democrat Rep. in Texas leaked photos.  If he hadn’t done that, the media would have still promoted the Biden administration’s claim that there’s no crisis there.

And if there were no photos, who would be any wiser? That’s their plan.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Democrats' addiction strategy ...

Free money is a powerful and addictive drug.
Once someone is hooked on free money, they want more and more. Eventually, they’ll do just about anything to keep getting it.  Including giving up some of their freedoms and basic values. The lure of free money can distract them from a lot of things they’d otherwise be outraged by. 
Democrats understand this.  That’s why they’re flooding the public with free money now so people won’t notice what they’re really doing. 
It’s also one reason why they won Georgia; the DNC sent out e-mails with a picture of a $2000 Treasury check and a note that if you vote for Warnock and Ossoff you’ll get this check.  Guess what? It worked.  If you don’t think so consider that when Biden had to scale back the checks to $1400 those who voted for Warnock and Ossoff were outraged: they’d been promised $2000.   
Biden and Democrats just pushed though a $1.9 trillion package – with $1400 checks for practically everyone, up to $21k extra each to Federal employees, another $3000 to parents plus $600 for every child under 6, and other refundable credits and subsidies. The amount of money blinded a lot of people, because, well, who doesn’t like free money?
That’s by design.  Because while people are salivating over the prospect of more money coming from Uncle Sam, they are ignoring what else is going on.  Even what else is in that bill. 
Like money for Planned Parenthood. Like money for states based on their levels of unemployment – effectively rewarding blue states who locked down businesses at the expense of states, like Florida, that kept businesses open. Like billions supposedly to get public schools reopened – on top of billions already committed to that and unspent already, and not likely to be spent in this year either. 
Like, once again, billions more for the arts, humanities, museums, Amtrak, PBS, and other pet special interests loved by Democrats.  Democrats in Congress are making it rain like Hunter Biden at a strip club.            
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is encouraging hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross our borders.  The administration is working hard to neuter ICE and stop all deportations of illegals already here. Biden’s also planning to give those here illegally the same stimulus checks, healthcare, food stamps, and benefits legal U.S. citizens get. Not getting as much attention, is it? 
Before I forget, in addition to the ridiculous bailouts of billions largely designed to help poorly run blue states, also included in that $1.9 trillion porkfest are increased subsidies for Obamacare. Now you’ll be able to get a subsidy even if you are an individual making about $80k a year.  Make up to 150% of the poverty level – or about $30k a year – and you get a 100% subsidy.
This is their backdoor way to get everyone on Obamacare and provides a powerful incentive for employers to abandon their own plans and opt for dumping their folks onto the government-run exchanges for coverage.  Severing health insurance from the need to work for an employer who provides it once and for all has always been a long-term goal of the progressives.     
There are extended unemployment benefits as well, now through September, which is truly bizarre since hiring is up and unemployment is down nationwide. I guess Democrats actually want to incent people to stay out of work by making it more profitable to collect UC than work.     
If that’s not enough, separately they’re now trying to pass a law to take away the states’ traditional rights to manage their elections for Federal offices and give those powers to Congress. Among the elements they’re attempting to get into law that would apply nationally are provisions to make voter ID laws illegal, eliminate signature verification on ballots, require the mass mailing of absentee ballots, provide voting rights to convicted felons and those still incarcerated, and allow third-party ballot harvesting. In short, all the things that have helped Democrats. 
State legislatures would no longer have sole authority to manage their own redistricting but would have to create “impartial” commissions to decide all redistricting decisions. In addition, every state would be required to allow same day registration and also automatic voter registration when someone gets their driver’s license or signs up for any government benefits. (Illegals would be on the honor system – it would be up to them to declare if they are a legal resident or not before they are automatically registered to vote.)       
Oh, I nearly forgot to add that states wouldn’t be allowed to purge voter rolls anymore to eliminate people who moved or died. Just because you don’t live some place anymore, or even still live, period, apparently shouldn’t disenfranchise you, I guess. 
Democrats have packaged this new bill as a way to stop voter suppression. Of course, the real purpose is to open the door to widespread voting fraud, which always seems to favor Democrats. That’s pretty clear.  But, as before, Democrats are counting on the idea that the public won’t notice because they are too consumed with the prospect of getting more free money.      
So, if anyone still wonders why Democrats are blowing money out the doors – money we really don’t have – there are two reasons, both incredibly calculating and cynical.
First, they are blinding the public with free stuff, or hope they are.  They don’t want people to realize exactly what they are up to – which is to push through a bunch of nonsense that pleases progressives but alienates most Americans.  Such as using tax dollars, a flood of new illegal voters, and one-party rule to keep Democrats in sole control of our government for decades.
If anyone were to read what’s in the $1.9 trillion bill they just passed most people would be appalled: first by how little is focused on Covid relief, but mostly by the sheer audacity to wrap so much wasteful crap in something sold as a way to help average working class American recover physically and financially from the pandemic. In truth, less than 10% of the spending in this bill has anything to do with Covid; the other 90% is a payoff to Democrat constituencies.   
However, I’m much more concerned about their second reason. They’ve designed most of the free money programs to expire in a couple of years.  They’ve already admitted this is intentional, and their strategy to win the 2022 midterms.  They’ll campaign on extending the payouts – or even increasing them – to everyone for a couple more years if elected.   
The promise of free money worked in Georgia. Why not do it again? 
Don’t be surprised when they do it. It’s the same strategy successfully used by drug pushers for years: go ahead, take it – first one’s free.  Because they know you’ll come back for more. 
Addicts always do.