
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The fruitless search for attention and relevance ...

Nobody is really paying attention anymore. 

That's driving Democrats and the bureaucrats in DC stark raving mad. The mainstream media can’t help them because the American public has largely tuned them out, too.  The propaganda is falling on deaf ears. 

Much of the reason is that the public is focused on other things. Like being unemployed. Like being forced by power-mad state officials to put their normal lives on indefinite hold.

The public is worried about their health, their family’s health, and whether they’ll ever be able to go back to school or back to work.  Or whether their school or workplace will even exist when or if this ever ends.  They’ve endured this shutdown for months and they’ve listened to the various “experts” telling them they should expect it to last for a long time to come. 

They’ve heard so many different things from the experts they don’t know what or who to believe.  Every day brings new and often conflicting information.  The virus wasn’t a big deal, said health experts initially. No need to panic, said talking head doctors on the news – it’s no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.  Just wash your hands a lot and don’t get near sick people.

You’ll be fine. Go and celebrate the Chinese New Year by going to the parade in San Francisco, said Nancy Pelosi. Go out to dinner and a play, said the Mayor of NYC; his heath official also suggested everybody go out to their Chinese New Year parade – nothing to be afraid of.  

They said this even as the deaths from the virus started to mount. 

Dr. Tony Fauci agreed, and as one of the most “respected” experts on contagious diseases in the world, his word was like the voice of God to the media.  We had nothing to fear, we were safe.      

And then we weren’t. They were all – all of the so-called experts and public officials – completely wrong about everything.  Everything. Their advice was useless.  More people died. 

Rather than admit they’d blown it, they decided to blame Trump.  I know, it doesn’t make any sense to do that, but that’s what many governors, state and local officials, and the media did. They denied having any responsibility for what was happening. It had to be Trump’s fault. 

Except it wasn’t. That was crystal clear from the beginning. The public recognized that.

The public knew the virus came from China. That the Chinese hid the severity of the outbreak there. That the Chinese destroyed records and disappeared doctors to cover their tracks. That the Chinese withheld critical data from the world that could have largely prevented the spread of the virus worldwide.  That the WHO allowed China to lie to the world and covered for China. 

None of that was Trump’s fault.  Never was. 

But … wasn’t he at fault for not being prepared? For not acting quicker?  Isn’t he at fault for not listening to the science, and to the experts? 

That’s all complete bullshit.  

Trump made decisions – such as shutting down air travel from China – for which he was widely criticized for being a racist, while everyone else dithered. That was about the only time he didn’t listen to the experts: they didn’t want him to do that. They thought he was overreacting. In 20/20 hindsight, which seems to be what everyone claims to have today, it was a great decision.  He took a lot of heat for it, nonetheless. But he never backed away from what he did. 

Unlike almost all the other weasels among the media and the Democrats now constantly questioning his every move.  We know what they did.  We know exactly what they said and when. We have the video clips showing the bad advice they. not Trump, gave that cost so many lives unnecessarily. They actually caused more people to die. He didn’t.   

Perhaps the most disingenuous thing Democrats and the media claim is that Trump ignores the experts.  He ignores the science, they say. 

But of course he doesn’t.  There’s ample proof. 

For weeks he went on live TV virtually every day and briefed the public about what the administration and his coronavirus task force was doing, and what progress was being made against the virus. He gave over the mic to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx to explain their plans. He accepted their recommendations almost entirely without reservation. The media and the Democrats ignored all this.             

 Drs. Fauci and Birx said he listened to them and took their advice.  That wasn’t good enough. 

The media and Democrats wanted those doctors to answer whether they’d been intimidated and strong armed into saying what they did. When they both denied any pressure from Trump, the media and Democrats tried to pull them aside individually and trick them into saying they were afraid to go against Trump – that Trump somehow bullied them into agreeing with him.   

Reporters at the briefings asked Trump – on the rare occasion Dr. Fauci wasn’t present – why Dr. Fauci he wasn’t there.  When Dr. Fauci did show up in a subsequent briefing, they asked him why he had missed that earlier briefing – was he having issues with Trump? Was there a problem between Trump and Dr. Fauci? Was Trump hiding something? 

The American public saw all this.  Despite the media’s best efforts, and the constant attacks by Democrats on his response to virus, Trump’s approval ratings are the highest they've ever been since he took office.  Imagine that.  The midst of a pandemic and his approval ratings are up.

Trump does something Democrats and the media can’t: he talks directly to the public in words they understand, about things that are important to them. Not climate change, not the plight of illegal immigrants, not racism or any other isms right now.  He’s focused on overcoming the virus, safely reopening schools and businesses, and getting people back to work and the economy back roaring again.  The rest, as a friend of mine would say, is mouse nuts.   

When the media are clearly harassing him and trying to trip him up in briefings, the public sees it for what it is.  When Nancy Pelosi dismisses Trump as out of touch with the American workers and their families, the public knows that if anyone is out of touch it’s her.  

When Democrats put forth bills to address the effects of the coronavirus on the economy, but hide millions in those bills for the Kennedy Center, PBS, the National Endowment for the Arts, Planned Parenthood, and other liberal favorites, the public sees what’s really going on. 

And when Democrat governors shut down practically everything they deem nonessential in their states, throwing millions of people out of work, but not public employees, their priorities are obvious. When those same governors ensure that marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores – but not bars or restaurants – remain open, order police to arrest groups attending church services, but keep Planned Parenthood open to perform abortions, the public knows what’s up.

The public is not that stupid.  There’s an election coming up.  The public knows why the Democrats and the media are so worried right now.  Why every day brings new attacks on Trump.  Even over crap they tried before and couldn’t gain traction with, like the new attack for possibly violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

The public doesn’t care about the freaking Emoluments Clause. They don’t care about what a horndog Trump may have been, or may still be.  Or who or how much he paid to keep quiet about consensual sex.  They don’t care that he’s rude. They don’t care that he makes fun of his adversaries.  That he considers the media mostly jerks and bozos.  Or that he hasn’t any fear whatsoever of the media. 

They didn’t vote for him because they wanted a nice guy in office to look up to.  They voted him in because they wanted him to do a job.

Right now, he’s doing that. Nothing else matters. The rest is all background noise.           

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