
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Sunday, May 31, 2020


It stands for Some Other Dude Did It. 

Cops hear this all the time. It’s never the suspect’s crime.  It’s always someone else’s.

It’s also what I am so tired of hearing a version of every time some punks go on a rampage of looting and burning in a major American city. 

How many times have we heard some city or state official claim the ones doing all the damage are not representative of “our” community? Or that “all of those we’ve arrested are from out of state” or someplace other than the city they are destroying.

Oh, it’s not “our” folks smashing windows, attacking police, and looting – in effect, SODDI.  And they always add that it’s a “small group of agitators” causing all the damage and destruction. A mere handful of people, always from the outside, are making their entire community look bad. Their community is just as appalled as everyone else at the violence and destruction, again, perpetrated by outsiders.   

When they start this, I want to puke.  It’s just utter bullshit.

They should be ashamed of themselves for spouting such obvious crap. All anyone needs to do is watch the videos and see that once the riots start, “their community” is an active and gleeful participant in the chaos.  Their precious community is right there, burning, looting and destroying local businesses and laughing about it while they take selfies to post online.

If all the damage and destruction is done by a mere handful of outsiders – always described as a “small group” of agitators – then wouldn’t they be vastly outnumbered by the “peaceful protestors” who are from the community under assault? Wouldn’t it be obvious to the much, much larger number of peaceful protestors that they could easily stop the much smaller group?

Of course it would.  And of course they could.  But they don’t.  They never do. That’s because their community enjoys a good riot as much as the next anarchist. Plus, there’s always the possibility of looting – free stuff for the taking – once the store windows are smashed. 

And who doesn’t like a good fire? 

Equally revolting to me are the apologist talking heads online who claim the riots are because of a sense of hopelessness, or in response to police brutality against minorities, or social injustice, or pent up anger against income inequality, or whatever, that finally boiled over. 

Every time I hear one of these bozos say “it’s understandable” why these thugs are stealing from and then burning local businesses, I’m disgusted at their brazen pandering.  Like it’s “understandable” that if you’re mad at the police, or are disappointed in your life or have a crappy job, then Target, AutoZone, and Wendy’s should pay the price for your despair.

You deserve a stolen TV or cellphone, or liquor, or maybe a nice watch, from a store you loot before setting it aflame.  You’re entitled.

No you’re not.  You’re not entitled to steal and burn. Nobody is. You’re a criminal. That’s all.  Not some social-justice warrior. Not some champion for civil rights. Not some hero for the cause, whatever that cause is.  You’re a thief. An arsonist. A vandal. 

In short, just a common criminal.  You deserve to be arrested and locked up.  Why you’re not is a constant source of amazement to me. 

Given the footage I’ve seen, there are a lot of criminals – black, white, Hispanic, young, old – in the riots this time.  The ostensible cause is rage over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police, although it could have been anything.   

The Antifa types have been waiting for something, anything to go nuts again.  The brainwashed millennials, BLM clowns, perpetual race-baiters, along with the wannabe socialists and those with terminal TDS, have also been hoping for a cause to justify rioting.

They got it: some jerk cop in Minneapolis who should have been kicked off the force years ago manhandled and possibly contributed to the death of a black man. Now it’s a free for all. 

And all those on the left who praised Antifa in the past – like a lot of Democrats in the House and Senate, including such nitwits as Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Hirono, and too many others to name – are suddenly nowhere to be found.

What’s the matter, folks? Don’t you like what you see? Didn’t see this coming, did you?

Well, the rest of us did. Antifa has always been violent.  But the left and most Democrats ignored or downplayed this because Antifa was attacking people and causes they hated, too. Yet now that it's attacking and destroying everything regardless of race or ideology – predictable because they are and always have been nihilistic anarchists, the silence from the left is deafening.      

Truthfully, poor Mr. Floyd is irrelevant to what’s been happening now.  The riots have a life of their own.   If it weren’t him, it would be something else that set them, off, because all these communities needed was an excuse, any excuse.  He gave it to them.  The rest was organic.

We’re in the blame stage. It didn’t take long for the media to try to pin this on Trump. That’s truly pathetic; there’s no way he has any role in this. That hasn’t stopped the jerks on CNN and MSNBC from blaming his “racist rhetoric” for fanning the flames. 

Nor has it stopped protestors from gathering outside the White House to chant “I can’t breathe!”; supposedly George Floyd’s last words before he became unconscious from a cop keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes.     

Equally pathetic – and frankly laughable – is Minnesota officials like race-baiter and looney leftist Keith Ellison, the Minnesota AG, blaming white supremacists and drug cartels for the riots.

Don’t know about anyone else, but I didn’t see any Confederate flags, white supremacists making white power signs, swastika flags, or anyone doing “Heil Hitler salutes, nor did I see any indication that drug cartels were involved in the hours of video I viewed.

The people I saw setting fire to cars, smashing windows and looting, attacking police, and burning businesses didn’t look like white supremacists or drug cartel types; they looked like the types you usually see at riots these days. 

A lot of Antifa types and a lot of middle-class lily-white out-of-shape Antifa wannabes apparently still saving up for their official Antifa black hoodie and mask. 

Thugs. And gutless white kids who wanted to feel like tough guys for a little while.  And goofballs preening and posing for the media.

It's actually escalating. They are now shooting at people, particularly law enforcement, and are also physically attacking business owners just trying to protect their property.      

This will not end well. There’s only so much cops and business owners being attacked by the rioters will take.  Being shot at clearly crosses the final line. 

Someone soon will start shooting back.  They won’t use rubber bullets this time.   

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