
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Generation Duh ...

The Greatest Generation begat the Boomers.

The Boomers begat Gen X.  Gen X begat the Millennials.

Or as I prefer to call them:  Generation Duh. 

Generation Duh will probably begat no one.  We’re stuck with them for a while. 

That’s too bad because they are without a doubt the most aggressively ignorant generation in American history.   It’s not entirely their fault, however – they’ve been guided into willful stupidity by a variety of forces over the years.  Over indulgent parents, teachers, clueless guidance counselors, the media, Hollywood and celebrities have convinced them to embrace their lack of knowledge as a great thing.

That they are also perhaps the most depressed generation – given their reported use of therapists, as noted by the WSJ – frankly surprises me. I was always told that ignorance is bliss; consequently, they should be the happiest people on Earth.  But they’re not, for some reason. 

Maybe they’ve been taught they should be depressed. Wouldn’t surprise me.    

Trying to overcome their abject ignorance about the world in general is like pushing a rope. 

They don’t have any grasp of history, American or otherwise, except how evil we’ve always been to our own indigenous people, blacks, women and immigrants. How the Founding Fathers were slave owners.  How we’re solely responsible for poisoning the planet.  And how we continue to be the main source of pain, suffering and economic injustice here and abroad. 

That’s what they were taught in school. Seriously. 

They don’t understand science. They don’t understand basic economics.  They don’t understand why capitalism works and socialism doesn’t.  Or even why some people earn more than others.  

They don’t know how our government is supposed to operate, how laws are made, why we have a Constitution and why the Bill of Rights is such an important part of it.  

To learn any of the above they’d have to read a book, or at least more than a couple of sentences online.  That’s a lot to ask of a generation with the attention span of a mayfly.  Besides, book knowledge is irrelevant to them; it’s old news. 

They have absolutely no interest in learning anything that might interfere with their world view.

What they “believe” is all that matters.  And what they believe does not come from books. Or from actual experts who know the facts.  Instead, it comes from social media, and from celebrities who know even less than they do in most instances. 

That makes Generation Duh amazingly gullible; as gullible and ignorant as the social-media stars and celebrities in whom they’ve mistakenly placed their faith. If it’s trending it must be true.  If an Instagram star or rap artist says it, it must be true.  If a movie star says it, it must be true. 

That’s all they need to know. It’s been validated.  

No need to look any further; no need to investigate – end of story.  They have all the proof they need.  Plus, it’s easier that way.  They can go back to posting selfies, playing video and online games, or whining about how unjust the world, especially the US, is.    

Generation Duh is easy prey for the media and dishonest politicians, especially by those on the left.  Particularly when the message is that nothing is their own fault, but the fault of mysterious insidious forces conspiring against them.  This rings true to them. They love a conspiracy.   

We shouldn’t be surprised. Their entire lives they’ve been told that nothing bad is their fault. There’s always another culprit to blame.     

They got a bad grade because it’s the teacher’s fault. Or they have some medical condition.  Or they were upset because someone bullied them online.  Or they stayed up too late texting their friends.  It can’t simply be because they didn’t study, didn’t go to class, or didn’t do the work.  There’s always another explanation that removes them from any responsibility.   

They can’t pay back their college loans because they can’t get a job. They were always told that a college education would guarantee them a job, and a good paying one at that. That’s why they didn’t worry when they ran up thousands in debt to pursue a degree in French Poets of the 16th Century, or Post-Modern Gender Issues, before they dropped out after a year or so. 

Now they can’t find anyone willing to hire them, much less pay them the big bucks they were expecting.  Clearly, somebody lied to them.  The folks that loaned them the money lied.  The college lied. They shouldn’t have to pay back the loan. It’s not their fault. 

It’s always something. Some excuse. Somebody else’s fault.

They are ripe for manipulation.  All a politician has to do is embrace their victimhood.  Tell them it’s going to fine and they’ve been right all along – it is always someone else’s fault. You’ve been lied to. You’ve been deceived.  And now it’s payback time.      

So you won’t have to pay back your loans. You can go to college for free.  You’ll get paid a “living wage” no matter what you do – that is, if you even choose to work, which you don’t have to, and you’ll still get paid. And you don’t have to worry about healthcare – it will be free, too. 

Who tells them this nutso crap?       

Just watch TV.  It’s the old familiar leftists and the new clueless ones.  It’s also practically everybody running to be the Democrat nominee for President in 2020, which is pretty much the same old familiar leftists plus the wannabe “cool kids” hoping to win over the Generation Duh with promises of unicorns for everyone, solar-powered cars and planes, and free money. 

Should the rest of us worry? I don’t think so. 

There are more of us than them.  And unlike Generation Duh – that likes to gather to protest, well, just about anything – we actually show up to vote, instead of simply bitching about everything.  Generation Duh has proven time and again, with rare exceptions, they can’t be bothered to vote. 

So why does Generation Duh get so much media coverage? It’s because they remind a lot of people in the media and die-hard liberals of themselves decades ago, when they were full of hopes and dreams and aspirations for a better and more just society. 

But Generation Duh isn’t really like them; the members of Generation Duh don’t actually know what they’re protesting against, or what they’re protesting for.  See what happens when someone tries to interview one of them during a protest.  They’re clueless. 

Are there exceptions? Sure. 

We can only hope they’re the ones who reproduce and have big families.  We need them. 

I suspect the other ones will be too busy texting.  

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