
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nobody cares ...

As much as our media wish we did, we don’t care about a lot of things. 

First and foremost – Stormy Daniels. 

It’s sad that Democrats and the media have such short memories.

When Bill Clinton was accused of being a decades-long sexual predator by multiple women, Democrats and the media buried the allegations as irrelevant.  “A vast right-wing conspiracy,” Hillary said.  James Carville said you could find the same type of women by dragging a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park. 

Then Republicans in Congress made way too much out of Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, which was discovered as a completely unrelated element that fell out of Special Prosecutor Ken Starr’s overzealous investigation of the Whitewater controversy. When his Whitewater case started to run out of steam, he and Republicans shifted to the Lewinsky affair.   

Starting to sound familiar? 

Democrats claimed it had nothing to do with the original Whitewater investigation, which it didn’t, and was just about sex between two consenting adults, which wasn’t and still isn’t a crime.

More importantly, Democrats said the American public didn’t care who had sex with whom.  Democrats were absolutely right about that.  

But Republicans kept pushing and paid a heavy price in the next round of elections for House and Senate seats. The public saw the attacks on Clinton as a wasteful and distasteful sideshow, including way too much focus on what was on the infamous blue dress and how it got there.  How could parents explain to their young kids what that was all about?

The public just wanted it to end. And those who kept it going to be punished.   

I’m stunned Democrats and the media have forgotten all this. They’ve also forgotten perhaps the most important thing – the short attention span of the American public; the longer a “scandal” drags on the less interested the public is.  Especially when those hyping the scandal have neither a crime, nor an actual victim, but won’t give it a rest.

Which brings us to Stormy Daniels. She’s an aging pornstar – try to explain what that is to young children.  You don’t really need to for teenage boys – I suspect most of them have already Googled her repeatedly and by now are extraordinarily familiar with her and her “acting” talents.

Purely in the interest of research, mind you, I Googled her, too.  (That’s my story, it was only for research, and I’m sticking to it, okay?) Let’s just say that she’s experienced. Very.   

Stormy claims she once had consensual sex with Trump about a decade ago, long before he ran for President. She signed an NDA and was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about it. She’s suing to get released from that NDA; I suppose to tell her side of the story we already know – she had sex with Trump. Once. I'm fairly sure that's the entire story.    

Oh, and now she claims she’s been defamed. 

For the life of me I can’t find the crime the media seem to think exists. As to defamation, you have to prove damages. If anything, she’s gotten far more publicity out of this than she ever did for her more than 150 film credits, many of which were for hardcore porn videos. 

Only the truly creepy, and hardcore Trump haters, care. Nobody else does. 

Yet that doesn’t stop CNN and MSNBC from making Stormy the lead almost every day.

Why? Because sex sells, I suppose. At least that’s what their producers must think. 

For most Americans, however, Stormy’s a yawner.   Nobody cares. 

The same could be said for Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the last election, which mutated into investigating alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.  

Another thing the media cover nonstop.   

After a year there’s still nothing to show from the millions spent investigating this.  Well, to clarify, it’s true the Russians tried to interfere in the last election – nobody denies that – but nothing that shows Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians.

There have been charges brought against some one-time Trump associates for things having nothing to do with Trump or his campaign or Russian involvement with the campaign.  

The score on collusion remains the same.  Zero. Zip. Zed. Nothing.

There’s been a lot of fluff without substance. A lot of political posturing on both sides of the aisle.  Half-assed theories about Russians hacking voting machines – disproven.  Half-assed theories about the big effect Russian trolls posting fake news online had on the election – disproven. And more half-assed theories about how Russians coordinated the hacks of Podesta’s e-mails and the release of those e-mails with Trump campaign officials right before the election – disproven. 

Obstruction of justice by Trump? Again, nothing. If anything, James Comey’s own memos – supposed to be the smoking gun proof of Trump’s obstruction – prove the opposite.

Was firing Comey an attempt to stop the Russian interference investigation?  Nope.  As more comes out by Comey himself, it’s clear he was fired for good reason. He was a self-aggrandizing jerk who was mismanaging the FBI and wildly exceeding his authority. He wasn’t a hero. 

The more he tries to stay in the public eye the less likeable and admirable he becomes.   

Mueller’s investigation is suffering the same fate. Frankly, it’s boring to many. 

Now, something interesting may yet come out of it – but not something Democrats and the media will probably like. It may turn out there’s proof some former Obama appointees broke any number of laws to interfere in the last election.

And when Trump won anyway, kept breaking laws to keep him out of office. 

That’s not what those who initially cheered on the Mueller investigation hoped for. They’re now facing the unintended consequences of launching it.  They’re hoping nobody cares about what Mueller finds that hurts them far more than Trump.

While Democrats and former Obama Administration officials, including the former heads of the State Department, DOJ, CIA and other intelligence agencies, keep saying they can’t wait for Mueller’s report, I suspect that’s for show – I think a lot of those folks are worried. 

They should be.   

The Hillary campaign clearly colluded with Russians, via the infamous Steele Dossier her campaign paid for, which relied heavily on info from Russians sources.  Even James Comey – who takes credit for starting the Mueller investigation, and instantly went from villain to hero for Democrats, may have inadvertently confessed to lying to the FBI and to Congress. Andy McCabe of the FBI has already been found to have lied to the FBI and Congress, too.     

Mueller’s investigation has also opened the door – perhaps not intentionally – to a whole range of other misdeeds which are now surfacing by government officials.  Some intelligence agency bosses from the Obama Administration apparently stepped way over the line to cook the books on the Hillary Clinton e-mail fiasco and produce her puzzling exoneration, and to frame Trump before and after he was elected.

Now we’re learning that the FBI may have embedded a paid informant in the Trump campaign to entrap campaign staffers and gather dirt.

This is not good news for the Democrats, Trump haters, and the media.  Or what’s rumored to be the “deep state” obsessed with driving Trump from office. 

It will be curious to see what the media will do with all this new info.  Will Democrats and the media aggressively bury those stories, claiming “nobody cares” about what happened?   

I think that’s precisely what they’ll do.  

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