
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

You crazy bastards …

The more Trump is attacked, the more it helps him.  

This is making his critics even crazier than ever before. 

Sure, his supporters wish he wouldn’t tweet as much.  Of course they wish he’d stop getting into Twitter wars at 3AM.  Or saying outrageous things.  But that’s who he is, for better or worse, and on the whole they’re happy with his policies if not his behavior.   

They’re especially happy that he is pissing off the left-leaning media, pissing off the Republican establishment, and pissing off Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi.

As Michael Moore noted, voting for Trump was a symbolic way to give the middle finger to the political establishment of both parties. That’s precisely what Trump’s doing. 

A majority of Americans do disapprove of his job performance as President. I suspect that’s more about his style than his actual performance.  Many just wish he’d act more like a traditional President. Instead he’s the Happy Gilmore of Presidents – purists hate the way he plays; his fans love when he beats the snooty elites at their own game. 

He is beating them at their own game, BTW.  He’s controlling the narrative, bypassing the media through his Twitter account. He’s not above rubbing their collective noses in it when they get something wrong. So what most people remember – especially among his base – is when the media screw up. That makes the media more likely to lash out, but in their fervor they get sloppy, stretch the truth, and make even more mistakes which he’s all too happy to highlight. 

Again. And again. 

The majority of Americans now believe the media are generally untrustworthy. The media can thank themselves as much as Trump for this. 

In the meantime, Trump is also delivering what he promised his supporters. That’s despite all the attacks on him personally and how he treats the sacred cows here and abroad.   

The economy is picking up, unemployment is way down, wages are going up, and consumer confidence is now higher than it’s been in years. Tax cuts and tax reform have also just been passed, and workers will start seeing the effect in their paychecks as early as February. 

Americans may dislike how Trump does his job but economic results are more important to voters.  As James Carville said when running the campaign for Bill Clinton: “It’s the economy, stupid.” The rest is background noise.  That’s not working out so well for the haters, either. 

The Russian collusion investigation is a bust. Democrats know this. Even Adam Schiff who keeps flogging that dead horse knows it. The media know it, too. They all keep saying the same crap: with this much smoke there must be a fire somewhere. Really? Then show us. They can’t. 

The infamous Trump dossier? It’s becoming more likely to entrap the DNC and Hillary’s campaign, and some “intel community” poohbahs, including top FBI bureaucrats, than Trump.  

Democrats, the left, and the media are desperately trying to find something.  After more than a year there’s still nothing. No collusion. No corruption. No fascist tendencies. No ties to white supremacists or neo-Nazis. No treason. No “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Nada. Zip.  Bupkis.

What about Trump’s possible obstruction of justice by firing James Comey?  As more comes out about Comey the more it appears he broke any number of laws himself as the head of the FBI. Comey will be lucky to avoid being indicted. 

Firing Comey appears more justified every day. Not just because he was breaking established FBI protocols and overstepping his authority, which he clearly did, but because he was too ethically challenged to be the head of the FBI. And that’s saying a lot, since J. Edgar Hoover brought a whole new meaning to ethically challenged long ago. 

What about the decades-old allegations that Trump groped or kissed some women against their wishes? Unfortunately, some of those women have only been persuaded to come forth again with the promise of payoffs. One had her mortgage paid off by a DNC donor to the tune of about $30,000.  Yeah, that always helps one’s credibility. 

In short, there’s no there “there” for the Trump haters. Every time they think they have something to hammer Trump, it falls apart. Trump’s certainly no angel, nor is he a monster. 

And by relentlessly portraying him as a monster, they help him. 

That’s lost on the media, the Democrats, the far left and some in the Republican establishment. They don’t know when to give up.

They keep going for the kill shot – the home run that will seal the deal.  But they keep striking out.  It’s starting to get embarrassing. 

CNN hyped “proof” Donald Jr. had access to the Wikileaks e-mails of Hillary’s well in advance of their release to the public, demonstrating collusion with the Russians. Oops.  According to the Washington Post those were in the public domain at least 10 days before he saw them.

How about the report Trump was getting ready to fire Mueller in days? Oops.  Trump made a public statement he had no intention of firing Mueller. A few days ago, Trump also said he expected Mueller to treat him fairly and that he wanted the investigation to go forward. 

Swing, and a miss.  

Trumps been attacked more often than a piñata at a birthday party for starving kids.  So far, nobody seems able to land a solid hit on him. It’s certainly not for trying. 

He’s had to fight against the media, the Democrats, and even members of his own party.  

There have been marches and violent protests against Trump’s election across the country. Trump has been deemed a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist, a sexual predator, a neo-Nazi, and of course a fascist.  There were Antifa riots on various campuses. There was a Pussy Hats march, where Madonna said she had thought seriously about blowing up the White House.

Let’s not forget the screaming at the sky event.    

In Congress there was and still is talk of impeachment   

You know what all this has accomplished? Not a damn thing. 

Except, of course, to add proof to Trump’s claim that he’s the target of the media, the political elites and government bureaucrats afraid that he may actually drain the Swamp.

When the top dogs at the FBI get caught red-handed trying to put their thumbs on the scales of justice, when bureaucrats and politicized judges ignore lawful orders, when states like California and New York defy Federal laws, and when illegal immigrants march in the streets demanding amnesty, it shows ordinary Americans why Trump was elected in the first place.

To stop this nonsense and restore order and the rule of law.          

So keep it up you crazy bastards. You’re helping Trump. 

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