
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

 Oh wait.  According to CNN and others the Russians are already here. Online. 

And guess what – the Russians are still working day and night – posting fake news – to fuel distrust of the mainstream media by many Americans. 

Wow.  As if the mainstream media here need any help in losing credibility. Our own mainstream media have done an excellent job of that without outside assistance.

But to listen to staff members of Clinton’s failed campaign and outraged reporters from several major media outlets, those crafty, evil Russians are really responsible. They believe the Russians routinely planted fake news that brought Hillary down and caused Americans to doubt the integrity of many major U.S. media outlets. 

One of the examples used by CNN was a news report, attributed to the Russians, claiming there was a pedophile ring run by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta operating out of a DC pizza shop.

That alone probably cost Hillary the election. Right.

I suppose it could have, if there are that many Americans who are complete morons.  Like those who believe there’s a simple miracle diet that trims belly fat, reverses male pattern baldness, and cures cancer at the same time.  Or rely solely on the Weekly World News or National Enquirer for their news.  Or respond to letters from a Nigerian prince. 

Seriously, what’s next? Blaming the loss of media credibility – and Hillary’s loss – on bogus Facebook posts supposedly by Russians that Hillary was part of a Satanic cult? That big-money contributors to her campaign partied at a Clinton-Foundation-run Orgy Island?  That Hillary had a campaign staff member killed because he was going to reveal she was secretly a reptilian alien? And that Chelsea Clinton married the son of a convicted swindler sent to Federal prison?

Oops.  That last item is actually true.    

Now, does anyone with even half a brain think outlandish stories posted on the Internet by whomever had any effect on the recent election?

Of course not.  It’s a joke.  Like a great Facebook posting I loved:  A photo of Abraham Lincoln and a supposed quote from him – “You can’t trust everything you read on the Internet.”

So let’s contrast those with actual reporting of “real news” by our mainstream media.

What about the stories that Trump tacitly accepted endorsements from David Duke and white supremacists? That he mocked people with disabilities?  Or that Trump sexually assaulted an underage girl and dozens of other women?  Or that Trump might be a cocaine user? Or that the violence at Trump rallies resulted entirely from his hateful rhetoric?  Or that his supporters held racist signs at his rallies?  

Or now, that the Russians were working behind the scenes to get Trump elected? 

I don’t know about you, but are any of those stories any less preposterous? 

The media are still trying figure out why so many ordinary Americans have lost faith in them. 

I’ll help them: it’s because the media either made up stuff or didn’t bother to check the facts – or both – and reported their own fake news.  And they got caught.

It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. 

Remember Brian Williams’ fake war stories.  Remember Dan Rather’s “exposé” on the military record of G.W. Bush.  Remember how they promoted the story that the Benghazi attacks were caused by an online video. Remember the fake news about the alleged rape of a black woman by white members of the Duke Lacrosse team.  Or the Rolling Stone feature about a rape at UVa that never happened either. Or that Trayvon Martin was just walking home from a store when he was shot and killed for no reason except he was black by a trigger-happy white wannabe-cop. Or that Michael Brown said “hands up … don’t shoot” before he was shot and killed by a white cop.   

These weren't mistakes. These were published with a clear intent.     

Then there were the sins of omission too numerous to recount – times when “objectivity” and “journalistic integrity” went out the window by members of the media consciously withholding information that would have contradicted the point they were trying to make.

These are the same people who still refuse to accept that Trump won the election despite their best efforts to defeat him with innuendo, half-truths and at times bald-faced lies. The same people who quoted one of their own as calling the election results a “whitelash” against people of color. The same people now reporting a spike in “hate crimes” and racist vandalism, without verifying if any of this is real, or the work of disgruntled Hillary or Bernie supporters to pin on Trump.   

After decades of shamelessly putting out a steady stream of misinformation, most often to advance a political narrative, our media wonder why Americans don’t trust them anymore.

It’s the Russians’ fault. Sure.    

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