
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A note to my liberal friends …

I am sorry.  I’ve really tried.  But I just don’t understand you. 

You’re convinced Obama’s been doing a great job.  ObamaCare makes perfect sense to you; you’re happy to see that a country like ours is finally getting around to providing healthcare for everyone.  You believe the rich should pay more in taxes, that companies have a moral responsibility to provide jobs, and that we should stop persecuting people who are here illegally. 

You firmly believe Obama is one of our greatest Presidents, ever; one who would have accomplished even more if Republicans hadn’t blocked him at every turn.  And the only reason Republicans oppose him is because he’s black and wants the rich and corporations to pay their fair share. 

You view yourself and your circle of like-minded friends as intelligent, progressive and compassionate to people of all walks of life, regardless of ethnicity, income, education, sexual orientation, gender or religious beliefs.  You see Republicans, and especially conservatives, as less informed, and much more intolerant than most Americans.  You are quick to dismiss conservatives as anti-science and anti-woman Bible-thumping racist xenophobes who only care about themselves and helping the rich stay that way.

You and your friends trust the New York Times and NPR – which you consider unbiased and middle-of-the-road – to tell you what’s really going on. You think Republicans and conservatives rely on hateful half-truths spewed by right-wing fanatics on Fox News and talk radio.  

Is that fairly accurate? 

Honestly, you baffle me.  You seem so intelligent.  You have a good education.  You read a lot. You’re articulate. You’re obviously pretty smart.      

So when did you decide to put blinders on?  When did you decide to close your eyes and ears to anything that might conflict with your beliefs? 

In short, when did you become what you ridicule – a narrow-minded, hypocritical bigot who rejects facts in favor of conspiracy theories and half-truths? 

Is it because you want to fit in with your well-off liberal friends? 

You know, your friends who probably work in academia, the public sector, or in firms that rely on government contracts?  The ones who still hate Bush and blame him for everything?  The ones who are so proud of voting for our first black President?  The ones positively thrilled that soon they’ll be able to make history again by voting in America’s first female President?

You know who I’m talking about, don’t you? 

If you’re only liberal to be liked by them, that’s just sad.  You can do better. 

I’m not asking you to become a conservative; I’m not in agreement with them on everything, either.  In fact, you might find that you and I share a lot of common ground between us.  So I’m not asking you to abandon your liberal principles.  Far from it.  I just want you to lower your defense shields a tad, get a slightly firmer grip on reality, and be a little more reasonable to talk to.  

You already know there’s something wrong with the limousine liberal crowd running things.  You don’t want to admit it, but it’s there.  You’re too smart to miss the signs, and you could always spot bullshit a mile away.  At least you used to be able to …

Once upon a time, not so many years ago, we could talk at length about all kinds of things.  Now I find it hard to have anything more than a purely superficial discussion with you.  You’re constantly primed to attack.  So most of the time I try to avoid you.  It’s not worth the aggravation. 

You seem determined to assert your liberal bona fides at every opportunity, and insert politics into practically every conversation.  Cordial quickly mutates into confrontational.  We can’t talk about the weather without you inserting global warming and/or climate change.  Rising prices are the fault of greedy corporations.  Friends are out of work because Republicans are stopping jobs programs.  The middle class is being destroyed by right-wingers trying to kill the unions.   A visit to the doctor becomes a lecture on ObamaCare. 

God forbid that we actually talk about politics.  Or alternative explanations for why things are the way they are.  You’ll have none of that.  You’re not interested in facts; you prefer half-assed, easily disproven conspiracy theories and stereotypes. 

Like that most Southerners are inbred redneck cracker bastards who don’t believe in evolution and are still intent on keeping blacks from voting.  That voter ID laws discriminate against minorities and suppress minority turnout.  That voter fraud is practically non-existent.  That Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen but wanted it to go forward so he could go after Saddam Hussein. 

Or that a stupid movie almost nobody saw provoked Muslims to burn down our embassy in Libya and kill our ambassador there.   

You used to laugh at crackpot stuff.  Hell, we used to laugh at crackpot stuff together. 

We’d joke about people wearing tinfoil hats to keep aliens from reading their thoughts. 

Now, when the NSA does essentially the same thing by screening our calls and e-mails and tracking us online it’s not a joke anymore.  But because it’s under Obama it’s okay with you. 

When Nixon bugged his political opponents and created an enemies list to be hounded by the IRS, we agreed he was a monster. When Obama essentially bugs AP reporters and lets the IRS target conservative groups you see nothing wrong. 

Nixon lied to the public and we wanted him impeached.  Obama lies to the public time and again – and gets caught in his lies – and you think he’s doing the right thing.  In fact, you keep trying to find equivocations and equivalencies to justify his lies. 

You’re not stupid.  You know he lied.  Baldly and brazenly.  He’s lied about the economy, ObamaCare, Benghazi, the IRS scandal and much more.  Yet you defend him.  I understood when you defended Clinton after he lied about Lewinsky – he was a fool, but it didn’t have much effect on his running the country.  But like Nixon, Obama lied to get re-elected.  That’s a much different thing.  

You can read and interpret data. You know what the labor participation rate actually means in terms of economic health.  You know that what happens on Wall Street has little to do with what happens on Main Street.  But you also know “quantitative easing” will have to end and the market will take a hit when it does. You know that the happy face being placed on everything is smoke and mirrors.  

You know that the longer someone stays on UC the less likely they are to find a job.  You know nobody in the U.S. – legal or illegal – has been denied medical care for lack of insurance for decades, long before ObamaCare.  You know most of the “enrollees” from the ObamaCare website are enrolling in free Medicaid rather than the for-pay plans.

I believe you know this.  You may not be comfortable admitting it, but you know all this is true.  Just as you knew the attack on Benghazi had nothing to do with a movie.  And that the IRS targeting wasn’t initiated by some rogue agents in Cleveland.   

So what the Hell happened to you? 

Why do you credit Obama for accomplishments he hasn’t actually achieved, while blaming Bush, Republicans and conservatives for everything bad?  Why do you praise Democrats for “standing up” to the Republicans when Republicans don’t have any real power? 

And what’s with you and the Tea Party?  How did this somewhat loosely organized group of people become the target of so much hatred?  They’re not really even a “party”; they are more of a movement trying to get government to be more responsible about taxing and spending.  As far as I can tell, they don’t have positions on anything other than taxing and spending.

As I said in the beginning, I’ve tried to understand you.  Really, I have.  But I have to give up. 

Even when I try to steer the conversation away from politics, you won’t give it a rest. You’re like a pushy salesperson who doesn’t know when to stop.  Worse yet, you don’t really know much about the product you’re selling – certainly not the facts.  Instead you blather on spewing bumper-sticker clichés in an attempt to bludgeon rather than convince me. 

Good luck with that.

I’ve had enough.  When you’re ready to talk rationally, I’ll be here. 

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