
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Democrats and the left are hurting us on purpose ...

For a long time, Democrats and the left dismissed us as nothing more than rubes. 

People not as smart or as enlightened as them, and worse yet still clinging to foolish traditions and ideas.  Like standing for the national anthem, respecting our flag, believing that all men and women were created equal, that everyone was entitled to equal justice under the law, and that people should be judged only by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 

That this was still the land of opportunity where anyone of any race, color, ethnicity, or religion could succeed.  And most of all that America and its people were inherently good.   

They sneered at all that. They mocked us at every turn as hopelessly naïve. In fact, they said, America was a terrible place. A racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic country. An oppressor of minorities everywhere. A greedy pig sucking up the world’s resources and destroying the planet in the process just to make a handful of capitalists richer on the backs of the poor. 

And we were just too stupid to see it.  But they did. So they constantly lectured us.    

The condescension toward us was annoying.  Yet also hilarious at times because they were clearly ignorant of basic biology, science, economics, and especially history.  Some of the stuff they sprouted was so ridiculous and downright silly it made us laugh out loud. 

Like claiming men could get pregnant, have periods, and breast feed their babies.  Like fervently arguing there were more than two human genders – in fact more than 100 – and anyone, anytime, at any age, could change their gender at will.  Like insisting millions of toddlers and prepubescent adolescents suddenly had “gender dysphoria” that required radical hormone therapy and perhaps gender-reassignment surgery.  

Outrageous stuff. Often funny stuff. At least to us.   

They can’t stand being mocked.  And when Trump won in 2016  largely by rejecting political correctness and this type of silly nonsense from the left, they went into a rage. 

Now they openly hate us.

But that’s not enough for them. They want to hurt us.  They want to inflict as much pain as possible on us, perhaps to teach us a lesson for putting Trump in office.  Or maybe they just enjoy tearing apart the things we treasure like a kid in a tantrum ripping the heads off his sister’s favorite dolls.   

Since Trump’s election and more aggressively under Biden, they’ve done everything possible to attack and destroy our institutions. Especially the ones we’ve traditionally trusted most.

The military.  Law enforcement. The Supreme Court.  The Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Our public education system.  And so much more; not because there was anything wrong with these, but because they want to knock out any pillar that made us feel safe.

They’ve politicized our military. They’ve put radicals in charge to hollow it out from within and demoralize the rank and file, through purges of the unvaccinated, and of supposed “white supremacists.” They’ve changed one of our most outstanding examples of pure meritocracy by now placing a higher emphasis on diversity than merit for promotions. 

The same military wokesters embarrassed us to our allies by allowing Biden to leave Afghanistan on short notice, sacrificing the lives of our own troops to a suicide bomber as we retreated, and leaving our Afghani allies and translators and their families unprotected from Taliban reprisals. And also leaving the Taliban about $85 billion of our military gear, making an army of former goatherders one of the most militarily advanced and best equipped in the Middle East. 

Here, they’ve worked to gut police forces nationwide. They’ve elected pro-criminal DAs with the help of billionaire anarchists like George Soros to stop prosecuting crime in our cities, causing crime to surge. They’ve never prosecuted rioters and looters who engaged in months-long rampages in our cities costing innocent lives and billions in Federal and private property damage.

But when pro-Trump protestors entered the US Capitol for about three hours on January 6, often escorted by Capitol Police, causing minimal damage and no deaths, this was deemed an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the government.  The FBI quickly found these "criminals" and prosecuted more than 800 of them, many of whom remain in solitary confinement to this day. 

They’ve cancelled any further construction on a border wall and left billions in already ordered and delivered materials for that wall to rust unused.  They’ve deliberately opened our border to unprecedented levels of illegal migrants from all over the world, and then given those same illegals and their families benefits – like baby formula in short supply – at the expense of American citizens and their families.  They’ve flooded our cities with illegals brought there on chartered busses and planes paid for with taxpayer dollars, laundered through NGOs to hide the source of funding. 

At the same time, they’ve attacked Border Patrol and ICE agents as racists merely for doing the job Congress tasked them with.

But the worst is what they’ve done to destroy the robust economy they inherited from Trump. 

Prior to Biden we were energy independent. But on his first day Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline designed to bring Canadian crude in the US, canceled drilling leases in the US, increased EPA regulations and declared war on our energy industry.  Immediately, fuel prices started to rise dramatically. Because everything is affected by rising fuel costs either in manufacturing or transportation, the price of everything at the grocery store, restaurants, and everywhere else is soaring.   

Now inflation is 8.6% – the highest in four decades; gas, diesel, home heating oil, and jet fuel are at all-time highs, crushing families and small businesses.  And by juicing the economy through dumping too much money into the system as “Covid recovery” every dollar is now worth less. 

Through vax mandates a lot of people who should be working either have given up or decided they don’t need or want to anymore.  That’s caused labor shortages that affect not just small businesses like restaurants but our entire transportation system, which in turn cause supply-chain disruptions.  These disruptions are resulting in shortages, forcing prices even higher.  Wages are up practically everywhere to attract workers, but inflation is outpacing the higher wages.     

In 18 short months Biden and the left have managed to weaken our faith in the integrity of our institutions and inflict unprecedented pain on most Americans. They’ve used the power of virtually every branch of the administrative state – including the FBI and DOJ – against the very citizens our elected leaders have sworn an oath to protect and defend under the Constitution. 

They should be ashamed. But of course, they are not.  They are proud. 

As one of them made the mistake of saying the quiet stuff out loud the other day, we’ll all just have to get used to this as part of the new “liberal world order.”  

The fact that most Americans are suffering greatly doesn’t bother them at all.  

Because they believe we deserve it.    

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