
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Charlie Brown Party ...

Charles Krauthammer often said the difference between Republicans and Democrats was that Republicans think Democrats are wrong, but Democrats think Republicans are evil.  

I’d like to suggest that Democrats not only think Republicans are evil, but also naïve.  I don’t agree about the evil part, but I believe Democrats are right about the naïve bit.  And Democrats and the media keep displaying the gullibility of Republican legislators at every turn.  

Republicans might as well have Charlie Brown as the symbol of their party.  The Democrats always make promises to Republicans in the House and Senate in exchange for something they want.  Republicans believe Democrats will keep their word. Like Lucy, Democrats never do. 

Yet Republicans keep getting fooled. They keep getting humiliated. They keep letting Democrats push through awful legislation.  

The passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act” is a perfect example. 

Democrats promised they wouldn’t use reconciliation to pass a multi-billion-dollar tax and spend bill if Republicans wouldn’t filibuster the “chips” bill for billions in subsidies to chip manufacturers.  As usual, Republicans upheld their end of the bargain and helped pass the chips bill. 

Democrats didn’t keep their word.  Because they never intended to. 

They outplayed Republicans again. The only reason Democrats didn’t want use reconciliation then was because they can only use it once each fiscal year.  They wanted to save the filibuster-proof reconciliation process for something much bigger with all of their favorite things:  a $700-billion blowout for social spending, climate change activities, environmental “equity,” subsidies for the rich to buy electric cars and appliances, 87,000 new IRS agents to add to the government employee unions, and higher taxes for just about everyone and every small business.  

This is what they always planned. Passing Build Back Better, part by part.  

Shortly after the chips bill passed with Republican help Democrat Schumer started working with Joe Manchin to do precisely what they’d promised not to. And because they’d already gotten what they wanted in the chips bill, they could use reconciliation this time and pass another monstrosity – deceptively named the Inflation Reduction Act – with a straight party-line vote.  

Two wins by deception.  They couldn’t resist gloating.  

Biden did a victory lap when he signed the Inflation Reduction Act and lied about how it would bring down inflation. The media claimed it as a great victory for Biden and signaled a turning point in his popularity.  This would reduce inflation and only tax the rich.  

This, despite their own supporters, and Joe Manchin as well, conceding that this new tax and spend bonanza wouldn’t do anything to reduce inflation. At best, analysts reported, under the very best circumstances it might cut inflation by less than one percent.  Other analysts said it would actually increase oil and gas prices through new taxes on production and increase inflation, as well as raise taxes on everyone, including those making far less than $400,000, by about $20 billion. 

Democrats are not above lying to other Democrats, either.  Including Joe Manchin. Manchin bought in to the Inflation Reduction Act for only one reason: Schumer promised that in return for his vote by the end of September Schumer would introduce a bill to fast track permitting which would let a natural gas pipeline to West Virginia held up for years go ahead. 

Just the other day, progressive Democrats in the House promised to oppose that bill if indeed it’s ever introduced because it would betray their climate change agenda. And since Manchin and Schumer already screwed the Republicans and the progressives, good luck getting the bill ever passed in the House or the Senate. Honestly, I bet Democrats never intended it to pass.  

This would all be moot if Republicans hadn’t gotten suckered in the first place. I have two theories why they got taken on the most recent bill. And will probably get fleeced again soon.   

First, Republican leaders like McCarthy and McConnell are stupid, a distinct possibility given their recent track record.  By now they should know better than to trust Democrats.  

Or, perhaps more likely, Republican leaders today simply don’t care what Democrats do, as long as they can keep raising millions by pretending to fight Democrats. In short, Republican leaders find it more profitable personally and much easier to be in the minority. There’s less pressure to perform.  When you’re in control you actually have to do something other than bitch and whine.  

Right now, most voters – not just Republicans – are appalled at Democrats’ priorities. Inflation is raging hurting the poor and working class most.  Food prices are insanely high.  Gas prices are still high, and high home heating oil and natural gas prices this winter will pummel families even harder.  Diesel prices are driving up shipping and distribution costs that affect everything from produce to construction materials. Our borders are being overrun.  And crime is surging.  

But Democrats keep focusing on climate change, gender identity, trans rights, social justice, abortion rights and promoting critical race theory.  Still, Democrats are climbing in the polls before the midterms and may very well keep control of the Senate, if not the House as well. 

There are several reasons.  

#1: Republicans got lazy believing they had the midterms in hand. They were so sure Democrats would defeat themselves they didn’t bother to tell voters what they would do instead.  

#2: Trump’s personal vendettas over the 2020 election pushed out eminently electable Republican primary candidates and replaced these with nitwits and sometimes whack jobs he selected solely because they echoed his claims about the 2020 election.  

#3: Republican loons in several state legislatures used the overturning of Roe v. Wade to reinstate long-forgotten draconian bans on all abortions passed decades or more than a century ago. Others introduced new laws effectively banning abortions shortly after conception.  

Earlier this year I told a friend to never underestimate Republicans’ ability to screw up a sure win.  They do it all the time. Now is no different. Like Charlie Brown they never learn.   

Sorry to say, I told you so.  

Monday, July 18, 2022

It's time for Trump to move on ...

I think he did a lot of good things as President. 

I’ll always appreciate the good he accomplished.  Plus, he had a unique ability – much to my everlasting joy – to mock and humiliate the know-it-all blowhards in the DC establishment and the media. He exposed them for what they really were – a bunch of whiney, self-righteous, over-educated hypocrites who openly despised ordinary working-class Americans.   

He was the antithesis of political correctness.  My anti-establishment hero.  Those who opposed him called him a fascist.  But in reality, they were the fascists working hand in hand with big corporations and tech monopolies, and violent mobs, to crush any dissent and opposition. 

He angered a lot of people. Justifiably so, at times. And, let’s face it, he was exhausting; you never knew what ill-conceived tweet he sent out at 3 AM while in a fit of pique.  

I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.  Still, I wasn’t completely surprised he didn’t get re-elected. He’d been under assault by the Feds, DC establishment types, and the media for four years.  

I am surprised Biden got 80-some million votes because he is and always has been a weasel, a liar, and a moron, essentially on the wrong side of nearly every important issue in his less-than-stellar 40-plus-year career. Yet I suppose the hatred for Trump, coupled with America’s exhaustion with some of his antics, and the nonstop pounding against Trump by the media, helped Biden hit those numbers.  

The loss was bad enough for Trump’s supporters but what he did next was worse. He became a sore loser who refused to accept the results.  Just like Hillary. He blamed everybody else but himself for his loss. He insisted, as Hillary did, that the election was stolen.  

It might very well have been rigged. Ballot box stuffing happened for sure. But it wasn’t stolen.  No one took votes from Trump, except Trump.  

He can’t get over it.  To this day he hasn’t moved on. He’s still settling scores with those who didn’t support his attempts to overturn the results. It’s sad. It’s also causing damage.  

He blamed the governor and secretary of state of Georgia for his loss there. Mostly because, after a few recounts affirmed the vote totals and his loss, they said there was no basis to overturn the results. In his anger, he encouraged Georgia Republicans not to vote in a runoff and a special election which in turn cost Republicans two Senate seats they should have won easily.  

Which gave Democrats effective control of a 50-50 Senate, where VP Harris can break ties. 

He’s still meddling. He’s still causing damage. Because of his hatred for Kemp, Republican Governor of Georgia, he engaged in unrelenting attacks on him during and even after the gubernatorial primaries. Kemp won in spite of Trump’s vitriol. But the damage was done: Trump’s opened the door to handing Kemp’s job to Democrat Stacey Abrams in 2022. 

That would be a disaster. 

In another special election to take on the full Senate term against Democrat Ralph Warnock, he helped his friend Herschel Walker overcome a better and more attractive Republican candidate to face off against Warnock.  Walker has no political experience and may have won a Heisman at UGA, but he also has a history of mental illness, domestic abuse charges, and other baggage.  

But he loves Trump. And supports Trump’s claim that the last election was stolen.  

The Republican he beat in the primaries didn’t and would have had a better shot.  Especially with moderates who would rather have hot pokers stuck in their eyes than vote for Trump.  

The common denominator for Trump’s support clearly is not electability. It’s whether a candidate buys into Trump’s belief that he – not Biden – actually won the last Presidential election. 

Nothing else matters to Trump.  Nothing. Not past racist statements.  Not sexual harassment charges. Not criminal investigations into sketchy business dealings. Not domestic abuse allegations. Not a history of saying nutty things about QAnon and other "conspiracies." Not documented mental health and addiction issues.  

All the things that would otherwise disqualify someone in the eyes of normal everyday voters simply don’t matter to Trump when he endorses a candidate. Just that one thing.  

He continues to rail against anybody who won’t follow him blindly.  He disparages otherwise good Republican candidates just because they don’t pass his litmus test; candidates who could win seats from Democrats and help Republicans take back the House and Senate.  

He’s had some success in a few races so far.  But he’s also had some embarrassing losses by backing candidates that love him but were unelectable from the start.    

So why does he keep going on the same path?  Ego? Anger? Craving for attention? Whatever.  He’s never going to overturn the 2020 election.  Why he persists is unfathomable.  He knows he can’t.  Everyone knows he can’t.  Even his supporters know he can’t. 

Sadly, the memories of the good he accomplished as President are being eroded day by day as he keeps trying to relitigate something that happened almost two years ago.  

He still puts on a great live show, nonetheless.  His rallies still attract thousands. But most are there primarily to be entertained, and to continue to give a middle finger to the DC elites and the political establishment.   

As he did, and still does.  As they always did, too, when they voted for him.    

But the bottom line remains unchanged: the 2020 election is over. He lost.  

That ship has sailed. He should get on board and enjoy the ride. Yet there’s a rumor he might run again in 2024. Please don’t. His base may still love him. And because Democrats and Biden have done such a terrible job Republicans should run the table in 2022 and 2024. 

The only thing that could stop Republicans now is Trump.  That's why the only people seriously promoting the idea that he'll run again are the media and Democrats.  

Thursday, July 7, 2022

One way to reduce mass shootings by young males ...

Hold their parents responsible.  Simple as that.  

I’m not saying it would end mass shootings – most of which are by mentally ill young males still living at home. But at least the parents of these shooters would have some skin in the game; maybe if they shared responsibility, they’d be more likely to intervene earlier.  

Maybe they’d get off their asses and report their demon spawn to authorities and get junior committed and off the streets before he committed a horrific crime. 

Call it the “we’ll lose the house” threat parents used years ago to keep their kids from even thinking about doing bad stuff in their community.  Only now step it up to “you’ll also go to prison and perhaps get the death penalty, too” idea.  

I am simply so tired of hearing parents claim, after their kid or young adult still living with them murders innocent people, that they “had no idea,” saw no red flags, and had no warning signs of what their monster was planning to do.  They are as “shocked” and surprised as anyone else.  

Oh, and how sorry they are now.  A little too late for the victims, you lying bastards.  

You knew.  You enabled your monster. 

You may have even helped him get the weapons he ultimately used. As was the case in the Sandy Hook, Parkland, and now the Highland Park July 4th massacres among others. 

What the hell were you thinking?    

You may have already covered for him when he exhibited early signs of sociopathic behavior.  Like torturing and killing small animals for fun.  Like the pictures he drew of him shooting people or blowing up things.  Like the posters in his room celebrating mass murderers. Like his obsession with suicide.  Like his social media posts about an act no one would ever forget. And about settling scores with neighbors, classmates, teachers, and anybody else he thought had offended or bullied him.     

You saw all this. 

And for whatever reason – fear of embarrassment, foolish hope he would grow out of it, thinking it was “just a phase,” fear of saddling him with the stigma of mental illness – whatever, you saw plenty of signs something was desperately wrong with your kid. Your kid was telling you he was about to do something terrible. You consciously ignored it all. You did nothing to stop him.  

So spare me and the victims’ families your self-righteous bullshit that you had no idea what he was up to.  You could have stopped him. Because you didn’t, he killed innocent people.  Their blood is on your hands. Their pain is not lessened by your “prayers for the families.” Their loved ones are dead because of you and your indifference or temerity.  

I hold you equally responsible. You should go to prison.  

I would like to see a law that would make parents of children still under their roof fully liable for the actions of those offspring. If they are still under their roof, the parents are responsible for everything they do. If you can keep your kids on your insurance until they’re 26, then you can also be responsible for all the bad things they might do. 

Having a child should be like signing up for liability for as long as they live with you.  They’re in your house. They’re eating your food. They’re living off you, which comes with certain rights and obligations for you. You get to make the rules. If they don’t like your rules, they need to leave.  

But as long as they are under your roof, you’re responsible. Period.  

If a law like this passed, I believe it would reduce the number not only of mass shootings by single deranged young males through earlier intervention, but probably reduce crime by young males overall.  If you as a parent know your kid’s about to commit a crime that could put him and you in prison, you’ll probably think twice before ignoring it.  

Until parents share full legal responsibility for the actions of their kids still living with them, there’s no incentive for parents of would-be monsters to step up and make sure they don’t harm others. They’ll just keep saying they had no idea, no signs, no warning what was about to happen.  

I’m not buying it.  They knew. And they always did. That makes them responsible.  If not for the final act itself, then at least as an accomplice who helped make it happen. 

They may not have personally pulled the trigger, but they did nothing to prevent it.  

And they could have. They're just as guilty.     

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Democrats and the left are hurting us on purpose ...

For a long time, Democrats and the left dismissed us as nothing more than rubes. 

People not as smart or as enlightened as them, and worse yet still clinging to foolish traditions and ideas.  Like standing for the national anthem, respecting our flag, believing that all men and women were created equal, that everyone was entitled to equal justice under the law, and that people should be judged only by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 

That this was still the land of opportunity where anyone of any race, color, ethnicity, or religion could succeed.  And most of all that America and its people were inherently good.   

They sneered at all that. They mocked us at every turn as hopelessly naïve. In fact, they said, America was a terrible place. A racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic country. An oppressor of minorities everywhere. A greedy pig sucking up the world’s resources and destroying the planet in the process just to make a handful of capitalists richer on the backs of the poor. 

And we were just too stupid to see it.  But they did. So they constantly lectured us.    

The condescension toward us was annoying.  Yet also hilarious at times because they were clearly ignorant of basic biology, science, economics, and especially history.  Some of the stuff they sprouted was so ridiculous and downright silly it made us laugh out loud. 

Like claiming men could get pregnant, have periods, and breast feed their babies.  Like fervently arguing there were more than two human genders – in fact more than 100 – and anyone, anytime, at any age, could change their gender at will.  Like insisting millions of toddlers and prepubescent adolescents suddenly had “gender dysphoria” that required radical hormone therapy and perhaps gender-reassignment surgery.  

Outrageous stuff. Often funny stuff. At least to us.   

They can’t stand being mocked.  And when Trump won in 2016  largely by rejecting political correctness and this type of silly nonsense from the left, they went into a rage. 

Now they openly hate us.

But that’s not enough for them. They want to hurt us.  They want to inflict as much pain as possible on us, perhaps to teach us a lesson for putting Trump in office.  Or maybe they just enjoy tearing apart the things we treasure like a kid in a tantrum ripping the heads off his sister’s favorite dolls.   

Since Trump’s election and more aggressively under Biden, they’ve done everything possible to attack and destroy our institutions. Especially the ones we’ve traditionally trusted most.

The military.  Law enforcement. The Supreme Court.  The Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Our public education system.  And so much more; not because there was anything wrong with these, but because they want to knock out any pillar that made us feel safe.

They’ve politicized our military. They’ve put radicals in charge to hollow it out from within and demoralize the rank and file, through purges of the unvaccinated, and of supposed “white supremacists.” They’ve changed one of our most outstanding examples of pure meritocracy by now placing a higher emphasis on diversity than merit for promotions. 

The same military wokesters embarrassed us to our allies by allowing Biden to leave Afghanistan on short notice, sacrificing the lives of our own troops to a suicide bomber as we retreated, and leaving our Afghani allies and translators and their families unprotected from Taliban reprisals. And also leaving the Taliban about $85 billion of our military gear, making an army of former goatherders one of the most militarily advanced and best equipped in the Middle East. 

Here, they’ve worked to gut police forces nationwide. They’ve elected pro-criminal DAs with the help of billionaire anarchists like George Soros to stop prosecuting crime in our cities, causing crime to surge. They’ve never prosecuted rioters and looters who engaged in months-long rampages in our cities costing innocent lives and billions in Federal and private property damage.

But when pro-Trump protestors entered the US Capitol for about three hours on January 6, often escorted by Capitol Police, causing minimal damage and no deaths, this was deemed an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the government.  The FBI quickly found these "criminals" and prosecuted more than 800 of them, many of whom remain in solitary confinement to this day. 

They’ve cancelled any further construction on a border wall and left billions in already ordered and delivered materials for that wall to rust unused.  They’ve deliberately opened our border to unprecedented levels of illegal migrants from all over the world, and then given those same illegals and their families benefits – like baby formula in short supply – at the expense of American citizens and their families.  They’ve flooded our cities with illegals brought there on chartered busses and planes paid for with taxpayer dollars, laundered through NGOs to hide the source of funding. 

At the same time, they’ve attacked Border Patrol and ICE agents as racists merely for doing the job Congress tasked them with.

But the worst is what they’ve done to destroy the robust economy they inherited from Trump. 

Prior to Biden we were energy independent. But on his first day Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline designed to bring Canadian crude in the US, canceled drilling leases in the US, increased EPA regulations and declared war on our energy industry.  Immediately, fuel prices started to rise dramatically. Because everything is affected by rising fuel costs either in manufacturing or transportation, the price of everything at the grocery store, restaurants, and everywhere else is soaring.   

Now inflation is 8.6% – the highest in four decades; gas, diesel, home heating oil, and jet fuel are at all-time highs, crushing families and small businesses.  And by juicing the economy through dumping too much money into the system as “Covid recovery” every dollar is now worth less. 

Through vax mandates a lot of people who should be working either have given up or decided they don’t need or want to anymore.  That’s caused labor shortages that affect not just small businesses like restaurants but our entire transportation system, which in turn cause supply-chain disruptions.  These disruptions are resulting in shortages, forcing prices even higher.  Wages are up practically everywhere to attract workers, but inflation is outpacing the higher wages.     

In 18 short months Biden and the left have managed to weaken our faith in the integrity of our institutions and inflict unprecedented pain on most Americans. They’ve used the power of virtually every branch of the administrative state – including the FBI and DOJ – against the very citizens our elected leaders have sworn an oath to protect and defend under the Constitution. 

They should be ashamed. But of course, they are not.  They are proud. 

As one of them made the mistake of saying the quiet stuff out loud the other day, we’ll all just have to get used to this as part of the new “liberal world order.”  

The fact that most Americans are suffering greatly doesn’t bother them at all.  

Because they believe we deserve it.    

Monday, March 28, 2022

For the love of God, please stop ...

Stop. Please stop.

We’re all full up on crazy. Enough is enough.

It started in the Obama years.  Things went spinning out of control. 

Democrats and the left felt emboldened to promote the most insane and asinine ideas, and the media acted as if there was nothing wrong. In fact, the media tried to make these absolutely nutso ideas appear to reflect the desires of ordinary Americans, which none of these did. Things got so astonishingly crazy that voters put Donald Trump – a political novice – in office. 

Trump called out the obvious insanity taking hold. He refused to get sucked into the vortex of political correctness.  He ignored the baseless allegations he was a racist, a bigot, an antisemite, or a white supremacist; these were so patently absurd that he simply refused to address them, much less apologize. He called most of the media fake news, which was largely correct.  He met the media head on, didn’t flinch, never ever hid from them, or refused taking their questions.  And he treated them with the same lack of respect they accorded him.  

He certainly was not without faults. But he often articulated – out loud – what many ordinary Americans felt but were too afraid to say. So for the first time in years, a lot of people were happy to hear someone in power state what was clearly obvious to them.  

Of course, the media, Democrats, the left and their allies in big tech were horrified to have their lunacy openly ridiculed, especially by Trump.  They decided he had to be destroyed. They censored anything positive about Trump and anything negative about Biden.  That included suppressing revelations by Biden’s son Hunter, documented on his abandoned laptops, about influence peddling and payments he solicited for access to then VP Biden.   

Without actually campaigning or answering tough questions from the media  Biden got elected, even though everyone knew he was senile.  And I do mean everyone – Democrat leaders, the left, the media, his wife and the people who voted for him. His inability to perform even simple tasks, think rationally, and speak coherently was no secret to anyone. He got lost in his own thoughts. He lost track of what he was saying. He couldn’t remember where he was or who he was talking to.  But he wasn’t Trump; apparently that was enough. 

Ever since then, we ‘ve been spiraling into ever greater episodes of weirdness.  We’ve been humiliated time and again on the world stage politically and militarily.  That’s happened primarily because Biden and the Democrats have put the categorically dumbest, most incompetent, and most inept people in positions for power in the administration, chosen more for their skin color, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation than anything else.

It's almost as if to prove Biden isn’t really that bad, he and his advisors have chosen a cast of clowns who are perhaps even dumber and more incompetent than him. 

There’s the treasonous chairman of the Joint Chiefs who secretly called his counterpart in Russia to assure him he’d personally let him know in advance if then President Trump was planning any military actions against them. This same military bureaucrat – and his equally incompetent Secretary of Defense, who, what a surprise, was chosen because he is a person of color – supported a “purge” of extremists and supposed white supremacists in our armed services, and the forced vaccination or dismissal of individual service members. He also said the military needs to be more diverse and ”woke.”

There’s Xavier Becerra, a former California Attorney General, and more importantly a Latino, who now heads up the Health and Human Services Department. He was most notable before getting this job for trying to force pro-life pregnancy crisis centers in his state to promote abortions over adoptions.  And during the most recent Omicron outbreak, Becerra essentially disappeared from public view for almost 2 months, strange for a guy running a health agency.   

Biden swung for the fences by appointing the first transgender Health Secretary. He also made this once married man with two children who now identifies as a woman a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Another box checked, and a most curious choice. He effectively rewarded a guy who sent Covid-positive patients into nursing homes in Pennsylvania killing thousands of seniors while spiriting his own mother into a private facility to avoid the same fate. Once again, gender – or in this case transgender – was more important than qualifications. 

Nonetheless, the media applauded this bold choice by Biden. And then just to reinforce how crazy things have become, this biological man who thinks he’s a woman was just named one of the Women of the Year by USA Today. Can’t make this up.     

After shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, idling about 10,000 workers and screwing our largest trading partner Canada in the process, Biden closed new oil production on Federal lands. Then he appointed a former governor of Michigan with zero energy experience to be Secretary of Energy, but she was, by all accounts, actually a woman which I suppose was a plus.  However, she did confess to reporters she didn’t really know how much oil the US produced, how much we used every day, or much about energy in general, but she was sure US policy should be to eliminate fossil fuels altogether.

By simultaneously cutting supplies and increasing regulations on the oil industry, making it harder to get domestically produced product to market economically and efficiently, gasoline prices soared (now almost twice as high as in the Trump years). But Biden had a ready answer.  Instead of encouraging more domestic production to increase supply, Biden first looted our strategic petroleum reserve for 50 million barrels which promptly went to foreign buyers. Of course that had no effect on gas prices here, so he started asking the dictators in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela to produce more oil for us, all of whom turned him down.  Go figure. 

Now his administration and Democrats are floating the idea of adding more taxes on oil companies and then sending out a new set of checks to everyone to help offset higher gas prices. This will drive prices even higher when oil companies pass through their new tax.

He appointed a small-town mayor with no transportation experience to be in charge of the Department of Transportation and its billions of budget dollars; the same mayor and his husband promptly took paternity leave to care for their adopted babies in the midst of a crippling supply-chain crisis. (They even posted a cute pix of themselves in a hospital birthing bed to announce their new family.) Then as gas prices soared and oil on the international market soared to over $100 a barrel, the very same former mayor issued a statement that to avoid high gas prices people should buy electric cars. 

Biden’s also nominated a Marxist to the Fed. He named as Secretary of State a failed foreign policy bureaucrat who oversaw the debacles in Libya, Russia’s invasion and annexation of the Crimea, and the collapse of Afghanistan, among others. He brought back John Kerry, who secretly and illegally conducted meetings with Iranian officials undercutting a sitting President during the Trump years, to bring back the Paris climate deal and the Iran Nuclear Deal.   

He appointed Deb Haaland, a former governor of New Mexico to head of the Department of the Interior because, well, she’s Native American. Enough said. Check.  She also has a JD in Indian law (who knew there was such a thing) and wore tribal gear when she was sworn into Congress.  And that’s why, my friends, she’s qualified to head up the Interior Department, okay?   

Biden’s most recent nominee to the Supreme Court continues his box-checking trend of race and gender over qualifications.  His nominee is a black woman, a former public defender, who has only been on the Federal bench for about a year.  She’s a hard-core progressive otherwise notorious for defending reduced sentences for collectors and distributors of child pornography.

But her most memorable moment recently came after stating she was proud to be nominated to be the first black woman on the Court. And then, in the same hearing when asked how she defines a woman said she couldn’t define what a woman was, because she’s “not a biologist.”

That’s exactly what she said. But the best part is that she caught hell from other progressives in Congress and the media because she implied that defining a woman is a matter of biology, not simply a personal choice to choose whatever gender you like, any time.  For whatever reason. 

While the physical differences between males and females are obvious to anyone who played doctor as a child, somehow no one is now allowed to point out that. Nor is anyone allowed to question anyone’s decision – or motive – for deciding to be a different gender than their chromosomes dictate.     

So a college-age male swimmer ranked nationally in the 400s among other male swimmers can just decide to become a “woman” to compete against biological women instead of other men. And then crush his female competitors and set new women’s records because, hey, he’s a biological guy, and they’re not. 

But he “identifies” as a woman. That makes it okay, we’re supposed to believe.    

That’s nuts, but at the same time this stirs up a lot of consistency issues. Like if there’s no difference between a biological male and a biological female, then why did the US military just lower the physical standards for female recruits? Know why? Because biological males were far more likely to pass all the physical standards – like pushups, sit-ups, running, lifting weights, etc. – than biological females. 

In short, the US military recognizes there are physical differences between men and women; biological males are typically stronger, have more muscle mass and greater lung capacity than biological females, among other things. No one should be surprised.  The US military isn't.  

Turns out your chromosomes really do decide what sex you are, not your personal whims or whatever hormones you've been prescribed, or how you dress. That's probably a shock to a lot of activists, gender-studies majors and media bozos, but chromosomes can't be changed.              

And suddenly, the same people who lectured us about “following the science” they made up for two years, have decided the actual proven science of biology doesn’t matter anymore. 

We have at least three more years of this collective craziness to endure with Biden and his administration. The media weasels covering for Biden and the lunatic progressives will still probably be working diligently to convince us that everything is completely normal.

Still, Biden, the Democrats, the left and their pals in media and big tech can’t keep a lid on this insanity forever. But they’ll keep trying until they are forced to stop. 

None of this is normal. None of this is okay. And we all know it.   

They just haven’t realized yet that a majority of Americans already know how crazy all this is. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Scratch a liberal of today, find a fascist ...

It wasn’t always like that. Yet that’s the reality today. 
The majority of people who claim to be liberal now really aren’t – at least in terms of what liberal once meant. When I was in my teens and 20s, even into my 30s, I considered myself a liberal.
Because, back then, being a liberal meant supporting a lot of beliefs that somehow today are considered right wing, if not far right.  I’m not sure how that happened. I don’t know precisely when yesterday’s liberal beliefs became ultra conservative and the object of abject hatred by the same people who were proud to share the very same beliefs not all that long ago. 
Even though many like me are openly loathed as anti-science, anti- progress, and racist – none of which we ever were or are today – my core beliefs in then liberal principles haven’t changed. What has changed is that those beliefs are no longer considered acceptable in liberal orthodoxy. 

Stunningly, the very same people and politicians that once championed traditional liberal concepts like equal rights, equal justice under the law, opposition to segregation, free speech, and the right to peacefully protest, are embracing the exact opposite. 
Think about this for a moment.  I have, a lot.  It’s baffling. 
As liberals, we treasured the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, because both protected our rights as individuals and our freedoms as citizens from government overreach.  The ACLU helped keep others in power from trampling on our Constitutionally protected rights.  And we could count on watchdogs in a free press to keep government and politicians honest and in check. 
Mostly, back then, we just wanted to be left alone to live our lives without a lot of interference. We didn’t want anyone spying on us, censoring what we could see or read, deciding for us what jokes we could tell or hear, what friends we could have, or who we were allowed to associate with.
By that, I do mean anyone: the government, schools, politicians, big corporations, whomever.  It was nobody’s business what we or anyone else did, read, watched, ridiculed, laughed at, or hung out with, as long as nobody was putting others at risk of physical harm.     
We eyed more and bigger government suspiciously. Honestly, we just flat didn’t trust government and most politicians; we simply didn’t believe most of what they told us – they were too often caught lying to us.  We especially didn’t put much faith in the FBI, the CIA, and politicians willing to use violence and dirty tricks against our fellow citizens to suppress dissent.
We took to heart the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. to judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.  We called people who judged others by race alone racists. Those who thought the races should always be separate and treated differently were racists. Those who thought one race or another was superior or inferior to another race were racists. 

People who taught children to blame other races for their own problems were the worst racists.   
Finally, we had a sense of humor. In fact, most of the funniest people and shows featured liberals like us. It was okay to make fun of us, too – we laughed right along.  It was even funnier to skewer those who took themselves way too seriously, like fatuous politicians, government officials, and the talking heads on network news shows. If someone was offended, that made it even funnier. 
No topic was off limits for ridicule.

Comedians of all colors and ethnicities told jokes about blacks, whites, Asians and every other race or ethnicity and their mixed-race audiences laughed their asses off. Few comedians had any issues telling funny jokes about stupid stereotypes to all kinds of audiences. Network comedies like All in the Family, Sanford & Son, The Jeffersons, Chico and the Man, Soap, The Golden Girls, and so many others were enjoyed by audiences of all races, genders, and ages. Just as movies like Blazing Saddles, The Producers, or Young Frankenstein were.  Nobody called for them to be boycotted; we recognized a joke when we saw one.   
So we didn’t cringe at stereotypes being mocked; we laughed. And that’s because, as old-time liberals, we believed that despite skin color, sex, or religion, we were all pretty much alike. We all do stupid shit at times. We might not agree on everything else, but we all knew what’s funny.
On the flip side, we weren’t blind to bad things around us. We knew what censorship was. What intellectual repression was.  What happened when government leaders and intelligence agencies felt they had enough power to do whatever they wanted.
We’d seen vivid, heart wrenching examples in the USSR, East Germany, Cuba, and in numerous banana republics in our own backyard. We saw how they suppressed dissent, often violently. 
We were dismayed to learn our own government engaged in similar activities. Certainly not as much in the open as the Soviets and other dictators. But often just as bad. 

We only learned all this because our media at the time took their job seriously of exposing what those in power were doing, and what those in power were trying to hide from us.        
Through the media we also learned what actual racism looked like. We’d seen George Wallace blocking blacks from the doorway to the University of Alabama.  We’d seen video of Bull Conner turning fire hoses and dogs on civil rights protestors.  We’d witnessed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. We’d seen firsthand the very worst of racism.  We certainly weren’t naïve about real racism.  No American was. We could thank the media of the day for that.   
Of course, back then the media was not a propaganda arm of one political party. Real journalists went after Democrats as well as Republicans. Real journalists covered actual news about government policies and what those meant to ordinary citizens.  When government officials or politicians screwed up, it got reported.  When someone got caught misusing their office or taxpayer money, it got reported.  Regardless of which political party was involved.   
So it’s hard for many of us to understand how and why the media operates as it does today.
It’s just as hard to understand how still believing in the liberal principles we believed in decades ago – guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution – and still believe in today, are symbolic of “white privilege” and “racism” by today’s standards. 
I didn’t change. What’s acceptable apparently did. Not for the better.  

The people I identified with who once simply wanted to live and let live aren't satisfied with that anymore. They want the power to control everyone's lives, thoughts, and actions. 

They have become what they once professed to hate: fascists.  

And they've allowed their children to become fascists, too.    

Thursday, February 17, 2022

America's most influential political party ...

Most people think we have only two major political parties: Democrat and Republican.
Yet in reality, there are three:  Democrat, Republican, and Establishment. 
That last one is by far the most powerful.  And the most seductive.  Almost all members of Congress, regardless of whether they have a D or R after their name, eventually join the Establishment Party. They may have campaigned for office as a Democrat or Republican and continue to fund raise as one or the other, but once in Congress they’re eager to join the Establishment Party.
In fact, almost all members of the Establishment Party are also nominally Republicans or Democrats. The only members of Congress not firmly in the party are Independents or Democratic Socialists.  But it’s only a matter of time before those outsiders get with the program; they always do. 
It’s easy to understand why. It’s much more enjoyable and lucrative to get on the winning team. The cocktail parties are better.  The perks are awesome.  There are always back-room deals to be made with fellow members. Favors to exchange.  Legislative support to be sold.
Plus, everybody in the party covers for each other. 
That alone makes it the best private club of all.  When you’re in you are largely protected from publicity on nettlesome things that might alarm ordinary citizens. Things like ethics investigations, sexual harassment charges, insider trading, nepotism, taxpayer funded junkets around the world with friends and family, swapping votes for pork projects in your home district, and of course taking money from lobbyists to sway your vote and sponsor legislation they want.   
All the things ordinary voters simply wouldn’t understand you absolutely deserve because you’re now so important. All the things that will be overlooked and hidden from public scrutiny, because you’re a member of the Establishment.  Everybody does it; so what’s the big deal?  
But don’t Republicans and Democrats in Congress fight all the time? Don’t they have profound differences on key issues? 
Not really.  It’s all for show. It’s to make ordinary voters think they’re on one side or the other. Each side has its villains and incendiary red meat causes for the other party to hate and rail against for media consumption.  But after the cameras are off they’re all back to being old friends.  Scratching each other’s backs. Feeding at the same trough.  No hard feelings, ever. 
Neither “side” ever expects a resolution on their red-meat issues.  Most could be easily resolved once and for all.  They could pass laws if they really wanted to, which is what they’re supposed to do.  Or we could have a nationwide referendum on legalized abortion, immigration, legalizing marijuana, the national debt, cracking down on crime, term limits, voting rights, whatever.  We could then let real democracy – via popular vote – have the final say on these. 
But that won’t happen. 
Candidly, that’s because Establishment Party members don’t want those issues to ever be resolved. Neither do their deep-pocketed donors.  We can’t solve immigration, for example, because the Establishment has a vested interest in flooding our country with illegal aliens.

Corporations, the fast-food giants, farmers and the agribusiness conglomerates, construction companies. and the hotel and restaurant industries – and even the big tech companies – want cheap labor. Mayors of big Democrat cities need immigrants to replace citizens fleeing to safer and lower taxed locales and to keep their headcounts up for Federal dollars. The Catholic Church wants immigrants to offset their loss of parishioners. The rich want an uninterrupted cheap labor pool to cook and clean for them, to maintain their yards, and to watch their kids. 
The apparent stalemate over enacting comprehensive immigration reform has nothing to do with human rights or a path to citizenship and more to do with economics.  Nobody in the Establishment gives a rat’s ass about closing our borders anytime soon, including Republicans frothing at the mouth every day about how our country is being overrun.  Especially Republicans. 
Imagine if suddenly all the red meat issues on both sides were resolved legislatively.  It would be a disaster for our current politicians. What would be left to run on or to smear the other side? How could the ordinary citizen see any remaining differences of importance between Democrats and Republicans? How devastating this would be to fundraising.  
Think about all the times supposed adversaries worked together to raise the debt ceiling, to continue to fund profligate government spending, to pump billions into wasteful pork projects, to get us into meaningless foreign wars, and to plunge us into deeper and deeper debt.  Take away the parliamentary tricks to pretend they are taking “principled stands” and “fighting for the people” and “preserving democracy” and you’re left with one stark conclusion. 
Republicans and Democrats in Congress are essentially the same. Duplicitous whores.     
Despite both parties’ claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility, our collective national debt grows just as fast under Republicans as Democrats.  Both parties blame each other for our soaring debt but the truth is they share responsibility equally. 
They both also keep making government bigger, more intrusive, and more expensive.  That’s mostly to buy off key constituencies, partly to appear to be doing something about a problem, and, well, because spending other people’s money is fun.       
So there’s actually no substantive difference between them.
But they do share an overarching goal: to keep the office they have. And to do that by taking money from people they don’t know to give to people they do. 
Everything else is theatre. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why the left fosters chaos ...

It’s the fastest and easiest way to get the masses to accept a totalitarian government. 
Create enough chaos, scare enough people, foster enough uncertainty and they’ll willingly give up their rights and freedoms in exchange for safety, security, and stability.  It’s the time-tested playbook for the power-hungry throughout history. 
It’s how many authoritarian regimes get installed. Even in a democracy.
If, like me, you’ve often wondered why the left continues to push for programs and ideas that will obviously pose increased danger to the lives and financial well-being of ordinary working citizens and their families, it’s because creating chaos is actually their goal.  They want chaos.   
Look around you. Isn’t that what’s going on? Do you think defunding the police is about? The same goes for emptying our prisons.  Does anyone think these and no-cash bail won’t put more criminals among us? Won’t refusing to prosecute most crimes encourage more crime, too? 
Flooding the country with illegal immigrants is also intentional.  After the word went out that there was free healthcare, education, and benefits for illegals and their families for life what did anyone expect to happen?  Our borders were overrun. Still are.  On purpose.
The Biden administration is dumping these illegals all over the country. Nobody is telling governors and mayors they’re coming, or even who or how many they are dumping. And now we have no idea where any of these illegals are.  We never will.   
We don’t even try to keep the worst of these illegals out of our country. The welcome mat is out no matter who you are or what you’ve done.  Convicted murderers and rapists, MS13 gang members, human traffickers, illiterate pregnant teens, and adult males passing off unrelated young girls as daughters are among those also flocking here. What could possibly go wrong?
Better still, how does any of this benefit us? It doesn’t.  We all know this. It just burdens our systems more.  But that’s the idea: overwhelm our schools, our hospitals, and our justice system until everything crashes. Which they surely will.      
Our government is paying for all this by printing and distributing trillions we’ll end up borrowing. It’s using this fake money to feed and house illegals, to pay people not to work, to enrich millions of fraudsters, and to give money to people who don’t really need it. Why bother to work anymore? What’s the point when you can get enough free money to live on for doing nothing?  
Does anyone out there not see this money deluge devaluing our currency? Does anyone really not see the link between doing this and rising inflation? Think it’s accidental? 
After the revelations of the past couple of years, how can anyone still believe in the integrity of the mainstream media and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook? Or, for that matter, the FBI, the State Department, CIA, IRS, CDC, NIH, and countless other government agencies? It’s hard to take seriously even our top military leaders after they’ve been engulfed in PC culture. 

Come on. Do you think all of this is unintentional? Honestly? 

Of course not. It’s by design.  The left wants anarchy. Anarchy breeds chaos. And as I noted, create enough chaos, fear and uncertainty and the masses will vote to make it end.  The masses will vote for any regime, no matter how brutal, that promises to stop the madness.    
Make no mistake, an authoritarian regime is exactly what the far left and pseudo elites in our country have always wanted. They truly believe democracy is far too messy and unpredictable for their tastes.  The general public is way too emotional and stupid to have a hand in running the country – that should always be left to their “betters.”
Which, of course, would be them. 
And just who are they – these betters? Well, it’s certainly not you or me or the millions of other Americans like us. It would be easy to say our betters are all highly educated graduates of elite Ivy League schools, or all live on the East or West Coast, but they aren’t.
True, a lot of their top tier are very rich, and a lot are celebrities, but being rich or famous alone is not enough to be welcomed into their clique.  You have to completely ignore science, logic, history, facts, and math. You have to, as Biden said, believe in “truth over facts.” Since they constantly make up their own “truth,” facts are irrelevant. 
The sad reality is that those secretly pulling the strings actually know their “truth” is almost always factually incorrect.  But they promote it anyway because it serves their purpose, which is, frankly, to persuade as many Americans as possible that there’s no such thing as “fact.” Ultimately, they want an America where nobody believes in anything at all, except what they are told.       
In their perfect world, they alone will control what can be told and what the public should believe.  They’ve already begun distorting reality. Nobody is supposed to notice.  
But isn’t anyone else surprised that so much of the “woke” agenda is self-contradictory? That suddenly segregation, discrimination by race, and censorship are good things? That teaching children to judge themselves and others by the color of their skin is progress? That biology doesn’t matter and protecting and preserving women’s sports for women alone is somehow wrong? That black lives matter only when someone black is shot by someone white, but not by someone black? 
Or that “following the science” on stopping Covid turned out to have no scientific basis in hindsight? Yet politicians and charlatans like Fauci continue to claim that masks work, vaccines work, and the lockdowns were necessary, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.  Or that the same people who claim “my body my choice” in terms of abortion rights have no problem supporting policies that force others to submit to injections they don’t want or lose their jobs?    
And no one seems to recognize how crazy this all is? Or if they do and say it they are dismissed as a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a science denier, or possibly even a traitor.
It’s no wonder so many Americans are confused. 
All the confusion is contrived. It’s intentional. It’s gaslighting with a mission: to make everyone lose their faith in reality and institutions like law enforcement so lawlessness and chaos ensues. 
Then the authoritarians can step is to “save” us from the mess they’ve created.
Just watch.