
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

I can't wait for the 2020 campaigns ...

2020 is going to be fun.

Well, not so much for Democrats, perhaps.  But the rest of us are going to enjoy it. 

I can’t wait for the 2020 campaigns to begin. Especially for President. 

As I’ve said before, the ads practically write themselves.  

Democrats will focus on what a mean man Trump is – all the hurtful things he’s said and tweeted, how he’s mocked the disabled and even the dead, how he’s made fun of women, and how he’s insulted other world leaders, Democrats in Congress, and career civil servants.  They’ll say he’s morally unworthy to hold the office of President and has made a mockery of our democracy – that’s why he’s only the third President in our history to be impeached.

They’ll say we Democrats impeached him for you. And to protect the Constitution. And to preserve the rule of law.  And democracy. And for your children, and your children’s children.  And for civilization. And for the future of the planet Earth. You’re welcome, America. 

Yep, they’ll go there. Trump’s an existential threat to everyone on Earth.  Got it?  

But mostly Democrats will remind everybody what we all know.  Trump is not a nice man.  He’s rude, he’s crude, he swears, and he has a temper.  When he gets pissed, or thinks he’s getting treated unfairly, he lashes out. He says mean things about people – living or dead – he doesn’t like.  He belittles them publicly.  Calls them names. It makes no difference who they are or how famous they may be. Nor, for that matter, their age, sex, race, nationality, or whatever.  

Or even whether they could fog a mirror anymore. 

That’s not news to anybody.  In fact, that’s all why many of his supporters love him.  A lot of ordinary Americans are tired of leaders – especially Republican establishment types – that have for years failed to fight back against cheap shots and low blows from Democrats and the media. 

Finally, in Trump, they have a leader not afraid to punch back with equal or greater force when he’s attacked.  It’s not always pretty, and it’s often ugly, but it sends a clear message to political elites in both parties, and the media, his supporters are not going to take it anymore.  As Michael Moore put it succinctly, electing Trump was giving a giant middle finger to the establishment.    

Democrats will focus almost exclusively on Orange Man Bad. 

Republicans will counter with a classic us-versus-them campaign.  They’ll paint the Democrat Party as angry, crazy people obsessed with regaining power whatever the cost to the country’s economic interests, national security, and working people.

They'll also hit his accomplishments, which are many, despite Democrats' hatred.   

The top-line message is simple: Democrats = irrational hatred, not just of Trump but anyone who voted for him. We got a preview of this with Trump’s recent take on the Uncle Sam poster, which said:  In reality, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way. That’s powerful and on point with his supporters. 

To prove Democrats’ irrational hatred, all Republicans have to do is play the videos, using Democrats’ own words against them.

Que up Rashida Talib. Ilhan Omar. Auntie Maxine.  Adam Schiff. AOC.  Joy Behar. And of course, Robert di Niro, and countless other hate-spewing politicians, celebrities, and deep-state types.  

I hope they’ll also bring back the “deplorables” clip by Hillary. It would be nice if they also had the Strozk e-mail about going to Walmart and how he could “smell” the Trump supporters.

The Kavanaugh hearings will give them more material of how far and how low Democrats are willing to go to destroy anyone in their quest to maintain power. 

Their most powerful treasure trove will be the impeachment hearings in the House.  There’s no better example of how Democrats will misuse any power, how much they will lie and fabricate things and break all the rules – even the ones they’ve created themselves – to get their way.

And simply to hurt Trump.

It’s going to be easy to demonstrate that Democrats are far too irresponsible, far too irrational, and far too unethical to hold the reins of power. That’s going to leave a mark on every Democrat in office now, and anyone planning to run as a Democrat in 2020. Including all the new Democrats elected from Trump-leaning districts as moderates in 2018 – any Republicans running against them just have to pull out clips from these “moderates” who campaigned on not running to impeach Trump.

Then show them voting to impeach him anyway. Slam dunk.   

Oh, one other point: Democrats are already talking about impeaching Trump again and again if he gets re-elected.  To do that, they need to hold the House in 2020.  For a voting public already suffering from impeachment fatigue, that’s another great reason to help Republicans retake the House.  Do Democrats really think the promise of more impeachments is a winning strategy? 

You’ll notice I’m not even discussing the Democrats running for the Oval Office in 2020. That’s because they are simply too crazy and unhinged to be taken seriously at this point. It’s hard not to bust out laughing at the things they are promising as they trample each other in a mad rush to prove they are more detached from reality than their competitors. 

And as for Uncle Joe … he’s an idiot.  It’s embarrassing to watch him.  He’s the old coot at the senior-center bingo night who keeps calling out “Bingo!” before they even call out the first number.  The one who uses words like “malarkey” and challenges other geezers to push up contests, or a fist fight.  The one who calls women “gals,” puts his hands on them, and tells them they smell good.  He repeats the same stories over and over – and they’re usually stories that seem somewhat creepy. 

If Democrats had any compassion, they’d get him off the stage. Right now, it’s elder abuse to let Joe keep going and going. He hasn’t got a prayer. 

For that matter, none of the other Democrat candidates do, either. So maybe Hillary will jump in at the end as the self-appointed savior for Democrats.  I can only hope. 

That would make 2020 even more fun. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

I'm begging Democrats to keep the hearings going ...

I wish the Democrats could keep the impeachment hearings going.

I know that’s selfish on my part.

But I just love seeing Democrats continue to expose how silly this entire process is. The more they are on, the worse they come off.  Between the inane and irrelevant comments from bozos like Swalwell, Sheldon Whitehouse, Shirley Jackson Lee, that other pipsqueak from Rhode Island, and “what size pants do you wear in the neck” Nadler, there’s been a lot of high comedy. 

Mostly from the fake outrage from Democrats over stuff that isn’t actually a crime.  

You got to love it when a mental midget like “Ken doll” Swalwell pretends to be a Constitution expert and argues that you don’t need a crime as the basis for impeachment. He thinks “abuse of power” was also what the framers intended although they didn’t specifically say that. 

This might surprise some of the framers who set the standard for impeachment as committing high crimes and misdemeanors. Potato potahto, right? 

Maybe Swalwell studied at the Humpty Dumpty School of Law, whose founder famously said: “When I use a word … it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” I suppose “abuse of power” means exactly the same as high crimes and misdemeanors to him. 

He's not alone. Shirley Jackson Lee said abuse of power was even a bigger crime against the Constitution. Mainly because Trump sought to violate the sanctity of our elections – the cornerstone of our democracy – by soliciting foreign interference from Ukraine, a country she famously couldn't find on a map,

I’d might take that seriously if the Democrats weren’t the same party that hired and paid a former foreign agent to get dirt from Russians to help Hillary in the 2016 election.  And if these weren’t the same blowhards who always oppose voter ID and steps to ensure that non-citizens aren’t allowed to vote.

That’s chutzpah. But you haver to admit it’s funny. 

Just as the back and forth over Trump saying “us” instead of “me” on the call.  Democrats think he may have said “us” but what he really meant was “me.”  They even had someone testify it was clear Trump was using the “royal we.” Except he didn’t, which is particularly clear when you see the context where he keeps referring to our country and our people when he says “we.” 

Again, from the party of Bill Clinton who said: “it depends on what your meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Prevaricate much? 

There have been two primetime Democrat stars emerging from this crapfest. 

Schiff – that pencil-neck geek – has demonstrably lied for years about everything, from claiming he had hard evidence Trump colluded with the Russians until that was disproven by the Mueller Report, to most recently lying about his staff meeting with the alleged whistleblower. 

Or knowing who the whistleblower is.  Or about steering the whistleblower to attorneys who paid people for damaging dirt on Trump. 

And after the actual transcript of the call was released, showing how flawed and inaccurate the whistleblower’s account was, Schiff never flinched.  He has the balls to still say the evidence of Trump’s wrongdoing on the Ukraine call is uncontested. 

He points to all of his witnesses as proof.  

Honestly, has he not been in his own hearings?  Not one witness testified Trump did anything illegal or even outside his Constitutional authority. Not one said they had evidence he held up aid to Ukraine – or a meeting at the White House – to get investigations by Ukraine.  

Does he think the Republicans in those hearings – who essentially shredded the testimony of every one of his witnesses, and proved that not a single one them had any real evidence that Trump did anything more than hurt their feelings – agree with him?  Uncontested, my ass.   

Then, for additional comic relief, there’s Nadler, the Umpa Lumpa of the Judiciary Committee, who fell asleep during one of his hearings and routinely forgets his own Committee’s rules. Nadler’s the poster child for why there need to be term limits.

My favorite moment in the whole impeachment fiasco, however, was when he, along with Schiff and Pelosi, explained their rush and need to impeach Trump to prevent him from stealing another election with foreign interference.

Like that actually happened in 2016?  Really?  Mueller Report, anyone? And Ukraine could tip the scales for Trump in 2020 all by itself by investigating Biden?

I would be remiss if I didn’t give an dishonorable mention to two other Democrat loons – the Neanderthal Al Green and that other nitwit Karen Bass – who said that if Trump somehow gets re-elected they’re open to impeaching him again and again.

I guess nobody told Green and Bass that’s only possible if they hold the House after 2020. Which, by the way, isn’t all that certain after this impeachment clown show exposed what irresponsible disingenuous bozos House Democrats are.

Which is why, selfishly, I want the Democrats to keep the hearings going. 

Keep it up. I’m enjoying the show. Keep shooting yourselves in the foot.  

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What's overlooked in the impeachment circus ...

I’ve had trouble with the whole impeachment farce from the beginning. 

Especially when Democrats started talking impeachment before Trump was even inaugurated.  Honestly, he hadn’t had time to do anything worthy of impeachment. 

Except, of course, beat Hillary.  Apparently, some saw that as grounds for impeachment.  I don’t think that’s what the framers of the Constitution had in mind.  

Impeaching Trump then was as stupid as awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to someone before they did anything.   Oh, wait, that was how Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize.  Never mind. 

The subsequent Russia collusion investigation didn’t come up with anything.  The worst Mueller could come up with was akin to Trump making a mean face and ridiculing Mueller’s team.  When Mueller came to testify to Democrats eager to probe Trump’s “obstruction” possibilities, it became clear that Mueller himself had almost no knowledge what was in his report. 

Whoever wrote that part of the report alleging that Trump “may” have obstructed justice during the investigation – and it obviously wasn’t Mueller – could only point to Trump’s tweets and public statements that hurt their feelings.  That’s pretty thin grounds for claiming obstruction.   

Particularly since Trump let all his people testify.  His team turned over more than a million requested documents to investigators.  But he did call the investigation a hoax.

Which, after three years and $30 million, it turned out to be. 

The latest phase over Ukraine is even more ludicrous, if that’s possible. 

Let’s start with the infamous call between Trump and the Ukraine president.

First, and in my opinion most often overlooked, is that the call was supposed to be a highly confidential exchange only between two heads of state. 

Let that sink in for a minute.  A highly confidential exchange between two heads of state.  On a secure line so the two leaders could speak freely, and trust it would be kept confidential.   

Yet someone decided to leak a version of that call: they told someone else what they heard, who then made up another version delivered to Adam Schiff’s staff.  Schiff’s staff sent the second leaker of the made-up version to lawyers who pay a bounty to anyone who has damaging information about Trump. Those lawyers then filed an official complaint with an Inspector General claiming whistleblower status for someone who never heard the original call.  

Then the made-up secondhand version was conveniently leaked to the media.  

There are so many things wrong with this scenario from the get-go. 

At the heart of it is that someone leaked the contents of a confidential call by the President. That’s irresponsible at best, and possibly a violation of national security at worst. 

But we never hear much about this, do we?  Nor does anyone among the Democrats see this as a problem. Nor, for that matter, do career bureaucrats in the State Department, or our own intelligence community. And certainly not the Democrats’ friends in the media. 

They’ve been doing the same thing all along during Trump’s time in office. 

They see it as wholly justified to embarrass Trump and remove him from office.  He’s not one of them.  He’s an imposter.  He shouldn’t have won.  So they have a duty to stop him. 

Whatever it takes. 

Including making up stuff. Bald-faced lying.  Hiding exculpatory evidence.  Branding opinion as “facts.” Breaking any number of laws. Violating national security. Whatever. 

This is just wrong.  But because it’s Trump, they don’t care.  It’s justified. 

When Trump talks about finding and prosecuting leakers in his administration and government agencies, bureaucrats and the media get up in arms because he’s acting like a dictator and attacking a “free press.”  That’s rich.  By contrast, remember that to stop leaks the Obama Administration wiretapped AP reporters, and obtained phone records and conducted surveillance on a Fox News reporter – including on that reporter’s family.

Obama’s folks also outed and fired a whistleblower.  Yet Trump’s not allowed to even learn who the alleged whistleblower is. 

Trump hasn’t done any of what Obama’s folks did.  Imagine if he had.    

Suddenly it’s okay to leak confidential calls between the President and anyone else.  Think of the precedent this sets, not just for the current President, but for future Presidents. 

Think also about the Democrats and the media going full steam into impeaching Trump on no evidence he did anything worthy of impeachment. If anything, there’s ample evidence he did nothing wrong – even the testimony of the Democrats’ star witnesses shows nobody was threatened, coerced, bribed, intimidated or anything else. 

The other party on Trump’s call, the Ukraine president, saw nothing wrong with the call. Nor did any Ukraine officials.  The only people who saw anything wrong were either not on the call or felt uneasy by what Trump said. That’s it.

Witness after witness denied any direct knowledge of a quid pro quo.  Witness after witness knew of no crimes committed by Trump. Witness after witness said that Trump alone had the authority to set foreign policy.  Witness after witness said Trump had the legal right to request what he did, to withhold aid to Ukraine for any reason, and to also remove Voinovich from her post.   

You get the picture.  There’s no crime. There’s no impeachable offense.  Don’t take my word for it – just review the transcript itself and the testimony from the Democrat witnesses.

There’s no “there” there. No facts; just opinions and feelings.  

But still Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and other pinheads are pushing for impeachment, based on nothing more than hyper partisan hatred of Trump and their reliance on a strict party-line vote in the House.  They know full well they will fail in the Senate and Trump will not be removed from office before the 2020 election – there’s no way they get enough Republicans there to convict Trump. 

They also know this won't keep Trump from being re-elected. I'll bet their own internal polling points to him winning a second term if the election were held right now.   

Yet that’s not the goal. Democrats want to leave a mark on Trump that he was impeached in the House. For what “crimes” nobody knows.  Still, it will be part of his legacy.  And they can go back to their loons on the left clamoring for Trump’s head with a pyrrhic victory of sorts.

Pyrrhic is the right description. If they follow through and impeach Trump in the House, Democrats will pay a heavy price for this insanity. Not just in 2020, but for years to come.   

With the bar for impeachment set so low by Democrats in their lust to remove Trump, God help the next Democrat President with a Republican House and Senate.