
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The incessant drumbeat of propaganda …

Sadly, most of what the media reports these days is propaganda.  

That’s news with a specific agenda: to persuade, not inform.  To foster that agenda the media is willing to ignore what’s really happened in favor of reporting what they want you to believe. 

That’s the media’s right.  They have the microphone. And we have laws to protect freedom of the press and free speech. The media are perfectly within their rights to report whatever and however they wish. The only limit on the media’s freedom is they aren’t allowed to publish something they know to be false and with malice aforethought – both of which are hard to prove. 

The media know that.  They also know there’s almost no chance they’ll ever be held accountable for intentionally spreading false information or publishing something intended to harm another. It’s practically impossible to prove someone’s “intent”; they can always claim they were working with the info they had and just reported what they were told. 

Also – since 1964 and the Times v. Sullivan case – it’s virtually impossible in the US to sue anyone in the media successfully for defamation or libel if the victim is a “public figure.” So politicians, celebrities, performers and others are all fair game.

None of that makes what our media are doing every day right.  Much less ethical. 

The purpose of protecting a free press in America was to insure the media always had the power to expose government corruption, malfeasance by politicians, and bad acts by rapacious corporations without fear of legal or financial retribution.

In short, it was to protect us from the powerful by holding them accountable – bringing misdeeds and dirty dealing from the shadows into the light for all to see. 

All fine and good.

But what happens when the media abuse their power?  What happens when the vast majority of the media feel accountable only to themselves? What happens when they decide to wield their power unevenly and choose sides? What happens when they use their power to protect themselves and their like-minded friends at our expense?

In the sage words of the long-dead Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Now, some will claim the media don’t have absolute power; there are other information sources such as Fox, conservative talk radio and the WSJ to offer alternative interpretations of the news.  Yet in reality those are outliers dwarfed by a more homogenous and pervasive media that dominate what most people hear and see.

The overwhelming majority of our “mainstream” media – excluding the outliers like Fox and WSJ, of course – have a single point of view and approach; the American public is carpet-bombed with that point of view. Whether it’s newspapers, most cable news, online extensions of ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN – what’s reported (and not reported) is eerily similar.  Sometimes downright identical. The net effect is that this wall of information from multiple sources makes it appear that it must be true. Everybody is saying the same thing, after all.

That’s intentional.  That’s what the media want the public to believe.  By closing ranks and insuring that the majority of Americans only hear one side of a story, they control perception.  That’s how propaganda works; the theory is that if you tell a story – even a false one – long enough and consistently enough it becomes “true” in the minds of most people.     

Only a handful of alternative media outlets present a different view.  It’s easy for the unified media to use their superior numbers and reach to dismiss those as irrelevant radical nutjobs.  If they all stick together, which they usually do, who are you going to believe? The majority of nearly identical reports you see from a variety of sources, or a couple of reports that are different?      

Some media apologists claim there’s absolutely no bias among the biggest media players. Nor any coordination.  And if there is it’s unintentional.  That’s simply bullshit.

Of course there’s bias.  There’s always bias in how news is reported.  That’s unavoidable as long as humans are involved.  Any first-year J-school student knows some bias is inevitable; still, news professionals are expected to minimize bias whenever possible.   

What’s different now is that bias in a certain direction is not just tolerated but encouraged and applauded.  And anyone who doesn’t support that bias is vilified. 

And in terms of coordination, if more than 90% of the bigger media outlets report the exact same story the exact same way, often using the exact same words, there’s obvious coordination.  It’s not a coincidence, especially when the narrative is almost word for word from the talking points of left-leaning Democrats, public-service and teacher union officials, the ACLU and the SPLC.      

That’s a dangerous trend. That’s not objective reporting; that’s propaganda.   

The mainstream media are still upset that despite their best efforts to prop up Hillary – and dismiss Trump as a ridiculous buffoon – Trump was still elected President. That result challenged their belief they could control what ordinary Americans believe. 

They are determined not to let that happen again.  While they continue to pummel Trump at every opportunity, they have their sights set on 2020 and the candidate they want this time.

Watch carefully and see what they are doing. They are destroying every candidate, by innuendo and slanted reporting, who might compete with their chosen victor. 

Bernie Sanders – old news.  Elizabeth Warren – seriously? Howard Schultz – a billionaire capitalist, not “woke” enough.  Amy Klobuchar – too moderate; too establishment.  Mike Bloomberg – rich guy, also too moderate.  Joe Biden – too old.  Hillary – not again, and too old.

And it's just starting.  

They’ll keep savaging all the contenders until only one is left standing – the one they want. 

Kamala Harris.  She’s their dream candidate.  The Trump slayer. 

They are all gushy over her. You won’t see them dredge up the dirt on her, and there’s plenty of it, the way they will on everybody else who might challenge her.  Anyone who questions her will be a racist, sexist, anti-woman, and worse. That's the playbook. Count on it.  

They’ll sweep her dirt under the rug. Because she’s who they want.   

Just watch. See how they'll manipulate the facts. You'll see.   

And remember, it’s not news; it’s just more propaganda. And it will be wall to wall.

They've had a lot of experience at this.  

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