Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an idiot.
The only reason the media and Democrats keep pushing her in
our faces is because she’s passionate about the nonsense she believes. They
think she connects with millennials.
But if you listen to her for more than a minute it’s
apparent she doesn’t understand what she’s talking about. No matter what the
subject is. No matter how she presents it.
There’s not a spec of logic or fact behind anything she
says. Everything she proposes is obviously completely unworkable. Not because there
are entrenched evil forces in the way, but simply because she has no grasp of
the Constitution, or how government works.
More laughable is that she doesn’t understand geography, much less basic
I’m not talking about high-level stuff. Second graders have more knowledge than her;
they at least understand there’s no way to take a train from the US to Hawaii. Maybe in a fairy tale with magic trains and flying carpets, but not
in real life.
The only thing she’s got going for her is her passion. That’s
what appeals to millennials – she really believes what she’s saying,
That doesn’t make anything she’s saying true. That doesn’t seem to matter. The scary part is so many people are willing
to accept what she’s saying as possible.
None of it’s even remotely possible no matter how much she wants it to be.
For the life of me, I don’t understand. It frightens the hell out of me that anyone
with the good sense God gave a sweet potato can listen to this loon prattle on without laughing out loud. It’s not just that she has no idea what she’s talking about, but
politicians are lining up to exalt her like she’s the second coming.
She’s not “speaking truth to power”; she’s doing standup
comedy. She just doesn’t know it. And Democrats and the media are afraid – for
whatever reason – to call her out. Republicans,
as always, are also afraid to take her on, too.
Why is no one willing to state the obvious – the emperor has
no clothes.
More importantly, she has no brain. Or any common sense.
I suspect she’s simply ignorant. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t
know. And she doesn’t care to find out
what she should know. That doesn’t
matter to her. Nor to her like-minded
dimwits elected in the midterms. Nor to
politicians who should know better.
Why else would someone say when questioned how to pay for multitrillion
dollar Medicare for all: “you just pay for it.” How could someone with a smidgen
of common sense think we should eliminate cows because they fart, or eliminate
air travel? This is crazy stuff.
The media fact-check and parse every word by Trump,
why aren’t they fact-checking this buffoon? Why aren’t they ridiculing her every
day? God knows she’s given them a plenty of material to work with. She's a living, breathing SNL skit.
When anyone dares to call her out on something completely unrealistic
she’s proposing she says that it’s more important to have goals and ideals than
the means to achieve them.
Lately she’s been pointing to FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great
Society as examples of lofty goals that changed America. Unfortunately, she knows almost nothing about
those – except what she’s been told by liberal historians – so she doesn’t know that both of those
were largely failures.
Except for Social Security, the one lasting bright spot, FDR’s
policies were generally a mess. These prolonged
the Great Depression and vastly enlarged the scope and cost of government. His policies
were also overturned by the Supreme Court at times leading liberal god FDR to
try to pack the Court to get decisions he liked, much like today’s authoritarian dictators.
FDR’s dictatorial streak
was one reason Congress later enacted Presidential terms limits.
LBJ’s Great Society was devastating, especially to
minorities. It produced a welfare state
that destroyed the basic family unit, encouraged out-of-wedlock births, and removed
incentives to work. It helped create a permanent underclass in America almost
wholly dependent on government payments. We’re
still trying to recover from ill-conceived Great Society programs.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that she also pointed to America’s
space program as a good example.
However, I suspect she’d be opposed to spending anything on a space
program, unless it was solar powered and could be used to launch farting cows
off the planet.
She’s the perfect metaphor for today’s culture. Feelings matter more than facts.
Celebrities with barely a high-school education preach about
the science of climate change and the need to prohibit straws to save sea
turtles. Ultra-rich Hollywood types take
private jets to attend global warming meetings.
Some do videos about the link between vaccinations and autism – even though
there’s absolutely no proof. Idiocy is clearly
in the ascendency.
Her appeal to millennials and the far left is predictable.
They’ve never been fans of facts; they prefer
to rely on their feelings. They feel people shouldn’t have to pay for college or pay back
loans. They believe everyone should get
a living wage whether they work or choose not to. They feel there’s an unlimited amount of
money government can spend however they like; if they start running out, it’s okay to just
print more.
It has all the earmarks of a new religion, based on faith a and
feelings. Government is God, and through government all good things flow.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new high priestess of this
religion. She advocates a better life
for everyone here on Earth if you just believe.
In that way she reminds me of the Reverend Ike, who said if you wanted a
Cadillac, just pray for it and God would deliver.
I’m not buying it. Especially from a know-nothing bozo like
her, whose only accomplishment in life so far is defeating an incumbent
Democrat who didn’t even bother to campaign.
But to listen to her and her followers, that was a watershed event in
American history.
As if she actually knew any American history, which,
obviously, she doesn’t.
Every time she opens her mouth to pontificate on something,
she demonstrates how little she knows. The media and politicians shouldn’t take
her seriously, any more than they should some homeless person wearing a tinfoil
hat screaming at the sky about cosmic rays.
I can’t believe she gets away with this nonsense.