
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Sunday, July 1, 2018

When hate is all you’ve got …

 A lot of people hate Donald Trump. I get it. They’ve made that abundantly clear. 

But hate’s not enough to win people over; that is, if those who hate even care to win over others. And there’s nothing to show they do.

Their hate is apparently designed simply to intimidate, not persuade.  That’s all I can see.

Some people hated Obama, too, when he was in office.  Still, I don’t remember the Obama haters going to the extremes Trump haters are.

Obama haters didn’t target Obama Administration officials and harass them and their families in restaurants and at their homes. Nor did anyone burn the carcass of a decapitated animal outside someone’s home. Nor did anyone shoot at members of Congress playing baseball just because they were in the same political party as the President they hate.  

There have always been nutjobs among us.  There are more today; it’s a function of the law of big numbers.  If the crazies are always a fixed percentage of the population, then the absolute number increases as the populations grows. 

Believe it or not, bad behavior and threats of violence against politicians and their families by nut-case leftists wasn’t always praised by Democrat party leaders, Hollywood types, and the media. Now it is, except when it doesn’t suit their narrative – then it’s buried. Any bad behavior by anyone on the right, however, makes headline news for weeks.    

When Democrat Gabby Giffords was shot the media raced to pin the blame on far-right extremists; when it turned out the shooter was actually a leftist loon the media quickly forgot about the politics.  A Sanders-supporter nutjob exclusively targeted Republicans and their staffs practicing for an annual baseball game with Democrats, and seriously wounded Republican Steve Scalise; the media downplayed the political aspect. 

A crackpot white supremacist – with no ties to Trump or Republicans – crashed his car into protestors at Charlottesville killing and maiming people; the media and Democrats quickly blamed the politics of Trump and Republicans for encouraging and condoning right-wing violence. 

There seems to be no limit to the hypocrisy. Or available proof.  Democrats and the media seem to forget that in this digital age, there’s always a video record of everything.  

Not that many years ago, prominent Democrats Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and even President Obama railed against illegal immigration, and supported securing our borders to keep out illegals.  They saw illegal immigrants as criminals and a threat to jobs and wages for American citizens. Now, stopping illegal immigration and securing our borders are a crime against humanity because these same Democrats sense it’s a good political issue to work.

Democrats and the media were also on the bandwagon for more “civility” and respect for the office of the President throughout Obama’s term. When one Republican Congressman interrupted then-President Obama’s address to Congress by shouting “You lie” when Obama said illegals wouldn’t be covered under ObamaCare, the left and the media were outraged.       

Now, however, the media is perfectly fine with Democrats in Congress taking to the air waves to denounce this current President as a liar, a racist, a fascist, and a clone of Hitler.  One compared Trump’s policy on separating minors from illegal immigrant adults at our border to Nazi tactics at Auschwitz.  So much for civility and respect for the office of President. 

The hatred on the left is all consuming.   

When a train carrying Republicans and their families to a retreat derailed, causing multiple injuries and the death of a truck driver, there were celebrities and also talking heads in the media who suggested the derailment was divine intervention to punish Republicans. Seriously.

In fairness, civility in American politics is a ship that sailed long ago. 

Also in fairness, Trump himself doesn’t help matters. 

A major part of the current horrific behavior on the left is because they don’t have any reasonable alternatives to Trump’s policies. More importantly, they are seeing for the first time that a significant portion of America – perhaps even a majority at times – doesn’t support the left’s and the Democrats’ agenda. Rather than adjust their position to match popular sentiment, they are resorting to bullying tactics. They don’t have anything else.

And that’s clearly not working.  Which makes them even crazier.   

No matter how many times the media tries to make the case for them, that’s failing, too.  The public is simply not buying it anymore. 

In terms of the dust up over minors detained for illegal immigration, the public doesn’t blame our immigration laws for the troubles at the border – it blames the parents who brought those minors, and especially those who put their kids in the hands of human traffickers to get here. 

While the public has sympathy for the children, it still generally supports cracking down and deporting people coming here illegally.  It doesn’t think minors should be separated from their parents, but it’s okay with detaining and then deporting the parents and their kids together. In terms of unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors, it thinks we’re doing the best we can.

The public doesn’t want open borders; Democrats and the left do.  The public wants to tighten security and enforcement at our borders; Democrats and the left don’t. Democrats and the left support allowing sanctuary cities to shield illegal immigrant criminals from deportation; the public doesn't. Now Democrats and the left want to abolish ICE, the agency responsible for enforcing immigration laws and deporting illegal immigrant criminals; most Americans don't.    

The Democrats hated the Trump tax cuts; the public liked getting more money back.  Democrats and the left claimed these would only make greedy corporate executives richer and do nothing for the common working people; many corporations and small businesses instead gave bonuses and raises to their employees, and pumped up their 401(k)s, which those employees appreciated. 

When Democrats held control, Harry Reid changed the rules on confirming Federal court appointments to stop Republicans from using filibusters to delay approval of left-leaning judges. Now Trump has the opportunity to use the same “nuclear option” once again to replace Anthony Kennedy with a conservative Justice.  Democrats and the left are beside themselves with outrage. The public, not so much. 

Here’s the worst part for Democrats and the left: the public may not like Trump as a person, but the public generally approves of what he’s accomplished. For the first time in many years, most Americans think the country is headed in the right direction.  Unemployment is down, wages are up, and the economy is booming, which should never have happened according to the Democrats, the left, the media, and the never-Trumpers.  That’s a complete repudiation of the progressive agenda favored by Democrats and the left, and the dogma of establishment Republicans as well.

So with the mid-terms approaching, Democrats and the left are apoplectic.  

They can bash Trump, harass his people all they want, and ridicule his behavior, but what Trump is doing, what he’s accomplishing, is more important to the public than whether he is the type of person you want your kids to grow up to emulate. 

Talking heads and pundits say the problem is simply that Democrats and the left haven’t clearly articulated their message to the public. 

In truth they have. It’s the opposite of whatever Trump favors, no matter what that is. And they hate Trump, hate his policies, hate the people in his administration, and hate his supporters.  

They’ve done an exceptional job of getting that message out.    

They’re working with the only thing they’ve got: irrational hate.   

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