
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

If this were your home …

Imagine for a moment that people you didn’t know, people who didn’t speak your language, just broke in and moved into your house. 

They then proceeded to eat your food, take your money, remove the locks on your doors and move more of their friends and family in. They didn’t ask your permission. They demanded you make space for them, provide them with an income, pay for their healthcare, and pay for their education. They also wanted a voice in how you ran your house and defied you to kick them out. 

Every day you find more and more of them in your house. The more there are, the more brazen they become.  Their demands continue to escalate. They tell you that you don’t have a choice – it’s your responsibility as the homeowner to make them comfortable.        

You contact the local police and they say there’s nothing they can do. So you contact the media, and they tell you you’re a heartless monster. You contact your representatives in Congress and they tell you their hands are tied; some even call you a bigot. The courts are no help, either.  

Welcome to America. And yes, this is your home.    

This is where we are today. 

Illegal immigrants from Central America and elsewhere are flooding across our southern border. There are an estimated 11-12 million of them here illegally already.

They’ve broken into our collective home and have absolutely no intention of ever leaving.  Instead, they are demanding that we give them citizenship, full benefits from our social welfare system – which they’ve paid nothing into, scholarships to public universities, and soon the right to vote.  If they succeed in getting the right to vote, you can be assured they will push to eliminate any immigration restrictions in the future. 

Despite liberal talking points, they haven’t come here to escape oppression or persecution, but for the money. That’s the real reason. Many send the lion’s share of whatever they earn off the books, or by using fraudulent Social Security numbers to claim benefits, back to their native country. And they figure there are so many of them we can’t do anything to kick them all out. 

Recently, we’ve learned that as many as a thousand more mostly from Honduras are planning to crash our southern border any day now to prove we are powerless to stop them. The leaders of this group have instructed those on the march to claim asylum when they hit our border, knowing this will cause a massive surge in our already backlogged immigration court system.

Their leaders have also promised “mass violence” if they are turned back at our border.   

The problem with the asylum pitch is that they’re crossing through Mexico to get here. Mexico is waving them through. If you really are pleading for asylum on humanitarian grounds, you have to request that in whatever country you get to first. Which, in this case, is Mexico.   

Which, of course, none of them have. Nor does Mexico want them. I suspect Mexico is all in favor of this attack on our border, if for no other reason than to thumb their nose at Trump.

This is a stupid decision on the part of Mexican leaders. It’s also a stupid decision on the part of the leaders of this onslaught. 

This just gives more credence to Trump’s claim that we need an impenetrable wall on our southern border, and more border agents and resources to prevent illegal crossings. His opponents are misreading how Americans generally feel about illegal immigration; the majority of Americans are in favor of immigration – that’s how most of us over the generations got here – but overwhelmingly opposed to illegal immigration. 

Stunts like this only serve to harden the position of illegal immigration opponents. If immigrant-rights advocates want to see public support swing toward building the wall, deporting illegals, and cracking down on immigration in general, this will do it.

Somehow, I don’t that’s what they expect. I think they’ll be unpleasantly surprised. 

As a nation, we’ve always welcomed immigrants seeking a better life.  We’ve opened our doors and our hearts, and often our purses as well. 

But if you break down our door to get in, that’s a different matter altogether. 

This will not end well.  For Mexico. For the thousand would-be invaders planning to breech our southern border.  Or for proponents of relaxing our immigration policy. 

They have no idea of the consequences.

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