
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Or what …

I’m tired of being told I have to kiss everybody’s butt.

Regardless of what they do. Regardless of how they act up. Regardless of how clearly irresponsible they are.  Regardless of how often they try to make a mountain out of a molehill.   

I’m apparently supposed to have sympathy and understanding for those who offer neither in return.  I guess I should be ashamed of stuff I haven’t done, or had no responsibility for.

I have a moral obligation to care about whatever they care about, in other words.

That’s what a lot of people want. Well, you know what, that’s not going to happen.

I’ve hit my limit. I’m fed up with people and the media trying to intimidate me, either with their madness or their misinformation. 

I can’t discuss anything at all with Democrats or anybody on the left. They are insane. They are incapable of listening to any other opinion other than their own. Don’t bother with facts; it’s a complete waste of time because they simply ignore them. When you do bring out facts, they respond with specious bullshit from some left-leaning think tank, or unfounded urban myths.

A common refrain from them is: “a group of experts has determined …” Or “everybody knows,” when, in fact, nobody can prove a damn thing they’re saying. 

It makes me crazy to even endure such childish logic. 

For example, there are the BS claims that Trump’s a racist. That Trump hates gay people. That Trump’s anti-Semitic. That Trump supports white supremacists. That Trump colluded with the Russians to win the last election. Or that Trump fired Comey just to stop an investigation.

He’s got a lot of faults, no doubt.  But not one of those has been proven to be true.

Trump’s been in the public eye for decades and the subject of intense media scrutiny during that time. If he were a racist, a homophobe, anti-Semitic, or a supporter of white supremacists, it would have been substantiated long ago. And as for the claims that he colluded with the Russians, or fired Comey to stop that investigation, that’s just another pile of unproven crap.

Don’t take my word for it. Go ahead, try to find a single substantive thing that actually “proves” any one of these. You won’t be able to, because there’s no there, there.

There’s just speculation about what Trump “really” believes, and his motives, which is about as valid as determining either by reading the bumps on his head. 

It’s all just complete and utter nonsense.  

Democrats, the left, and the left-leaning media know they don’t have any proof. Yet they keep spinning yarns about Trump’s “hidden” motives all the time to make it appear they have the goods on him.  The tinfoil-hat crowd eats it up and begs for more. And they deliver. 

You’ll get more “real” news these days from the supermarket tabloids. There’s just as much truth in tabloid stories about Elvis returning from the dead aboard a UFO with a miracle diet that cures cancer, and that survivors of Atlantis have been found in the Amazon jungle.  

This stupidity and duplicity continue well past Trump.

Professional athletes are taking a knee when the national anthem is played. I couldn’t care less if they kneel, do the Macarena, or the hand jive during the anthem.  Sure, their actions are disrespectful and offensive to a lot of folks, but they are kneeling to raise awareness for something that isn’t true; that black males are systematically being targeted by white police.    

Nobody’s denying that black males are being shot by police at a disproportionate rate to whites or Hispanics. That's absolutely true.  

Want to know why they’re being shot more often?

The simple – but true – answer is that they are disproportionately committing more crimes that draw armed police response than whites or Hispanics, especially in high-crime areas. 

You can argue why they are committing more crimes that get them shot. But blacks getting shot by police has little to do with racism.  The stats show blacks are no more likely to be shot by a white officer than a black officer, either – that rate follows pretty much the makeup of a specific police force and the crime rate in the area where they were shot.   

Go ahead.  Look it up. These are equal-opportunity shootings.

If pro athletes want to protest something, maybe they should focus on the fact that the number one cause of death among young black males is murder, typically by another black male.  The number one cause of death among young white males is car accidents.

Now that’s something valid to protest. 

Given the rampant stupidity on the left and among Democrats, I’m surprised someone hasn’t suggested giving cars to young black males so their deaths in car accidents can equal those of young white males. Clearly there’s a racist death inequality that must be addressed. 

Nope. They are blaming guns. And systemic racial injustice.

I’m also weary of the bald-faced lies about illegal immigrants that have been here for years. If they’ve been here that long, and want to be citizens, why didn’t they ever apply for citizenship? 

Next, there’s the BS that they are a net positive to our economy and give back more than they ever take.  Nobody with the good sense God gave a sweet potato believes – despite what Democrats and activists claim – that these illegals haven’t been fraudulently collecting public assistance, receiving subsidized healthcare, getting a driver’s license, and even sometimes voting, all along.

Of course they have. That’s why they are still here.  

They’ve been getting all the benefits of being a citizen without the bother of doing the paperwork. And as to the amount of taxes they pay, get real; they’ve gotten a lot more out of our system than they’ve ever paid in. That’s if they pay taxes at all. 

They also send more untraceable money out of this country than they ever spend here. Remittances from illegals are a major source of income for Mexico. Doubt that? Just wait in line some afternoon at any grocery store that does money orders.  See who is buying and sending money orders.

These illegals aren’t cowering in the shadows, fearful of being found and deported, either. We know who and where they are – we could easily round them up any time if we wanted.

But our politicians from both parties don’t want to. 

The only reason they haven’t been tossed out by now has nothing to do with compassion.

It has to do with political power and economics.

Democrat mayors in major cities don’t want them out because they fill the population void left by middle class families fleeing urban crime and corruption.  Overall population – not just legal citizens – is a big part of the Federal funding formula. Federal money covers a lot of sins and keeps Democrats in power. It subsidizes projects that reward their friends in the unions, who return the favor by supporting Democrats at election time. 

Big business also doesn’t want illegals out. Illegals work cheaper than citizens. It’s not just big business, either: the agriculture industry here – whether that’s mushroom farmers, poultry processors, or even small family farms – all depend on cheap labor from illegals, too.  Finally, the Catholic Church, which has seen declining numbers of worshippers over the years, sees more illegal immigrants, especially Hispanics, as a way to reverse that trend.        

Then there’s the nonsense about the “dreamers.” True, they didn’t ask to come into this country, but they are still here illegally. What part of “illegally” don’t people get?  

There’s a case to be made that they should be offered a path to citizenship – after all, they’ve been here almost all of their lives already.  Yet that’s not what they want – they want immediate citizenship; total amnesty, with no strings attached. In fact, that’s what they are demanding. 

To which I say, or what? If we don’t give that to them, what can they do? 


That’s the problem I keep having. There are so many groups demanding something. They always threaten – something   Pro athletes, social activists, BLM, Antifa, immigration advocates, whomever. But exactly what are they threatening? And should anyone care?  

Nobody in power is willing to call their bluff. Somebody should.   

This nation is enduring what now seems like an endless series of tantrums. Against Trump. Against alleged racist attitudes. Against police shootings. Against deporting illegals. Against building a wall on our southern border.  Against reducing our spending on stupid social programs that don’t accomplish anything. Against eliminating ObamaCare and reining in Medicaid. Against closing failing public schools and allowing parents more choice.  Against restoring Constitutional rights on college campuses. Against draining the swamp that’s DC. 

I have to keep asking this question: If we don’t accede to these tantrums, what happens? 

What is the “or what,” quite simply?

Suppose we simply ignore them. What’s their recourse?       

Not a Hell of a lot. They can protest peacefully all they want. But if they break the law – any law – while protesting just arrest them. Forget about the optics. Forget about their skin color, where they’re from, or where their parents are from. And if the media interfere with the arrests, arrest them, too. 

We need to get back to being a nation of laws, instead of a nation of constant complainers. 

I’m not endorsing a police state, by any means. 

But I am saying it’s time we stop letting the whiners run the show.  If they have a legitimate complaint, and a realistic solution, fine.  Let’s discuss it, rationally, without the implied threats. 

Otherwise, I say call their bluff.  Make them put up or shut up. 

Or just ignore them. That’s what I’m planning on doing. 

Everybody needs to understand that you should never deliver an ultimatum without a clear understanding of the consequences. 

And sometimes people will call you out. 

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