
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorists

As expected the official line from Obama and Democrats is that the terrorist attacks in Paris were done by a mere handful of extremists acting on their own perverted interpretation of Islam. And we should not overreact to the actions of a few misguided individuals.

Soon we’ll also hear again that Islam is a “religion of peace.”  The bigger threat is global warming, not Islamic terrorism, they’ll add.  Wait for it.  

While the rest of the civilized world is still reeling from ISIS bringing down a Russian airliner killing hundreds of innocent people, and terrorists in Paris killing 129 more, Obama and his administration keep downplaying the threat here.

I do not understand why. I’m a reasonably intelligent guy. I follow the news.  Maybe it’s naiveté on my part, but I always presume our government officials do the same. 

After all the barbarity inflicted on innocents across the globe by ISIS, the Taliban and their affiliates like Boko Haram, how can anyone conclude these groups aren’t a threat to us? They’ve proven in France, Spain, the UK and elsewhere they have the means to strike anywhere. They recently claimed their next target is D.C.-- and Obama still won’t acknowledge the threat or why they’re doing this?  

The threat is real and much bigger than ISIS.  It is based on Islamic theology.  The terror attacks are being done exclusively by Muslims – not Christians, Jews, Hindus or any other faith. 

It’s all Muslims, all the time, of all nationalities, and upon all nationalities. That’s intentional.   

The only mystery is why Obama refuses to acknowledge that Western Civilization as a whole – us included – and other faiths are under attack by well-funded, well-organized radical Islamists who want to kill us all to fulfill an apocalyptic vision.

Hell, he can’t even call them radical Islamists. 

Obama knows what’s driving the Islamic terrorists and what their grand plan is.  Yet he continues to act as if ignoring all this will make it go away on its own. That’s his “plan.”

Even after the Europeans determined that at least one of the recent Paris terrorists migrated through Greece on a Syrian passport, he still wants to proceed with allowing 10,000 Syrian “refugees” to settle in this country.  Smart, right? 

Then again, he also blamed the slaughter of our diplomats in Benghazi on a video, claimed that suicide bombers arose from lack of employment opportunities, and referred to ISIS as the “JV.” On the same day that terrorists attacked Paris, he was on earlier to proclaim that ISIS was now “contained” and was actually weakening.

I guess that was comforting to the families of the 129 people killed – and over 200 wounded – in Paris later that same day. Nothing to worry about.  Obama says so.   

In simplest terms, the world is experiencing an Islamic Crusade, using today’s weaponry and technology coupled with levels of barbarity on a scale rarely seen in modern times.  Radical Islamists want to make the entire world their holy land and roll the clock back a few centuries.    

And we’re not just dealing with a mere handful of bad actors; we are confronted by tens of thousands of well-armed fighters and untold numbers of sleeper cells hiding among us, all admired and supported by millions of Muslims around the world. 

That’s right – they have broad support among millions of Muslims worldwide. Remember the Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11?  It wasn’t just in the Middle East. Remember the jubilation among the Iranians – the same people we are now helping to build nuclear weapons?

Their hatred of us – and anyone else who doesn’t accept their version of 7th Century Islam – goes way beyond our support of Israel, a stupid movie, lack of job opportunities, or global warming. They despise our core values and our tolerance of other religions, cultures, and beliefs. 

The radical Islamists’ belief system accepts slavery, pedophilia, rape, slaughter of innocents, and destruction of whatever they consider idolatry – whether that’s ancient temples or monuments from past civilizations. We don’t and that offends them. 

Do all Muslims believe as they do? No.

But enough of them do to put the wind behind the sails of these barbarians. Not just Middle Eastern Muslims, but Asian Muslims, African Muslims, European Muslims, and yes, American Muslims. Muslims from everywhere are flocking to enlist in this jihad or providing financial and other support for the cause wherever they are and however they can.     

Including murdering innocent people here and abroad. 

Make no mistake; millions of Muslims around the globe applaud what the radical Islamists are doing. To pretend it makes a difference that there are more “good Muslims” than “bad Muslims” to marginalize what’s happening is as stupid as thinking because there were more “good Germans” than “bad Germans” Europeans had nothing to fear from Hitler and the Nazis.

We know how that turned out.   

Obama keeps saying the terrorists have strayed from the “true” teachings of Islam – a religion of peace. As he was raised a Muslim, had a Muslim father, spent time in a Muslim country as a child where he attended Muslim schools, he knows that’s simply not true.

In fact, it’s utter bullshit. 

The terrorists’ Islam is not a new interpretation; if anything it’s the most traditional, essentially unchanged from the 7th Century.  So Islamic terrorists today are just returning to Islam’s roots – a war against all other belief systems, where one either converts to Islam or dies.         

Unlike many other faiths, the original goal of Islam was conquest and subjugation of any and all non-believers.  Peace would only happen after an apocalyptic battle between the faithful and the infidels concluded and Mohammed returned victorious to rule the Earth. Then there would be peace because all the infidels would either be converted to Islam or dead. 

So all the barbarous acts we see have but one purpose: to draw all the nonbelievers into a massive, final war for all the marbles. The radical Islamists want us all to be so appalled and horrified by their atrocities that we can’t resist an all-out war with them. When that happens they expect all the other Muslims in the world to rally to their righteous cause.    

And they’ll win, fulfill the prophecy, and Islam will triumph. 

Obama knows this is their grand plan. It’s not a secret.   

It’s us or them.  Those are the table stakes.  So why does Obama keep soft-pedaling the threat?  He knows the attacks will continue and why they will likely escalate in ferocity. He knows precisely who the terrorists are and the common link they share. He knows the only real answer is to wipe out today’s terrorists and intimidate any would-be future terrorists. 

Yet he doesn’t seem to connect the dots.  Or maybe he simply puts his campaign promises and his “legacy” above the security and safety of all of us, and his role as leader of the free world. 

I’m starting to believe that’s the case. 

There’s also a growing realization even among his own party and the media that he has no plan to handle the threats.  He is increasingly peevish when asked for specifics.

It’s finally becoming obvious to all – including many of his supporters – that he is woefully incompetent, not just in managing domestic issues where he’s traditionally gotten a pass, but especially on the world stage where the United States must lead by example. He seems incapable, intellectually and emotionally, to deal with the barbarians at our doors. 

To defeat ISIS and their ilk, we cannot do it alone.  We need other countries to join with us, including moderate Muslim countries, but they won’t do that unless we show leadership.  If we aren’t in the fight full force, we can’t expect anyone else to join us. That means American boots on the ground, casualties, and unleashing the full weight of the American military to kill the terrorists wherever they are.   

We can’t fight that war at arm’s length and with zero collateral damage – which seems to be driving our current rules of engagement, according to military experts.  And also why we aren’t having any success.  We need a leader ready and willing to acknowledge that the threats are real and our very existence depends on killing – not negotiating with or accommodating --  the radical Islamists wherever they are using any means at our disposal.

Obama’s not that guy.   

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