
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The coming revolution ...

I keep wondering when the public is going to wake up and realize what’s happening.

I’m starting to believe it either won’t, or it has and doesn’t care.   It’s possible we just haven’t reached a tipping point yet, and when we do all Hell is going to break loose.     

I think we’re hurtling toward a cliff.  In fact, I believe we are accelerating toward it now.  Every day we get closer to the abyss.  Or to a revolution. 

There is a point when the elasticity goes out of a population.  There ceases to be a flexibility to roll with the punches, to turn the other cheek, to absorb and not retaliate in kind. 

It happens most often when predictability and stability are in flux.  That’s because people prefer predictability and stability; the alternative is chaos and chaos always makes people uneasy. 

When institutions start acting unpredictably they are like the canary in the coal mine; anxiety rises that chaos is imminent.  If government starts acting erratically, anxiety goes up.  When banks can no longer be trusted to keep your money safe, anxiety goes up.  When government starts being seen more as a corrupter than a protector of values, anxiety goes up.  

When established norms – like enforcement of laws, punishment of lawbreakers, protection of civil liberties, and the right to free speech – are no longer the norm, anxiety also goes up. 

In short, anxiety goes up whenever the foundations upon which we build our daily lives – and are at the heart of our core belief systems – are shaken.  People often don’t recognize it for what it is.  They have a feeling that something’s wrong, something’s out of balance, but they can’t put their finger on precisely what it is often because it’s so many things. 

Little things start to add up.  Then the hits keep on coming. 

When there’s enough anxiety among enough people, they will attack the source of chaos in an effort to restore normalcy.  Because that’s what most people really want – they want consistency and predictability; in other words “normalcy.”  They can get used to some changes over time, but not sudden shifts in the tectonic plates of their reality.

That’s where we are now.  A large part of society wants to overturn what are essentially bedrock American values. 

Like self-reliance.  The work ethic.  The value of a good education.  The dignity of supporting yourself and your family.  Being responsible.  Leading the free world.  Maintaining peace through strength.    

And being a nation where the rule of law is more important than the rule of man. 

America is still the land of opportunity, which is why so many other people in the world want to come here.  Those immigrants – legal or otherwise – still believe in the American Dream:  if you work hard, you can succeed. 

Too bad so many citizens here no longer believe that.  Too bad so many of them want to destroy our basic values to make themselves feel better. 

Maybe they want to lessen their guilt for failing to take advantage of the opportunities this great nation has always provided.  I suppose it’s easier for them to change the rules and blame others instead of sucking it up for their own lack of ambition to change their lot in life.    

The bigger problem is that so many of them now no longer believe in democracy, maintaining the balance of power in our government, and protecting our basic rights to free speech, assembly, and to worship how and where we please. 

Many Americans clearly prefer a simpler authoritarian style of government.  Which is great, as long as whoever is leading that government is doing what you want. 

When an authoritarian government ceases to do what you want and starts doing things you don’t want, then it’s not so great. 

In fact, you start thinking of it in different terms.  Like oppressive.  Dictatorial.  Tyrannical. 

So you see, it’s often a matter of perspective.  Right now, a lot of Americans are all in on the power grabs by the Democrats and Obama; they don’t see anything wrong with it.  To them, it’s a way to get what they want without the bother of following the Constitution or established law. 

Which is all fine and good – for them, for now.  But if a Republican as far right as Obama is far left – say Rick Santorum – gained the same power and started using it just as cavalierly, they’d be outraged. 

Let’s say Santorum decided to make prayer in school mandatory.  Suppose he decided to start channeling big chunks of Federal money to the Catholic Church, and decided his DOJ should instruct state Attorneys General to no longer prosecute pedophile priests.  What if he decided to use an Executive Order to wipe out health insurance for everybody but Roman Catholics? What if he pushed through appointments to the Federal bench of only conservative Catholic men who shared his views on contraception, abortion and the role of women?

Some people – especially Catholic conservatives – would cheer him on.  Others would be horrified.  But really, what’s the fundamental difference between all that and what Obama has done?   Not much.   

It’s abuse of power.  It’s just a question of who is abusing it. 

There’s a reason why the founders insisted on a balance of power among three equal branches of government.  Specifically, it was to prevent this from happening. 

Right now Obama and Democrats are tipping the scales too hard.  Public anxiety is rising. 

ObamaCare alone would be enough to have many wondering what the Hell is going on.  We’ve lost our leadership of the free world and now have to look to Russia to solve diplomatic problems.  Our enemies no longer fear us, and yet the Administration is opening promoting scaling back our military to pre-WWII levels.  AG Holder did instruct state Attorneys General recently that they didn’t have to enforce laws they didn’t agree with.  VP Biden was  quoted recently as saying how great it is that single mothers can quit their jobs to spend more time with their kids because they don’t have to rely on a job anymore to get healthcare.


It’s getting too crazy.  And irrational.  And that’s the breeding ground for revolution. 

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