
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, June 24, 2013

The problem with progressives …

I always feel people who call themselves “progressives” think they are somehow smarter, more enlightened, and more qualified to guide the rest of us toward the “right” thing. 

They leave me with the impression that if we simply let the most intelligent (them, of course) among us take the reins they would relieve us of the burden of trying to understand the bigger picture – which they can clearly see, and we obviously can’t.  In return, they would create a new and better society based on what’s truly the best for us; something the masses are intellectually and culturally unable to do. 

Now I’ll be honest:  that condescending crap really pisses me off.  Progressives are not really interested in helping the general population – they want to play God.  And they want that power. 

So most progressives are wannabe totalitarians – they have more in common with Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin and other ruthless dictators than they imagine.  They think they can design a better world by making the necessary hard decisions their inferiors don’t have the will to undertake, hampered as we mere mortals are by such silly and old fashioned concepts as ethics and morality.

It’s all about “the greater good” as progressives see it.  The same rationale used by dictators.   

Like us, progressives probably had to read Orwell’s Animal Farm in school.  However, they had a different take.  Most of us saw the hypocrisy of “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”  They probably nodded their heads in agreement, because in theory all people may be equal but some – like them – really are better and more gifted than others. 

And the better and more gifted should always be in charge.  Like Napoleon the pig. 

We – the general population – just aren’t as smart as they are.  Not to worry – they will act in our best interests for us.  They will decide what we can eat or drink and how much.  They will decide where we should live.  They will decide what kind of cars we should drive, and how we should protect ourselves and our children in those cars.  They will decide who we should hire and how much to pay them.  They will decide how much we have and how much we have to share.  They will decide who is worth additional medical treatment and who should be left to die. 

Decisions, decisions, decisions.   Thank God they’ll make them all for us. 

Or maybe we should just thank them – wouldn’t it be the same thing? 

What really bothers progressives is the annoying tendency of the unenlightened to resist what progressives have deemed best for them. 

America should have elected Al Gore.  Failing that, it should have elected John Kerry.  We should have a cap-and-trade program in place by now.  We shouldn’t be allowed to challenge climate change theories.  We should all be driving hybrid cars and living in houses powered by solar energy.  We should have stopped all domestic drilling to push fossil fuel prices higher and make alternative energy viable.   Hell, gasoline should be $5 or $6 a gallon at the pump by now.   

We should be like Europe. 

That would be progress.  But no.  None of that’s happened.   

And the fault for that is … stupid, stupid public. 

What’s a progressive to do when the hoi polloi can’t be trusted to go with the program?  What can you do when the masses persuade politicians to vote against the right path to social and cultural utopia?

Easy.  Change the rules so you can bypass the uninformed and misguided. 

I mean, the public’s not that bright, right?  They won’t notice, especially if your equally enlightened progressive friends in the media do their part. 

Now you still have to go through the motions of conducting elections.  That’s troublesome, but not so much if you play your politics right and if you have the media in your pocket. 

Progressives have no issue with ignoring laws and rules.  So register everyone and everything – citizen or not, human or pets, dead or alive, whatever – and encourage them to vote early and vote often.  (The inner-city dead are traditionally a very reliable progressive voting bloc – something to consider. Also, you’ll find most pets registered to vote tend to be liberal Democrats.) 

With the dead and pet vote in your pocket, you can turn your attention to living humans.   

Get students away at college and people with multiple homes in different states to register at home and away.  That way they can vote multiple times – with an absentee ballot in every state they have a permanent or temporary residence and also in person. 

While you’re at it, don’t forget prisoners, the illiterate, the mentally diminished, and “undocumented” immigrants, too.  Volunteers can “help” them fill in their ballots the right way, with or without them present.  Progressives know how they would vote anyway.  They are omniscient. 

Or you can simply stuff the ballot boxes the old-fashioned way.  That’s big city voting. Just get a lot of people to fill out and submit a bunch of bogus registrations, use these to get absentee ballots, and then also vote in person under assumed names at a variety of polling places.

If anyone challenges you in the process, like when you tool up in a van full of drunk homeless people complaining about all the polling places they’ve been that day, don’t worry.  If someone thinks it’s unusual for so many people named Mickey Mouse, M. Mouse, Mike Mouse and other derivatives to be voting at the same time, registered at the same apartment or vacant lot, so what. 

It’s all for the greater good. 

Progressives have fought to make it illegal in a lot of places to ask for ID much less a photo ID to vote, so it’s still open season.  People can vote as many times as they wish, under as many identities they feel comfortable with.   No one will bat an eye. 

The media will see nothing amiss.  Even when more people vote in a district than are registered there.  Or when several precincts in Philly report tallies of 100% for one candidate, and 0% for his opponent, which means that out of all the votes cast there, not one person voted in error – a first, ever.    

Nothing to see here, right?   

As to bypassing legislators and the courts, it’s increasingly easy to use Executive Orders and reams of arcane agency regulations to accomplish whatever means you desire.  The media will back you up.  If anyone pushes back, ignore them; if that doesn’t work, attack them yourself or through “useful idiots,” to use a term Lenin would understand. 

The ends justify the means, after all, and it’s the “big picture” that ultimately matters. 

The whole idea of checks and balances and limits to authority under the Constitution is so – well, passé to a progressive.  The founders who wrote that couldn’t possibly have envisioned the world we live in now and what an obstacle to “progress” the Constitution would become.     

That’s why we need progressives.  They aren’t hindered by ethics, morality and the rule of law.  Certainly not by the Constitution, and especially not by the pesky Bill of Rights.  

They want to do what’s right for all of us.  Even if we’re not smart enough to realize it. 

Progressives truly believe they should be in charge of everything.  To get there, there’s not much they won’t do.  Ignore laws and rules.  Ignore the Constitution, and especially the Bill of Rights.  Diminish individual rights and liberties.  Promote the breakdown of traditional values, and make the state the sole arbiter of right and wrong.  Use the power of government to suppress dissent.

Whoa.  That sounds like a police state. 

That’s where progressives want to take us. 

Just remember ... they want what's best for us.  Whether we want it or not.  

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