
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

There is no “war on women” (or on any other Americans for that matter)

When a hyperbolic term is used too often and applied too broadly – like “war,” “Nazi,” or “racist,” for that matter – it starts to lose its shock value.  It becomes meaningless. 

That doesn’t stop anyone.  But they should remember that overuse diminishes impact.  When your local car dealer “declares war on high prices,” or a big-city mayor declares “war on childhood obesity” it’s not the same as declaring war on the Axis powers. 

So it is with the new “war on women.”  Catchy phrase, but meaningless.  And this case, untrue, which further erodes the meaning of a “war.” 

The war on women theme is a purely manufactured outrage.  Most of us know this, but that doesn’t stop the constant drumbeat in the media that Republicans are misogynists. 

But it’s easy to see how politicians and the media think this is so. 

See, it’s really simple:  if you disagree with any legislation – loony, pandering or otherwise – put forth by the Democrats, or agree with anything – no matter how rational – Republicans offer, you’re at war with somebody.  Automatically.  Plus, you’re a racist, a bigot, a sexist, a xenophobe, an enemy of the poor and the “working class” … and that’s just for starters. 

A lot of people have legitimate concerns, not solely on religious or moral grounds, over the ObamaCare provision that contraceptives must be free for women through all health plans – like who is paying for those, and where do the freebies end?  Or the Lilly Ledbetter Act – which might as well be titled “Another Trial Lawyers Relief Act.” 

Or the very recent “Equal Pay” proposal that would make all businesses ensure – and document extensively – that they are providing equal pay to women for “equal work.”  Whatever that is. 

[Defining “equal” work will be like some twisted SAT question:  If a firefighter is to a bank teller as an aardvark is to a Kaiser roll, then a filing clerk  should be paid as much as a) an airline pilot; b) a steelworker; c) a high-school math teacher; d) an auto mechanic.]

How do you possibly compare the value of truly disparate jobs?

Real jobs – as opposed to government jobs – are only worth what someone is willing to pay and what someone is willing to accept.  It’s a free country.  So if you don’t like the offer, don’t accept it.  And if you think you’re underpaid, you always have the right to quit and try to find someone willing to pay you what you think you’re worth.  It’s the same deal for men and women.   

Now, no one wants to appear cynical here, God forbid, but these prepackaged “women’s issues” have become hot topics in an election year … just a coincidence? 

As we all know, the Democrats are the party of women and women’s rights, because they’ve told us that time and again. 

They’re also the self-proclaimed party of all self-described minorities and victims, the poor, the working class, the middle class, anybody who is not “rich” (unless they are a celebrity, then it’s okay to be rich),  the unemployed, the employed but not really happy, the employed but don’t want to work, the 99 percenters, the old, the young, the middle-aged, the disabled, the disabled-in-name-only (DINOs), the LGBT, married people,  cohabitating straight people, single people, gay couples who would like to be married, gay couples that don’t want to be married but want to be treated as if they were, immigrants, the children of immigrants, the parents of immigrants who simply misplaced some documents, people who can’t speak English, people who can’t speak English anyone can understand, people who can’t read or write in any language, unions, people not in unions (but would be if they had the good sense God gave a sweet potato), farmers, teachers, firefighters, police, nurses, other caregivers, the disenfranchised, the franchised who feel guilty about the disenfranchised, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, plain vanilla Americans, soccer moms, divorced moms, single moms, teen moms, all other “moms” with or without kids, gay couples that want to adopt kids, gay couples that want to have their own kids, straight couples having trouble having kids, parents with ADD or ADHD kids, parents with autistic kids, parents with kids having “self-esteem” or other issues, drug-addicted parents who don’t know who or where their kids are, grandparents supporting their kids’ kids, parents still supporting their adult children, adults that want to keep being supported by their parents, people who want free stuff,  people who want to give away free stuff as long as someone else is paying  – did we leave anybody out?

It’s a mighty big tent, those Democrats have …

So if Democrats propose something – regardless of whatever it is, or how completely daffy it appears – if you disagree you’re rejecting their constituency. 

You are at war with _______ (fill in the blank).  And that’s that.  End of discussion … 

Oh, and you’re a heartless, mean-spirited, sexist, racist, son of a bitch as well.  So you know. 

Is there a war on women?  Of course not.  It’s manufactured, like most of the other issues brought up by the Democrats and the loony left in this election year.

It’s desperation.  The economy sucks, and everyone knows it’s not going to turn around until the current administration is ousted, and incumbents from both parties are voted out. As the party in control of the White House and the Senate, the Democrats have the most to lose – so they are pulling out all the stops: class warfare, gender warfare, race-baiting, you name it.   

The only “war” going on internally in the U.S. is between politicians and the people of all genders, races, creeds, colors and sexual orientations they ostensibly serve, but don’t.   

Re-elect no one.  This is the war that matters.   

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