A rational, logical explanation for how things really are and how they got to be that way; the stuff most people are afraid to say out loud ...
It's time for a reality check ...
Monday, March 28, 2022
For the love of God, please stop ...
Stop. Please stop.
We’re all full up on crazy. Enough is enough.
It started in the Obama years. Things went spinning out of control.
Trump called out the obvious insanity taking hold. He refused to get sucked into the vortex of political correctness. He ignored the baseless allegations he was a racist, a bigot, an antisemite, or a white supremacist; these were so patently absurd that he simply refused to address them, much less apologize. He called most of the media fake news, which was largely correct. He met the media head on, didn’t flinch, never ever hid from them, or refused taking their questions. And he treated them with the same lack of respect they accorded him.
He certainly was not without faults. But he often articulated – out loud – what many ordinary Americans felt but were too afraid to say. So for the first time in years, a lot of people were happy to hear someone in power state what was clearly obvious to them.
Of course, the media, Democrats, the left and their allies in big tech were horrified to have their lunacy openly ridiculed, especially by Trump. They decided he had to be destroyed. They censored anything positive about Trump and anything negative about Biden. That included suppressing revelations by Biden’s son Hunter, documented on his abandoned laptops, about influence peddling and payments he solicited for access to then VP Biden.
Without actually campaigning or answering tough questions from the media Biden got elected, even though everyone knew he was senile. And I do mean everyone – Democrat leaders, the left, the media, his wife and the people who voted for him. His inability to perform even simple tasks, think rationally, and speak coherently was no secret to anyone. He got lost in his own thoughts. He lost track of what he was saying. He couldn’t remember where he was or who he was talking to. But he wasn’t Trump; apparently that was enough.
Ever since then, we ‘ve been spiraling into ever greater episodes of weirdness. We’ve been humiliated time and again on the world stage politically and militarily. That’s happened primarily because Biden and the Democrats have put the categorically dumbest, most incompetent, and most inept people in positions for power in the administration, chosen more for their skin color, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation than anything else.
It's almost as if to prove Biden isn’t really that bad, he and his advisors have chosen a cast of clowns who are perhaps even dumber and more incompetent than him.
There’s the treasonous chairman of the Joint Chiefs who secretly called his counterpart in Russia to assure him he’d personally let him know in advance if then President Trump was planning any military actions against them. This same military bureaucrat – and his equally incompetent Secretary of Defense, who, what a surprise, was chosen because he is a person of color – supported a “purge” of extremists and supposed white supremacists in our armed services, and the forced vaccination or dismissal of individual service members. He also said the military needs to be more diverse and ”woke.”
There’s Xavier Becerra, a former California Attorney General, and more importantly a Latino, who now heads up the Health and Human Services Department. He was most notable before getting this job for trying to force pro-life pregnancy crisis centers in his state to promote abortions over adoptions. And during the most recent Omicron outbreak, Becerra essentially disappeared from public view for almost 2 months, strange for a guy running a health agency.
Biden swung for the fences by appointing the first transgender Health Secretary. He also made this once married man with two children who now identifies as a woman a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Another box checked, and a most curious choice. He effectively rewarded a guy who sent Covid-positive patients into nursing homes in Pennsylvania killing thousands of seniors while spiriting his own mother into a private facility to avoid the same fate. Once again, gender – or in this case transgender – was more important than qualifications.
Nonetheless, the media applauded this bold choice by Biden. And then just to reinforce how crazy things have become, this biological man who thinks he’s a woman was just named one of the Women of the Year by USA Today. Can’t make this up.
After shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, idling about 10,000 workers and screwing our largest trading partner Canada in the process, Biden closed new oil production on Federal lands. Then he appointed a former governor of Michigan with zero energy experience to be Secretary of Energy, but she was, by all accounts, actually a woman which I suppose was a plus. However, she did confess to reporters she didn’t really know how much oil the US produced, how much we used every day, or much about energy in general, but she was sure US policy should be to eliminate fossil fuels altogether.
By simultaneously cutting supplies and increasing regulations on the oil industry, making it harder to get domestically produced product to market economically and efficiently, gasoline prices soared (now almost twice as high as in the Trump years). But Biden had a ready answer. Instead of encouraging more domestic production to increase supply, Biden first looted our strategic petroleum reserve for 50 million barrels which promptly went to foreign buyers. Of course that had no effect on gas prices here, so he started asking the dictators in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela to produce more oil for us, all of whom turned him down. Go figure.
Now his administration and Democrats are floating the idea of adding more taxes on oil companies and then sending out a new set of checks to everyone to help offset higher gas prices. This will drive prices even higher when oil companies pass through their new tax.
He appointed a small-town mayor with no transportation experience to be in charge of the Department of Transportation and its billions of budget dollars; the same mayor and his husband promptly took paternity leave to care for their adopted babies in the midst of a crippling supply-chain crisis. (They even posted a cute pix of themselves in a hospital birthing bed to announce their new family.) Then as gas prices soared and oil on the international market soared to over $100 a barrel, the very same former mayor issued a statement that to avoid high gas prices people should buy electric cars.
Biden’s also nominated a Marxist to the Fed. He named as Secretary of State a failed foreign policy bureaucrat who oversaw the debacles in Libya, Russia’s invasion and annexation of the Crimea, and the collapse of Afghanistan, among others. He brought back John Kerry, who secretly and illegally conducted meetings with Iranian officials undercutting a sitting President during the Trump years, to bring back the Paris climate deal and the Iran Nuclear Deal.
He appointed Deb Haaland, a former governor of New Mexico to head of the Department of the Interior because, well, she’s Native American. Enough said. Check. She also has a JD in Indian law (who knew there was such a thing) and wore tribal gear when she was sworn into Congress. And that’s why, my friends, she’s qualified to head up the Interior Department, okay?
Biden’s most recent nominee to the Supreme Court continues his box-checking trend of race and gender over qualifications. His nominee is a black woman, a former public defender, who has only been on the Federal bench for about a year. She’s a hard-core progressive otherwise notorious for defending reduced sentences for collectors and distributors of child pornography.
But her most memorable moment recently came after stating she was proud to be nominated to be the first black woman on the Court. And then, in the same hearing when asked how she defines a woman said she couldn’t define what a woman was, because she’s “not a biologist.”
That’s exactly what she said. But the best part is that she caught hell from other progressives in Congress and the media because she implied that defining a woman is a matter of biology, not simply a personal choice to choose whatever gender you like, any time. For whatever reason.
While the physical differences between males and females are obvious to anyone who played doctor as a child, somehow no one is now allowed to point out that. Nor is anyone allowed to question anyone’s decision – or motive – for deciding to be a different gender than their chromosomes dictate.
So a college-age male swimmer ranked nationally in the 400s among other male swimmers can just decide to become a “woman” to compete against biological women instead of other men. And then crush his female competitors and set new women’s records because, hey, he’s a biological guy, and they’re not.
But he “identifies” as a woman. That makes it okay, we’re supposed to believe.
That’s nuts, but at the same time this stirs up a lot of consistency issues. Like if there’s no difference between a biological male and a biological female, then why did the US military just lower the physical standards for female recruits? Know why? Because biological males were far more likely to pass all the physical standards – like pushups, sit-ups, running, lifting weights, etc. – than biological females.
In short, the US military recognizes there are physical differences between men and women; biological males are typically stronger, have more muscle mass and greater lung capacity than biological females, among other things. No one should be surprised. The US military isn't.
Turns out your chromosomes really do decide what sex you are, not your personal whims or whatever hormones you've been prescribed, or how you dress. That's probably a shock to a lot of activists, gender-studies majors and media bozos, but chromosomes can't be changed.
And suddenly, the same people who lectured us about “following the science” they made up for two years, have decided the actual proven science of biology doesn’t matter anymore.
We have at least three more years of this collective craziness to endure with Biden and his administration. The media weasels covering for Biden and the lunatic progressives will still probably be working diligently to convince us that everything is completely normal.
Still, Biden, the Democrats, the left and their pals in media and big tech can’t keep a lid on this insanity forever. But they’ll keep trying until they are forced to stop.
None of this is normal. None of this is okay. And we all know it.
They just haven’t realized yet that a majority of Americans already know how crazy all this is.