
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Scratch a liberal of today, find a fascist ...

It wasn’t always like that. Yet that’s the reality today. 
The majority of people who claim to be liberal now really aren’t – at least in terms of what liberal once meant. When I was in my teens and 20s, even into my 30s, I considered myself a liberal.
Because, back then, being a liberal meant supporting a lot of beliefs that somehow today are considered right wing, if not far right.  I’m not sure how that happened. I don’t know precisely when yesterday’s liberal beliefs became ultra conservative and the object of abject hatred by the same people who were proud to share the very same beliefs not all that long ago. 
Even though many like me are openly loathed as anti-science, anti- progress, and racist – none of which we ever were or are today – my core beliefs in then liberal principles haven’t changed. What has changed is that those beliefs are no longer considered acceptable in liberal orthodoxy. 

Stunningly, the very same people and politicians that once championed traditional liberal concepts like equal rights, equal justice under the law, opposition to segregation, free speech, and the right to peacefully protest, are embracing the exact opposite. 
Think about this for a moment.  I have, a lot.  It’s baffling. 
As liberals, we treasured the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, because both protected our rights as individuals and our freedoms as citizens from government overreach.  The ACLU helped keep others in power from trampling on our Constitutionally protected rights.  And we could count on watchdogs in a free press to keep government and politicians honest and in check. 
Mostly, back then, we just wanted to be left alone to live our lives without a lot of interference. We didn’t want anyone spying on us, censoring what we could see or read, deciding for us what jokes we could tell or hear, what friends we could have, or who we were allowed to associate with.
By that, I do mean anyone: the government, schools, politicians, big corporations, whomever.  It was nobody’s business what we or anyone else did, read, watched, ridiculed, laughed at, or hung out with, as long as nobody was putting others at risk of physical harm.     
We eyed more and bigger government suspiciously. Honestly, we just flat didn’t trust government and most politicians; we simply didn’t believe most of what they told us – they were too often caught lying to us.  We especially didn’t put much faith in the FBI, the CIA, and politicians willing to use violence and dirty tricks against our fellow citizens to suppress dissent.
We took to heart the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. to judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.  We called people who judged others by race alone racists. Those who thought the races should always be separate and treated differently were racists. Those who thought one race or another was superior or inferior to another race were racists. 

People who taught children to blame other races for their own problems were the worst racists.   
Finally, we had a sense of humor. In fact, most of the funniest people and shows featured liberals like us. It was okay to make fun of us, too – we laughed right along.  It was even funnier to skewer those who took themselves way too seriously, like fatuous politicians, government officials, and the talking heads on network news shows. If someone was offended, that made it even funnier. 
No topic was off limits for ridicule.

Comedians of all colors and ethnicities told jokes about blacks, whites, Asians and every other race or ethnicity and their mixed-race audiences laughed their asses off. Few comedians had any issues telling funny jokes about stupid stereotypes to all kinds of audiences. Network comedies like All in the Family, Sanford & Son, The Jeffersons, Chico and the Man, Soap, The Golden Girls, and so many others were enjoyed by audiences of all races, genders, and ages. Just as movies like Blazing Saddles, The Producers, or Young Frankenstein were.  Nobody called for them to be boycotted; we recognized a joke when we saw one.   
So we didn’t cringe at stereotypes being mocked; we laughed. And that’s because, as old-time liberals, we believed that despite skin color, sex, or religion, we were all pretty much alike. We all do stupid shit at times. We might not agree on everything else, but we all knew what’s funny.
On the flip side, we weren’t blind to bad things around us. We knew what censorship was. What intellectual repression was.  What happened when government leaders and intelligence agencies felt they had enough power to do whatever they wanted.
We’d seen vivid, heart wrenching examples in the USSR, East Germany, Cuba, and in numerous banana republics in our own backyard. We saw how they suppressed dissent, often violently. 
We were dismayed to learn our own government engaged in similar activities. Certainly not as much in the open as the Soviets and other dictators. But often just as bad. 

We only learned all this because our media at the time took their job seriously of exposing what those in power were doing, and what those in power were trying to hide from us.        
Through the media we also learned what actual racism looked like. We’d seen George Wallace blocking blacks from the doorway to the University of Alabama.  We’d seen video of Bull Conner turning fire hoses and dogs on civil rights protestors.  We’d witnessed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. We’d seen firsthand the very worst of racism.  We certainly weren’t naïve about real racism.  No American was. We could thank the media of the day for that.   
Of course, back then the media was not a propaganda arm of one political party. Real journalists went after Democrats as well as Republicans. Real journalists covered actual news about government policies and what those meant to ordinary citizens.  When government officials or politicians screwed up, it got reported.  When someone got caught misusing their office or taxpayer money, it got reported.  Regardless of which political party was involved.   
So it’s hard for many of us to understand how and why the media operates as it does today.
It’s just as hard to understand how still believing in the liberal principles we believed in decades ago – guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution – and still believe in today, are symbolic of “white privilege” and “racism” by today’s standards. 
I didn’t change. What’s acceptable apparently did. Not for the better.  

The people I identified with who once simply wanted to live and let live aren't satisfied with that anymore. They want the power to control everyone's lives, thoughts, and actions. 

They have become what they once professed to hate: fascists.  

And they've allowed their children to become fascists, too.    

Thursday, February 17, 2022

America's most influential political party ...

Most people think we have only two major political parties: Democrat and Republican.
Yet in reality, there are three:  Democrat, Republican, and Establishment. 
That last one is by far the most powerful.  And the most seductive.  Almost all members of Congress, regardless of whether they have a D or R after their name, eventually join the Establishment Party. They may have campaigned for office as a Democrat or Republican and continue to fund raise as one or the other, but once in Congress they’re eager to join the Establishment Party.
In fact, almost all members of the Establishment Party are also nominally Republicans or Democrats. The only members of Congress not firmly in the party are Independents or Democratic Socialists.  But it’s only a matter of time before those outsiders get with the program; they always do. 
It’s easy to understand why. It’s much more enjoyable and lucrative to get on the winning team. The cocktail parties are better.  The perks are awesome.  There are always back-room deals to be made with fellow members. Favors to exchange.  Legislative support to be sold.
Plus, everybody in the party covers for each other. 
That alone makes it the best private club of all.  When you’re in you are largely protected from publicity on nettlesome things that might alarm ordinary citizens. Things like ethics investigations, sexual harassment charges, insider trading, nepotism, taxpayer funded junkets around the world with friends and family, swapping votes for pork projects in your home district, and of course taking money from lobbyists to sway your vote and sponsor legislation they want.   
All the things ordinary voters simply wouldn’t understand you absolutely deserve because you’re now so important. All the things that will be overlooked and hidden from public scrutiny, because you’re a member of the Establishment.  Everybody does it; so what’s the big deal?  
But don’t Republicans and Democrats in Congress fight all the time? Don’t they have profound differences on key issues? 
Not really.  It’s all for show. It’s to make ordinary voters think they’re on one side or the other. Each side has its villains and incendiary red meat causes for the other party to hate and rail against for media consumption.  But after the cameras are off they’re all back to being old friends.  Scratching each other’s backs. Feeding at the same trough.  No hard feelings, ever. 
Neither “side” ever expects a resolution on their red-meat issues.  Most could be easily resolved once and for all.  They could pass laws if they really wanted to, which is what they’re supposed to do.  Or we could have a nationwide referendum on legalized abortion, immigration, legalizing marijuana, the national debt, cracking down on crime, term limits, voting rights, whatever.  We could then let real democracy – via popular vote – have the final say on these. 
But that won’t happen. 
Candidly, that’s because Establishment Party members don’t want those issues to ever be resolved. Neither do their deep-pocketed donors.  We can’t solve immigration, for example, because the Establishment has a vested interest in flooding our country with illegal aliens.

Corporations, the fast-food giants, farmers and the agribusiness conglomerates, construction companies. and the hotel and restaurant industries – and even the big tech companies – want cheap labor. Mayors of big Democrat cities need immigrants to replace citizens fleeing to safer and lower taxed locales and to keep their headcounts up for Federal dollars. The Catholic Church wants immigrants to offset their loss of parishioners. The rich want an uninterrupted cheap labor pool to cook and clean for them, to maintain their yards, and to watch their kids. 
The apparent stalemate over enacting comprehensive immigration reform has nothing to do with human rights or a path to citizenship and more to do with economics.  Nobody in the Establishment gives a rat’s ass about closing our borders anytime soon, including Republicans frothing at the mouth every day about how our country is being overrun.  Especially Republicans. 
Imagine if suddenly all the red meat issues on both sides were resolved legislatively.  It would be a disaster for our current politicians. What would be left to run on or to smear the other side? How could the ordinary citizen see any remaining differences of importance between Democrats and Republicans? How devastating this would be to fundraising.  
Think about all the times supposed adversaries worked together to raise the debt ceiling, to continue to fund profligate government spending, to pump billions into wasteful pork projects, to get us into meaningless foreign wars, and to plunge us into deeper and deeper debt.  Take away the parliamentary tricks to pretend they are taking “principled stands” and “fighting for the people” and “preserving democracy” and you’re left with one stark conclusion. 
Republicans and Democrats in Congress are essentially the same. Duplicitous whores.     
Despite both parties’ claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility, our collective national debt grows just as fast under Republicans as Democrats.  Both parties blame each other for our soaring debt but the truth is they share responsibility equally. 
They both also keep making government bigger, more intrusive, and more expensive.  That’s mostly to buy off key constituencies, partly to appear to be doing something about a problem, and, well, because spending other people’s money is fun.       
So there’s actually no substantive difference between them.
But they do share an overarching goal: to keep the office they have. And to do that by taking money from people they don’t know to give to people they do. 
Everything else is theatre. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why the left fosters chaos ...

It’s the fastest and easiest way to get the masses to accept a totalitarian government. 
Create enough chaos, scare enough people, foster enough uncertainty and they’ll willingly give up their rights and freedoms in exchange for safety, security, and stability.  It’s the time-tested playbook for the power-hungry throughout history. 
It’s how many authoritarian regimes get installed. Even in a democracy.
If, like me, you’ve often wondered why the left continues to push for programs and ideas that will obviously pose increased danger to the lives and financial well-being of ordinary working citizens and their families, it’s because creating chaos is actually their goal.  They want chaos.   
Look around you. Isn’t that what’s going on? Do you think defunding the police is about? The same goes for emptying our prisons.  Does anyone think these and no-cash bail won’t put more criminals among us? Won’t refusing to prosecute most crimes encourage more crime, too? 
Flooding the country with illegal immigrants is also intentional.  After the word went out that there was free healthcare, education, and benefits for illegals and their families for life what did anyone expect to happen?  Our borders were overrun. Still are.  On purpose.
The Biden administration is dumping these illegals all over the country. Nobody is telling governors and mayors they’re coming, or even who or how many they are dumping. And now we have no idea where any of these illegals are.  We never will.   
We don’t even try to keep the worst of these illegals out of our country. The welcome mat is out no matter who you are or what you’ve done.  Convicted murderers and rapists, MS13 gang members, human traffickers, illiterate pregnant teens, and adult males passing off unrelated young girls as daughters are among those also flocking here. What could possibly go wrong?
Better still, how does any of this benefit us? It doesn’t.  We all know this. It just burdens our systems more.  But that’s the idea: overwhelm our schools, our hospitals, and our justice system until everything crashes. Which they surely will.      
Our government is paying for all this by printing and distributing trillions we’ll end up borrowing. It’s using this fake money to feed and house illegals, to pay people not to work, to enrich millions of fraudsters, and to give money to people who don’t really need it. Why bother to work anymore? What’s the point when you can get enough free money to live on for doing nothing?  
Does anyone out there not see this money deluge devaluing our currency? Does anyone really not see the link between doing this and rising inflation? Think it’s accidental? 
After the revelations of the past couple of years, how can anyone still believe in the integrity of the mainstream media and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook? Or, for that matter, the FBI, the State Department, CIA, IRS, CDC, NIH, and countless other government agencies? It’s hard to take seriously even our top military leaders after they’ve been engulfed in PC culture. 

Come on. Do you think all of this is unintentional? Honestly? 

Of course not. It’s by design.  The left wants anarchy. Anarchy breeds chaos. And as I noted, create enough chaos, fear and uncertainty and the masses will vote to make it end.  The masses will vote for any regime, no matter how brutal, that promises to stop the madness.    
Make no mistake, an authoritarian regime is exactly what the far left and pseudo elites in our country have always wanted. They truly believe democracy is far too messy and unpredictable for their tastes.  The general public is way too emotional and stupid to have a hand in running the country – that should always be left to their “betters.”
Which, of course, would be them. 
And just who are they – these betters? Well, it’s certainly not you or me or the millions of other Americans like us. It would be easy to say our betters are all highly educated graduates of elite Ivy League schools, or all live on the East or West Coast, but they aren’t.
True, a lot of their top tier are very rich, and a lot are celebrities, but being rich or famous alone is not enough to be welcomed into their clique.  You have to completely ignore science, logic, history, facts, and math. You have to, as Biden said, believe in “truth over facts.” Since they constantly make up their own “truth,” facts are irrelevant. 
The sad reality is that those secretly pulling the strings actually know their “truth” is almost always factually incorrect.  But they promote it anyway because it serves their purpose, which is, frankly, to persuade as many Americans as possible that there’s no such thing as “fact.” Ultimately, they want an America where nobody believes in anything at all, except what they are told.       
In their perfect world, they alone will control what can be told and what the public should believe.  They’ve already begun distorting reality. Nobody is supposed to notice.  
But isn’t anyone else surprised that so much of the “woke” agenda is self-contradictory? That suddenly segregation, discrimination by race, and censorship are good things? That teaching children to judge themselves and others by the color of their skin is progress? That biology doesn’t matter and protecting and preserving women’s sports for women alone is somehow wrong? That black lives matter only when someone black is shot by someone white, but not by someone black? 
Or that “following the science” on stopping Covid turned out to have no scientific basis in hindsight? Yet politicians and charlatans like Fauci continue to claim that masks work, vaccines work, and the lockdowns were necessary, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.  Or that the same people who claim “my body my choice” in terms of abortion rights have no problem supporting policies that force others to submit to injections they don’t want or lose their jobs?    
And no one seems to recognize how crazy this all is? Or if they do and say it they are dismissed as a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a science denier, or possibly even a traitor.
It’s no wonder so many Americans are confused. 
All the confusion is contrived. It’s intentional. It’s gaslighting with a mission: to make everyone lose their faith in reality and institutions like law enforcement so lawlessness and chaos ensues. 
Then the authoritarians can step is to “save” us from the mess they’ve created.
Just watch.