A rational, logical explanation for how things really are and how they got to be that way; the stuff most people are afraid to say out loud ...
It's time for a reality check ...
Friday, August 21, 2020
The inevitable post-election riots ...
There will be riots if Trump wins in November. The streets will be filled with angry, violent people burning buildings, destroying property, setting cars on fire, and looting.
The common theme will be that Trump stole the election
again. He’s not the legitimate winner.
He only won by cheating. The real
winner was Joe Biden. And there will be
no peace until the results are overturned and Joe and Kamala are declared the
rightful winners. They’ll probably even
think about the 25th Amendment again, or calling for a military coup
“to restore democracy.”
That’s predictable. We’ve seen this preview for more than three and a half years so far. You’d have to be blind to see some other outcome from a Trump win.
But what if Trump loses?
Well, there will still be riots. The streets will be filled with the same angry, violent people burning buildings, destroying property, setting cars on fire, and looting. The same folks we’ve seen night after night attacking police, Federal buildings, and local businesses in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, and everywhere else where those the media like to call “peaceful protestors” have laid waste.
If anything, the violence and destruction will be even worse. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them try to storm the White House to drag Trump outside for “revolutionary justice” by the mob.
Wouldn’t they be happy that Trump lost? Why would they riot?
They’d riot because they’d now hold all the power. That’s what they’ll think, anyway. And now
there’s nothing, and nobody, to stop them.
Not the police. Not the National Guard.
Not Federal agents. Not those weak-kneed appeasers they already
humiliated in state and local governments. Certainly not their Democrat
apologists in Congress – they helped get them here, but as with useful idiots
in past revolutions, they aren’t needed anymore. They are disposable.
That includes Pelosi, Schumer, and Sanders. Nobody will be safe from a newly empowered mob. In short order, the mob’s purity tests will get more and more rigid. Even politicians who praised the mob and turned a blind eye to its violence and destruction will become suspect; especially if it’s discovered those politicians supported the cause just to protect themselves.
The media who covered for them on their path to power may not be pure enough. Nor may the social media platforms owned by the tech giants. The media and the tech giants really can’t be trusted not to backslide into old habits. So, going forward, all media reports and social media posts will require prior approval by a revolutionary committee before publishing.
Goodbye Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Any dissent will be brutally crushed. Any splinter groups within the revolution arguing for moderation will be crushed as counterrevolutionaries.
Because the first rule of a revolution is to destroy any counterrevolutionaries.
Finally, some of the current leaders of organizations like BLM will come under the gun. Why did they accept money from corrupt capitalists? Why did they take money from corporations who have oppressed minorities? Did they sell out for the bucks?
And then we’ll see the second rule of revolutions come into play.
The revolution always eats its own. It’s inevitable.
If Trump loses, does anyone with a smidgen of intelligence believe all the chaos will stop? That may be what the Democrats are promoting to win this election, but that’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it. If the chaos continues, which it will, how would a newly elected President Biden and V.P. Harris, and the Democrats’ pals in the media, respond?
I suspect Biden would first appeal for an end to the violence because “it’s time we all came together as a nation.” When that fails, which it will because the rioters have shown absolutely no interest in ending the rampages, then what? Can you see Biden calling out the National Guard? Can you see the Democrat mayors and governors finally putting their foot down?
After Democrats, the left, and progressive socialists like The Squad, have called all police racists and demanded defunding key police departments, and Biden has said he’s in favor of allowing more citizens to sue police, does anyone really believe the police are going to rush to quell the violence? Why would they? Would you? Would anyone?
What will the media do? Will they continue to hide the violence from their viewers and pretend it’s not real? More likely, they and the Democrats will blame the violence on far-right extremists and white supremacists trying to discredit the movement and call for an extreme Federal and state crackdown on any group that espouses anti-socialist opinion.
Enemies of the revolution, in other words. The enemies list will continue to grow.
Now, you may think there’s no basis from what I’ve written here. But of course there is. It’s called history, which sadly isn’t taught anymore. Still skeptical? Just look at what happened in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, or Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba. Or for a more recent examples, try Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, or Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.
Socialist revolutions lead to dictatorships.
So, if Trump wins can he end the chaos? If the Democrats take the Senate and keep the House, we’ll have two more years of impeach-Trump hearings; nothing will get done. The chaos will continue in Congress and also on the streets.
And then the reign of terror will end. Probably in as few as two years, because Democrats in Congress will finally be held accountable by the voting public. If they push through their radical agenda and are able to overcome a Presidential veto, the public will see what the Democrats, the left and progressives have been trying to hide for decades.
Establishment Democrats, not Republicans, are the party of Wall Street, big banks, big insurance companies, big corporations, the defense industry, and the ultra-rich. Just see who their top donors are. Everything Democrats do – from Obamacare, to pandering to public employee and teachers’ unions, promoting Federal funding for abortions, fighting against tort reform, to their sudden support for keeping us in meaningless foreign wars – is designed to reward their donors.
They don’t give a rat’s ass about Joe and Molly Sixpack in the working-class neighborhoods, or Paul and Muffy in the suburbs, or about Tyrone and Keisha in the inner city. No do they really care about any of their kids. Or women in general. Or about gay people. All they care about is remaking America, keeping everybody divided, and if necessary, expanding the voting base with immigrants, to keep a perpetual hold on power. That’s their dream.
But two years after this Presidential Election, the House will again be up for grabs.
It may very well be nut-cutting time for Democrats if they happen to run the table yet the chaos in Congress and in the cities continues. Especially if Trump is not longer there to blame.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Who's "The Man" now?
How disappointing it must be to all right-thinking liberals and progressives to discover they themselves have become “The Man.” And that they and the people they support politically now embody just about everything they’ve fought against with such righteous indignation for years.
That’s what’s happened in the U.S.
The same people who railed against invasive Big Brother overreach into peoples’ private lives and opposed censorship of any kind for decades have become what they detested.
They’ve become The Establishment. “The Man,” in other
You know, the shadowy entity we once believed controlled everything behind the scenes. We felt its heavy hand everywhere – controlling what we were told by the media of the day, and even what we were allowed to think or say ourselves. “The Man” was always ready to crack down on anyone who challenged its authority. It didn’t hesitate to use outright lies, misinformation, propaganda, censorship, and, if necessary, threats of violence, to keep us under its thumb.
You simply couldn’t trust “The Man.” And in the 1960s many of us didn’t.
Back then, (when a lot of us were Democrats) we suspected “The Man” (mainly right wing Republicans) worked diligently to sow distrust and division among Americans solely on the basis of age, race, gender, education, class and income. Why? To keep us from uniting as one in opposition. We had no doubt “The Man” covertly spied on and invaded the privacy of ordinary citizens as well as political opponents, used strong-arm tactics to crush opposition, used Federal agencies to harass and silence critics, and kangaroo courts to persecute political enemies.
“The Man” was authoritarian and tyrannical and wielded its power like a club to bludgeon its enemies and shut down dissent. Only the truly brave had the guts to stand up to “The Man.” They usually paid a high price – personally and professionally – for doing it.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, that’s who liberal Democrats, progressives, and the left have become. It’s a mystery why they can’t see it because it’s just so damn obvious to many of us.
Or perhaps they know what they’ve become. And they like it. No, they love it.
They love having the power to get people fired for not agreeing with them. They love the power to decide what is and what isn’t acceptable to say or print; which words are forbidden and which are permitted. They love the power to stop anyone from publicly challenging them. They love having the power to force politicians and police chiefs to their knees, figuratively and literally. They love using the courts and hand-picked judges to get what they want without the trouble and inconvenience of debating and passing laws.
They are fine with having their friends in government spy on people they don’t like, secretly fund their political allies, and punish their political enemies, even if that rides roughshod over the Constitution. They are fine with destroying the reputations and livelihoods of their critics, and even of celebrities who won’t grovel before them begging their forgiveness for some real or imagined slight. Most of all, they enjoy using their new-found power to silence free speech and opposing opinions.
They are the mob. And to a lot of Americans, they are terrifying.
Is it any wonder that according to a recent survey almost 65% of all Americans are afraid of saying something politically incorrect or perhaps racially insensitive? The consequences are too awful to consider for most people, apparently.
Think about that for a minute.
People are just too afraid to speak out. It could cost them their job. It could cost them their friends. It could cost them everything near and dear to them. Almost 65% of Americans have been intimidated into foregoing their own rights to free speech. That’s not an overstatement.
No one is allowed to criticize or question the motives of those defacing public buildings and monuments with obscenities, burning the flag and Bibles. Or to ask why they are attacking police, private citizens and private property, and rioting and looting under the guise of “peaceful protests.” Anyone who dares speak out against the obvious violence and destruction is called a fascist at best, but more often a racist, or perhaps a white supremacist.
These ignorant barbarians have intimidated colleges and universities to ostracize and punish faculty who don't promote the "correct" narrative, and to cancel speakers with whom they don't agree. They’ve intimidated comedians to the point that many will no longer perform on college campuses. They’ve also managed to intimidate most of the media who refuse to report anything that exposes their intolerance of opposing views, much less their tendency toward violence.
They've essentially created the same type of fascist state Antifa claims to be fighting to prevent. This is the same authoritarian regime that the Democrats, the left, and now the progressives claim Donald Trump is leading us toward.
Surprise. We’re already mostly there, thanks to all of the above.
It’s not because of Donald Trump. If anything, it’s in spite what he’s tried to accomplish for the country, for the economy, and for our citizens of all races.
So I have to ask Antifa, Democrats, the left, and the progressives a simple question.
How does it feel to realize that you’ve become what you claim to hate? The bully. The censor. The tyrant demanding control over every aspect of everyone’s private life, what they can say, what they can see or read, who they can associate with and more.
Even what they can laugh at.
How does it feel to be “The Man,” in other words?