
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Friday, February 28, 2020

Do Democrats and the media have no shame?

The answer is apparently not.

Schumer, Pelosi and others in that party are already blaming Trump for the coronavirus. Instead of, for once, putting aside their irrational and unrelenting hatred of Trump in the interest of finding realistic solutions to protect American lives, they simply can’t.

Make no mistake, this is a display of mental illness. 

Democrats and the media know the virus came from China.  Trump acted early to shut down travel to and from infected zones about a month ago. Democrats and the media accused him of overreacting and being a racist for doing so at the time.  Now they accuse Trump of not doing more sooner. 

Trump held a press conference the other day to say that we are prepared to take on the virus and he appointed VP Pence to lead the effort.  Democrats ridiculed the choice of Pence as a religious fanatic who didn’t believe in science, and said Trump downplayed the dangers of the virus. Talking heads on MSNBC and CNN sarcastically suggested Pence might substitute prayer for vaccines.  They also implied Trump was too stupid and too anti-science to handle this crisis.  They criticized Trump for only devoting $2.5 billion initially to address it.   

WTF is wrong with these people?  Seriously. Here are the facts as we know them.   

There’s a highly contagious virus that came from China. Its symptoms resemble the common flu, which is why so many of the early cases were misdiagnosed. Like the flu if not treated in time it can kill, especially those with compromised health conditions and the elderly, and it has.  Nobody is certain how it spreads or how to vaccinate people against it, although a variety of companies here and abroad are working on vaccines.  However, at present there is no proven vaccine. 

Still, most Americans in reasonably fair health and with no underlying conditions have little to worry about; in that way it’s like the common flu.  They might get infected, it might be unpleasant, but caught early it’s treatable with conventional medicines and not likely to be life threatening.

It seems to have an incubation period of 14 days, so conventional quarantine and isolation protocols appear to work. That’s the approach our health systems – the best in the world, BTW – have used so far. And they’ve been successful: no one in America has died from the coronavirus to date. The virus may stay alive on surfaces up to nine days, but it can also be killed on surfaces using common disinfectants such as Lysol spray and Clorox disinfecting wipes.     

That’s not to say it isn’t dangerous. It is. Mainly because the Chinese dropped the ball. 

Yet we have Democrats and bozos in the media trying to blame Trump for this virus.

This is the virus that sprung mysteriously and suddenly in China. The virus China didn’t take seriously enough when it first appeared. The virus China couldn’t contain.  The virus and the deaths from it China essentially hid from the rest of the world to avoid embarrassment. And the same virus that China refused to allow our top infectious disease experts in to help address. 

Yeah, that virus.  Tell me again how Trump is responsible … 

Look, this coronavirus is potentially dangerous. It should be taken seriously.  People can die from it.  Panic over it has disrupted supply chains worldwide. That same panic has caused the U.S. stock market to crater over fears of a pandemic. 

But in the end, it’s still mostly unwarranted panic – fed by politicians who should know better and media fools who want to terrify everyone to get ratings. 

They all should be ashamed. But they’re not. They’re just following the Rahm Emanuel edict to never let a good crisis go to waste.  The Democrats want to sink Trump. The media want ratings. Neither will ever let the facts get in the way of what they want.   

How sad.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Bloomberg mirage ...

Mike Bloomberg is an arrogant sexist pig. No doubt about that.

He’s a letch. He brags to other guys he’d “fuck her in a second” when he sees an especially attractive young female employee – even in front of her.  He says this so often he’s got it to shorthand – he just says “in a second” and all his fellow pigs know. 

He openly berates women who aren’t stunningly beautiful and sexy. He’s not beyond calling someone a “fat broad” to their face, or opining about “horse-faced lesbians,” calling transgender people men wearing dresses or simply “it,” or implying that all woman are essentially whores. 

It doesn’t end there. 

He once asked a female employee if she was giving good blowjobs to her boyfriend. When he learned one of his female employees was pregnant, he asked her: “Are you going to kill it?”

This is a truly abhorrent and insensitive human being. This is just a smattering. 

He makes Donald Trump look like Mr. Rogers and that’s not easy.   

Now he’s running for the Democrat nomination.  Well, he’s not actually running for it in the conventional sense as much as trying to buy it. 

He’s already spent about $400 million on a carpet-bombing campaign of self-promoting TV ads in key primary states coming up.  He’s also hired hundreds, if not thousands, of social media types to post positive things about him online to their friends every week for up to $2,500 a month; he also wants them to turn over their contacts to his campaign for future harvesting as well.  He’s rumored to be paying double the norm to campaign staffers while providing a bunch of other novel perks, like free Apple iPads and other goodies. 

He's getting endorsements, not surprisingly, from the same organizations he’s been funding and subsidizing for decades. They dare not step out of line; they’ve been bought.    

He’s told some Democrats he might spend up to $2 billion of his estimated $62 billion in wealth to win this election; he’s told others he will spend whatever it takes to win. Democrat party leaders are salivating over access to so much money to defeat Trump.  So much so that they were willing to change the rules for getting on the Nevada debate stage to accommodate Bloomberg – who skipped the first primaries altogether and isn’t even on the primary ballot in Nevada.

The other candidates may howl in outrage at the DNC’s actions to support Bloomberg, but in the end it won’t matter.  Bloomberg is this cycle’s Hillary: like her, Bloomberg has the money to play big; party leaders will do anything to stop Bernie Sanders; and they will do anything to defeat Trump, even if it means putting forth an amoral, sociopath scumbag like Bloomberg.

Democrat leaders know exactly who Bloomberg is.  They know his past. They know all about him.  But they are desperate.   

That’s how low the Democrat Party has gone.  They look at the current candidates and they know not one of them has the snowball’s chance in Hell to defeat Trump. 

So they are willing to make a deal with the devil. Unfortunately, it’s not going to work. 

They never learn.

Like Hillary, Bloomberg is a fake. Like Hillary, he doesn’t really like ordinary Americans – and it shows. Like Hillary, he’s a terrible liar; it’s so obvious when he lies and tries to weasel out of what he actually said or did.  And worse, like Hillary, his arrogance and condescension are always on display; you can just see from his expressions he’s thinking “how dare you” whenever he’s questioned by someone he sees as beneath him.  Which is pretty much everybody.      

Hillary proved it’s hard to get people you openly loathe to vote for you. I suspect Bloomberg will find the same is true for him. Although he’s so self-absorbed he may not see that.  

I’m sure he can lock down the looney left that hates Trump.  They’d bring Hitler back to life and run him if they were convinced he’d beat Trump.  But the same thing that tanked Hillary will ultimately tank Bloomberg: he can’t have an honest conversation with ordinary Americans.

He doesn’t really believe anything he says to potential voters. Like her, he says what he thinks voters want to hear, even though it's clear he's just reading from a script created by consultants. More importantly, because he doesn’t associate with ordinary voters – or apparently feel the need to – he doesn’t know firsthand what ordinary Americans really want.   Honestly, he doesn’t really care; they’re nobodies to him. 

In person he’s wooden, cold, and, quite frankly, unlikeable.  You always come away with the sense that he’s holding back something unpleasant he’d really like to say but won’t right now.  But you know he’d like to tell everybody to shove it – don’t they know who they’re talking to?   

Bernie Sanders may be nuts, but he’s the real deal. His supporters love him because of this. It’s why as crazy and unrealistic as Bernie’s ideas may be, they’ll follow him through Hell and back. They are as loyal a base as Trump supporters. Nothing shakes them. 

Bernie’s real. Trump is real.  The Mike Bloomberg being presented to the public now isn’t and all the slick ads and manufactured online support can’t overcome that. 

If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination this time, his supporters will burn down the party. And if DNC types think Bernie’s supporters will support any Democrat other than him, they’re insane. Bernie's supporters may hate Trump but they’ll hate getting screwed over by their own party again even more. They won't take it. 

I wouldn't be surprised to see Bernie run as an independent if the DNC screws him again.    

Then again, Bernie and the other candidates may be forced to support Bloomberg in the end. But his people won't. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Taking out the trash ...

After he was acquitted in the Senate on two charges, Trump removed the Lt. Colonels Vindman – yes, there were two, twins in fact – from the National Security Council. He also relieved Ambassador Sondland of his position.  

Was it retribution? An act of vengeance? Flushing the pipes, as someone said?

I sure hope so.  And I hope it’s just the beginning.

Now the impeachment farce, at least the first iteration, has ended, Trump should move quickly to purge who sits in on briefings, who has access to internal memos, and who is suspected of leaking to the media. He needs to cut down the number of people surrounding him. There should be no more “automatic” inclusions to confidential meetings or discussion. In essence, he needs to lock down access to information within the Executive Branch to a select few.  

Better late than never.  And it is very late in the game.  He should have done this on his very first day as President. Why he didn’t is a mystery. He should have known better.        

Trump’s made a lot of mistakes because he was a first-time politician.

But his biggest was not doing what many past Presidents did immediately upon taking office: they cleaned house. They removed or reassigned as many political appointees from the predecessor administration as they could as soon as possible to put in their own people. 

Obama recalled every Bush-era politically appointed ambassador, asked for the resignations of all the Federal prosecutors, and replaced as many as he could with his own people. He wasn’t the first. It was standard procedure among both incoming Republican and Democrat Presidents.

Trump didn’t do this.  Perhaps nobody expected him to win – maybe even him – so when he did he and his advisors were unprepared to take out Obama’s leftovers. That was a grave error.  It left him with a lot of players with little if any loyalty to him, and many who privately plotted against him. Few of them took him seriously, especially on his promise to drain the swamp. 

He was surrounded by career politicians, hacks and backstabbing weasels who didn’t care what his agenda was, or what he wanted. They had their own agenda.

Which was, bluntly, to make sure nothing really changed.  A goal shared by both Republican and Democrat party leaders, and the bloated government bureaucracy.   

He might have been elected President, but to them he was an inexperienced bumpkin. A rube. A naïf.  And it wasn’t just his Executive Branch members from previous administrations who felt this way, it was also the consensus among establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle, heads of our intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, top U.S. military officials, career bureaucrats throughout the government, as well as most foreign leaders.  

Our political establishment’s plan was to control him as they had so many other Presidents. They’d encourage the bureaucracy to use delay, dissent, and endless challenges to grind him down.  They’d co-opt his appointees as soon as possible to protect their interests, and if that failed they’d move to discredit them and drive them from their positions.

They’d keep him from doing things they didn’t like by ignoring or tabling his orders. Because they knew better.  They’d been running things their way long before he got there and they’d run things their way long after he was out of office – which, they hoped, wouldn’t be too long. 

Whenever they could they’d give him a gentle push out the door by leaking to the media, embarrassing him, and if that failed actively working behind the scenes to overthrow him.

The establishment didn’t like what Trump was selling one bit.  

He threatened their plans to keep us in wars to support the military-industrial complex. He threatened to cut foreign aid to the same countries that employed the sons and daughters of our political establishment.  He threatened to reduce dependence on government assistance for millions of able-bodied people who didn’t really need it.  He threatened to stop or at least reduce access to cheap illegal immigrant labor.  He threatened to stop trade deals that encouraged U.S. companies to move our jobs offshore for bigger profits.  He threatened to force big pharma to cut prices, and big healthcare providers to reduce their costs to consumers. 

Worst of all, he threatened the myth that think-tank wonks, beltway consultants, and career bureaucrats actually knew what they were doing.  He kept proving that they didn’t. 

He had to be destroyed. So for the past 3+ years they did everything they could to bring him down. They leaked to the press. They used hacks from previous administrations to point out how wrong – and dangerous, he was. They used our own intelligence agencies to discredit him.  They sued him. They found other people to sue him.  They launched nonstop investigations of him, his past business dealings, and his friends and former advisors, sending some of them to prison.   

They attacked his family as well.  

And Democrats in the House impeached him, to the cheers of their pals in the media and their increasingly lunatic base. Making him only the third President ever to be impeached.     

Most others in Trump’s position would have quit.  It’s not like he needed the job.  He had plenty of money, a hot wife, and a good family for the most part. It wouldn’t have been surprising to have him come on TV one night and say: “This is bullshit.  I don’t have to take this crap. And I’m not going to anymore. I’m outta here. “ 

But he hasn’t.  I don’t think he will.  Maybe he’s just ornery enough, pig-headed enough, or feels he has nothing to lose, but he’s hanging in there.  Perhaps it’s just for spite. 

Maybe so, but his base still loves him.  Despite all the attacks on him, and impeachment, his numbers are up.  Every time there’s a new attack on him he gets more popular.

As it stands now, I suspect he’ll probably be reelected.  If he does he might even retain control of the Senate and regain control of the House. 

I hope he’ll be better prepared to clean house the next time.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Democrats' biggest problem isn't Trump the man ...

Or even what he says. 

It’s that so many Americans may not admit it but they agree with Trump.  They might not like him as a person.  They may think he’s an embarrassment as President.  They may cringe when he lets loose on someone he doesn’t like.  They’ll concede at times he’s an obnoxious asshole. 

Still, his policies largely reflect what they believe.  He’s doing what they want him to.  He’s saying what they think much of the time. And he says it in a way they can understand, in words they would use themselves.  He’s a more accurate and authentic reflection of them than any other politician on the national stage today. Or perhaps in years. 

Sure, he’s a billionaire with a fashion-model wife and an MBA from Wharton.  As the President of the United States he’s also the most powerful man in the world. 

But he never talks down to his supporters. They all know he’s not a regular guy – he’ll never be just like them – but the refreshing part is that he never pretends to be that, either.  They know he’ll never tell them he “feels their pain,” because that would be fake.  There’s no way a guy like him could feel their pain or know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck.  How would he?

He does, however, recognize their frustration at being ignored and continually ridiculed by the left and the media for their beliefs, their patriotism, their optimism, and for holding to their values. While he may not be one of them, they feel he’s always fighting for them and what they believe.  

That’s most important to them.  They can clearly separate their feelings about Trump the man from his policies. They may not like him as a person, but they like what he’s accomplishing and for taking on the battles he’s willing to fight on their behalf.  

That’s why they voted for him. And probably will again.  

This has been the problem for Democrats and the media all along: they simply can’t understand why so many Americans support Trump, when he’s so personally unpopular.  They can’t grasp the difference between support and personal popularity.

Ever since Trump announced he was running for President the media and the Democrats have launched attacks almost exclusively on Trump the man. They’ve made sure everyone knew he cheated on his wife with pornstars and Playboy playmates and paid them to keep quiet. He did shady business deals and declared bankruptcy a few times, stiffing his vendors.  He refused to release his taxes even though in recent years most candidates did voluntarily. He was a bully, a draft dodger, a possible sexual predator, and all-around sorry excuse for a human being. 

For God’s sake, he was a reality-show star! Not a seasoned, rational politician.  He’d never held elected office.  There was no telling what a man like him would do if he won.

And then he won. He ended the prospect for a Clinton dynasty.  He stopped the Bush dynasty dead in its tracks.  The permanent political class in DC was horrified.   

They shouldn’t have been surprised.  But they were, mainly because they never listened to what he was saying in his rallies. Or the reaction he was getting from those who attended the rallies.  The political establishment was too focused on the man, rather than his message.  They obviously felt if they discredited the man, no one would care about his message. 

They should have listened.  If they had, they’d have known that the Trump movement was bigger than Trump the man. Yes, he was a gifted messenger yet that wasn’t it.  He spoke directly to the masses – not over the masses or through the media.  He was raw; he was real.  If he was attacked, he punched back. Wasn’t always pretty but clearly he was no patsy. 

He talked about things that mattered to ordinary citizens:  jobs, supporting law enforcement, stopping illegal immigration, ending foreign wars, rebuilding our defenses, reducing taxes, protecting their rights – including to own a gun, and taking back power from unelected bureaucrats in DC and giving it back to the citizens.  He promised to remake the courts with judges who strictly followed the Constitution instead of with more activist judges who didn’t.

He spoke about common sense, and the need to bring more of it to Washington.  Millions of Americans heard his message and agreed.  They still agree.  Not with him, but with his message. His messages have become policies, and many Americans are pleased with the results. 

The past 3+ years have proven that the left, Democrats and the media haven’t learned a single thing – they are all still attacking Trump the man.  They did it with the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood tape.  They did it with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. They did it with Michael Cohen. They did it with the Mueller hoax.  And most recently the Ukraine/impeachment hoax.    

Net/net? Trump isn’t Mister Rogers. Or Pope Francis.  Never claimed to be. 

But the Americans who like what he’s accomplishing don’t care.  They don’t have to like him to support what he’s done and plans to do.  If anything, the more he’s attacked frivolously the more his support grows and the less seriously taken are his attackers. Especially when the attacks are almost never about his policies, which are, usually, just common sense to many Americans who don’t start every day with a mocha no-fat latte and avocado toast.    

This drives the left, the Democrats and the media bat-shit crazy.  They hate Trump so much simply for who he is.  They can’t understand why everyone else doesn’t hate him, too.  Everyone they know hates him as much as they do. 

Once again, as in 2016, it’s the people they don’t know – the people they continue to ignore – that may give him another four years.