We have a legal right to decide who gets to come into our
country. Much less stay. It’s not a civil-rights issue. It’s not a question of
international law.
And we’re not legally required to adhere to a poem on the
Statue of Liberty. I find it rich that
many advocates for illegal immigrants quote that poem as if it has the weight
of law.
It’s a poem, for God’s sake.
Even more disingenuous are those who quote the Bible to
claim we have a moral obligation to give a free pass to illegal
Spare me the pontificating. Especially when many of the same people openly
ridicule and revile anyone else who uses the Bible as a guide to how they
should conduct themselves. Then when they act on their beliefs, what’s in the Bible
doesn’t matter at all.
Ask the folks at Chick-fil-A. Or Hobby Lobby. Or the Little
Sisters of the Poor. Or the bakers in
Colorado. Or just about anyone else
these nouveau-righteous prigs have attacked.
Hypocrites. No, I take that back – assholes. But I digress.
It makes me crazy when Democrats, liberals, and their pals
in the media – all of whom couldn't otherwise care less about “morality” most of
the time – claim the whole question of what to do about illegal immigration is
one of morality.
Keeping would-be illegal immigrants out is immoral; kicking
out those here illegally already is also immoral. Yet protecting violent
illegal immigrant criminals from deportation is moral.
Talk about selective morality.
Then there’s their Orwellian use of weasel words like
“undocumented” to describe people here illegally. As if being here illegally is
simply a matter of missing the proper papers.
By their standards, I can call myself an “undocumented”
airline pilot and be allowed to pilot a 747, even though I have no formal
training, have no pilot’s license, and no legal right to do so. But hey, it’s just a matter of paperwork,
right? Merely a technicality.
Calling illegal immigrants simply “undocumented” is dishonest.
They didn’t lose their paperwork. Their dog didn’t eat their immigration forms.
And their documents aren’t still sitting somewhere, left behind by accident. So
stop pretending their illegality is just a technicality.
They are here illegally. That makes them criminals, regardless
of why they came here. Building a border
wall is akin to locking your doors to keep other criminals out. When our law
enforcement catches a criminal, they arrest them and then prosecute them. I
fail to see why illegal immigrants should be treated any differently.
That’s why I have such a hard time with the whole
immigration debate. If I felt that
illegal immigrants crossed our border not knowing they were committing a crime,
I might feel different. But the hard truth is they know they are committing a
crime; they just hope to get away with it.
That’s no different than a run-of-the-mill criminal. So why do they expect special treatment?
The media can show all the tear-jerker videos of illegals
being deported and leaving behind their bawling broods. They can tell stories
about someone who has never broken any other laws, but because they came here
illegally years ago is afraid of being deported. They can go on and on about the plight of
children brought here illegally by their parents. They can show caravans of migrants hoping to
gain asylum, including the mothers hoping to drop their anchor baby here
instead of Mexico.
I don’t care.
I have lost any sympathy whatsoever those already here
illegally. If someone has been living and working here for years and never
applied for US citizenship, time’s up. Get out.
I especially abhor many of those now using their kids, or
some kid that may or may not be theirs, as a get-in-the-US-for-free card. Make
no mistake: that was their plan from the get-go. They counted on politicians and our media to
make the case for them, using kids as hostages.
Democrats and the media are doing their part to further
these immigrants’ plan. Both are publicly horrified we’re separating those same
kids from their parents – or someone claiming to be their parents – when they
try to breach our borders. We’re obviously monsters.
How can we be so cruel? How can we be so heartless? After
all these kids have been through to get here: the hardships, the
life-threatening travel, the scrounging for food, water and shelter, the
dangers they faced – how can we possibly take them away from the adults they
traveled with?
Simple. Those adults put those children in danger. They
don’t deserve to have custody of any kids anymore. They’ve shown they are
clearly irresponsible. When anyone is that negligent of the welfare of
children, possibly even their own, they can’t be trusted.
If they weren’t illegal immigrants trying to get in, and
just another ordinary American parent, Child Services agencies across the
country would take those kids away from them, too, for putting children through
all that. Think about that for a moment.
Those adults knew perfectly well what they were doing and therefore
should be held solely responsible for the consequences. They knew the peril
they put the children in to get here. They knew what would happen when they got
to our border. And they didn’t care. They hoped they could use a child as a
shield to bypass our border enforcement laws.
It was callous and calculated. Just as it is now when Democrats and the
media make it seem that Maria and Pepe had no idea they would be separated from
the kids they brought. I’m sorry for the children caught up in this,
but the adults who brought them are entirely to blame.
The adults knew the law. All of them did before they started
trekking toward our border.
There are few innocent adults here in all this – just people
trying to use children as pawns. We can’t allow anyone to use children that
way. Forget the sob stories and the made-up
propaganda about “child prisons” and realize what many of these people really
are: hostage takers.
If we send a message that it’s okay, we’ll put more innocent
children at risk. As it is, the threat of separating children from the adults
they’re travelling with should be a powerful deterrent to anyone who cares
about the welfare and safety of those children.
We should not be afraid to continue the practice. Separating those children from those adults may
make for heart-wrenching video, but it’s often in the best interests of the
The bigger problem is continually waffling on how we enforce
our immigration laws. It’s the perpetual ambiguity that encourages more illegal
As harsh as this sounds, highly publicized zero tolerance is
the only answer.
We can’t leave any doubt about what will happen. It needs to
be crystal clear that you simply can’t cross our border illegally. I say turn back at the border anyone trying
to cross illegally – adults with children, pregnant mothers, unaccompanied
minors, whoever – and particularly anyone faking demands for asylum when
they’ve already been offered asylum elsewhere.
Like Mexico. Which many of them were.
Illegals already here screwed the pooch and diminished any
compassion I might have had.
They’ve done this by demanding rights they don’t have and
don’t deserve. They’ve forged documents to get benefits to which they are not
entitled. They’ve belied their real feelings about assimilating into America by
insisting we must adapt to them, not they to us.
They see no need to learn English, or to
follow our laws, and many of them publicly and openly mock us for thinking we can ever kick them
out. That's chutzpah.
Which prompts me to ask: Who the Hell do they think they are?
Spineless Republicans are too afraid to deal with this. They’re
afraid Hispanics will not vote for them if we actually enforce our immigration laws.
Hispanics here illegally won’t, of course.
But maybe Republicans should talk to Hispanics other than
bullshit-artist activists like Jorge Ramos, Congressman Luis V. GutiƩrrez, the
propagandists in the media, and others.
Any number of recent polls show that a majority of Hispanics
here legally, especially immigrants who went through the legal process to
become citizens, are opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal
immigrants, and support cracking down on illegal immigration. Almost 74% are
opposed to sanctuary city laws that protect violent illegals from
And here’s why: they think too many illegal immigrants are
gaming the system, burdening public schools, draining public assistance
programs, reducing wages, and taking jobs away from citizens. They can’t
understand why people who come here illegally should be praised and given a
pass for no other reason than they refused to respect and follow our
immigration laws.
Doubt this? Talk to some Hispanics who are US citizens or
in the process of becoming one. They’re fed up, too. Many want the border wall as much as Trump and a lot of other Americans,
for many of the same reasons.
It’s not about race, to them; it’s about fairness and equal
justice under the law.
We need to fix our immigration system, that’s true. But when
we start the process, we need to put the priority on equal justice and fairness to our own
citizens first.
There’s absolutely no reason to give
preferential treatment to any illegal immigrants.