
It's time for a reality check ...

Maybe we’ve reached the point of diminishing astonishment.

But I suspect that much of what we’re hammered with every day really doesn’t make much of an impact on most of us anymore. We’ve heard the same stories too often. We’ve been exposed to the same issues for so long without any meaningful resolution. We recognize that reality is rapidly becoming malleable, primarily in the hands of whoever has the biggest microphone. How else can we explain a society where myth asserts itself as reality, based entirely how many hits it gets online?

We know that many of the “issues” as defined are pure crapola, hyped by politicians on both sides pandering to “the will of the people,” which is still more crapola. Inevitably, it’s not the will of all the people they reflect, but the will of relatively small groups of people with disproportionate political influence.

Nobody wants to face up to the realities of the issues. Nobody wants to say what’s right or wrong – even when it’s obvious and there are numbers to back it up. Most of us are afraid to bring up the realities for fear of being accused of being insensitive or downright mean.

So we say nothing. Until now.

It’s time for a reality check on the fundamentals – much of which is common knowledge to many of us, already. But it might be comforting to know you are not alone …

Monday, April 29, 2013

I’m really tired of all the “victims”

I’ve been wrestling with isolating the cause of my growing sense of frustration with America as it exists today, and where it is apparently heading.

Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one.  I think there are simply too many things going wrong.   And I think a lot of us are losing patience.  I know I am. 

The population is increasingly ”needy” – not in the sense that they are truly in need, but like some long ago significant other who made increasingly unreasonable demands to test your affection and see how far they could push you.  That kind of needy.  The really annoying kind.  The kind that made you eventually wake up, cut your losses and dump their nagging, whiney ass and never look back.  

Well folks, once again it’s time to cut our losses.  I’ll get us started.   

The plight of single mothers …

I don’t want to hear another sob story about the plight of the single mother of four trying to make ends meet with a minimum-wage job because she dropped out of school at 15.  I’m all full up on that crap. 

Why don’t they ever take some responsibility for their own actions?  Why do we get stuck with the responsibility for the consequences of their stupid actions?  We had nothing to do with those bone-headed decisions.    

I mean, it’s not like anyone can’t grasp that dropping out of school at 15 means future legitimate job opportunities for you are likely minimum wage.    Or that having a baby when you’re 15 or even younger practically guarantees a life of poverty for you and the child.  Is there anyone really that dumb who doesn’t understand this?    

Of course not.  They know exactly what they are doing.  And they expect the rest of society to step up and pick up the load for them.  They are now “victims.”  Somehow it’s our fault and as such our responsibility.    

Well society didn’t get them pregnant.  Poverty and poor job prospects didn’t get them pregnant.  Somebody they know pretty well did.  In almost every case they got pregnant the old-fashioned way – they got laid because they wanted to and had unprotected sex.   Odds are, they wanted to get pregnant and knew full well how to get that way.   

Sperm met egg and voila – there was a baby.  Mystery solved. 

But then many of them – far too many – have proceeded to bring more children into this world via various “fathers”  with nary a care about how to support these kids, who would take care of them, and who would protect them. 

Let’s be brutally honest – most of these repeat baby mommas don’t deserve our sympathy.  We wouldn’t give a damn about them if there weren’t children involved.  And in many cases they didn’t give a damn about those kids before they had them and don’t care that much about them now.  

Except to use them as hostages.   Yeah, that’s right … hostages. 

The implied threat is that if we don’t give them more money for food, their children will starve, because they are sure as Hell not going to sacrifice anything to feed their own children.  They aren’t about to give up any of the things they enjoy to take care of their kids.  That’s our job. 

If we don’t provide their kids with free food for breakfast and lunch – and now even dinner –at school their kids won’t have anything to eat.  If we don’t provide daycare, Head Start and after-school programs they’ll just turn their kids loose to roam the streets.  If we don’t subsidize their rent, they and their children will be homeless.    If we don’t help them pay their heating bills, their children will freeze to death.  If we don’t pay for their kids’ insurance, they won’t get any medical care.

It never ends.  They use their kids to demand more and more special treatment or their children will suffer.  It won’t be their fault, of course, but society’s, if those kids suffer. 

WTF is with these people?  Why do we put up with this?  Look, if you are not going to take care of the kids you produce, then let’s take those kids away.  Can foster care and adoption programs be any worse than living with people who see children as no more than a paycheck and social inconvenience?

And let’s seriously consider preventing these irresponsible, thoughtless breeders from creating more hostages.  Yes, that sounds harsh but you know in your heart of hearts they should not be allowed to reproduce at will like feral cats, especially since they have no intention of raising and protecting their offspring.  It’s not fair to those children.  It’s not fair to society.

We take away the licenses of people who demonstrate that they can’t be trusted to operate a car responsibly.  Yet we allow people who clearly demonstrate that they can’t be trusted to take care of a houseplant or a pet – much less another human being – to continue to produce children who are the most vulnerable among us.     

Shame on us, the culture, and politicians for not dealing with the source of the problem.   

But wait, there’s more …

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A squatter’s mentality is that possession alone gives them rights.  The longer they have possession of something – rightly or wrongly – the more legitimate and unassailable they believe their claim is.  

I find this attitude becoming more pervasive in America every day.  You see it everywhere.  It’s as if there’s some unspecified statute of limitations that applies to everything – after a certain time, you’re entitled to keep whatever forever, whether that’s a benefit, a job, or even citizenship.    

Someone comes here illegally, either by sneaking over the border, or overstaying a visa.  Apparently, the longer they remain here without being caught, the less illegal they are.  In fact, if they smuggled their children in at the same time, those children are increasingly entitled to the benefits of full citizenship, and in some cases offered preferential tuition rates when they’re ready for college. 

Explain to me how that works.  You’re here illegally.  Your kids are here illegally.  And yet there’s no penalty – and actually greater sympathy – the longer you’ve been breaking our laws? 

Am I the only one who is stunned when illegal immigrants brazenly march in the streets – openly proclaiming with signs and banners that they are here illegally – and nothing happens?   These folks are hardly “living in the shadows.”  They’re proudly – and quite publicly – defying our laws.

And for some unknown reason they’re getting away with it.  It’s probably because public sentiment in this country is moving generally toward accepting a squatter mentality as valid.

In many of the Latin American countries, if you’re caught crossing their border illegally you’re not deported much less praised.  You go to prison.  Here, you get a free bus ride back across the border and what amounts to a “better-luck-next-time” admonition.   

But if you manage to avoid getting caught for a few years, you’ll probably get a pass. 

The squatter movement – and attitude – goes well beyond illegal immigrants.  Everybody feels entitled to keep what they have, no matter how they got it or if the reason for keeping it has changed.

For years, railroads had “firemen” ostensibly paid to shovel coal into locomotives that no longer used coal, and other silly positions that were maintained long past their need.  But unions fought hard to keep those positions alive, simply because eliminating those useless jobs would be “unfair” to long-time beneficiaries of this featherbedding. 

In Philadelphia, the city is trying to close and consolidate school buildings for the simple reason that most of those are underutilized, overstaffed for the student population they serve, and the city can’t afford to maintain them.  Parents and teachers are demanding that these schools – and the jobs that go with them – be “saved.”  Other unions are also in a tizzy that some custodial and school nurse jobs might be lost.  The principal argument is not that those jobs or schools are necessary but that the schools have always been there, those jobs have always been there, and no one has the right to change that.  It would be “unfair.” 

In Pennsylvania, we have perhaps the worst state liquor store system in the country.  Nobody likes it, except perhaps Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, and devout Muslims.  Imagine if the old Soviet Union ran the liquor stores in your state with clerks who couldn’t be fired.  That will give you an idea of the ambiance of our typical state store.  It’s a monopoly and acts like one.  Don’t like the selection?  Too bad.  Can’t find what you want?  Too bad.  There are big fines for buying liquor or wine in a surrounding state – at retail or online – and bringing it into Pennsylvania.  So you’re stuck. 

Beer comes through an entirely different system – privately held “beer distributors” typically family-owned and operated for generations.  And fiercely protected by state politicians.   

While some of you may live in states where you can buy beer to go pretty much 24/7 by the six-pack at a 7-11, in a grocery store, or even by the bottle or can at some places, that’s not how it works here.  In Pennsylvania you can buy up to two six packs to go at a tavern, or beer by the case or a keg at a beer distributor, but you can’t buy three six packs of beer at one time anywhere.  It’s all done to protect entrenched interests – tavern owners and beer distributors. 

Until 2005, beer distributors weren’t open on Sundays and only then were they “permitted” to open between noon and 5PM.   In 2011, they were allowed to be open from 9AM to 9PM. 

Why did it take so long to get Sunday hours? Well it sure wasn’t because consumers were opposed.   It was fierce lobbying by beer distributors to maintain the status quo.   

For years, the public has been clamoring to get the state store system dismantled and move toward a more rational system for selling beer and wine.  Finally, some brave politicians are trying to do that.  The opposition is intense:  the retail clerks union says 20,000 state store workers would lose their jobs; beer distributors claim their family businesses would go under if grocery stores and big-box outlets like Costco were able to sell beer.

They are both correct.  There would be job losses in the state store system and more competition that might force beer distributors to adapt or die.     

So here’s the big question:  Who cares?

Jobs come and go in other industries and businesses all the time.  You may have noticed it's hard to find a blacksmith anymore, and you don't see block ice trucks delivering to homes, either.  Change happens.  

Plus, competition usually benefits the consumer in the form of lower prices and better service.  Why are these folks special and somehow immune?  It’s not like they’ve been doing a great job. 

Since when do we owe either the state store workers or the beer distributors anything?  How is the general buying public somehow responsible for keeping them in business?  

Apparently, it’s part of the same squatter attitude – the clerks have had these union jobs with guaranteed government pensions and benefits for years and the distributors have had a stranglehold on beer for years.  They “own” these things simply by virtue of longevity.  Nobody – not even the public paying their salaries and buying their goods – has the right to upset the comfy, protected little world they’ve always enjoyed. 

Forget that any decent state store clerk who knew anything about what they were selling would probably find another job in a private liquor store. Or that they’ve offered beer distributors the right to sell liquor and wine as well.  That’s not what this is about – it’s about losing the guarantee they have now of not having to compete.  Making them do so is “unfair.” 

And that’s the key argument by squatters everywhere.  I have it.  I keep it.  Forever.  To make me give it up or change it – regardless of the reason why – means you are heartless, cruel and uncaring.  How can any decent human being take away what I have and make me suffer?  Do you not have any shame about how this will affect me and my family? 

It’s always about them.  That’s how squatters think. 

Then there are “entitlements” – the mother’s milk of squatterdom.  But that’s a topic for another day.